Star Emperor Tyrant

Chapter 991: Magic gold lost

After being rejected by the marshal again, the adjutant began to not speak.

He couldn't think of other ways.

The Marshal was also pacing back and forth anxiously at this moment.

"Marshal, this is a distress call from Planet Fourth. This is the twenty-seventh time. Their situation is critical. The security forces are fighting the enemy's streets, but they are not enough to face the enemy's huge number of warships. , The beaten head can't be lifted. These star thief are so fierce that they kill even the common people. Now the fourth planet is completely messed up."

A signal soldier didn't report at all, so he rushed in and said loudly.

And at this moment, the Marshal heard such words, he didn't even need to think about it, knowing that the fourth planet must be covered with corpses at this moment, with blood flowing everywhere.

"It doesn't matter, order the guards of the third planet to provide support. Be sure to drag the group of star thief, and absolutely not allow them to attack the people unscrupulously!"

The air-blocking particles cannot be removed. This is the Marshal’s bottom line. It is also for the safety of the entire capital area. The Royal Fleet is responsible for the safety of the entire royal family. It cannot be acted rashly, nor can he be mobilized. Under the current circumstances , He can only mobilize the fleet of the third planet with less influence.

"Yes! Marshal, I'm going to order!"

The adjutant spoke quickly.

No one saw it. The moment he turned around, there was a hint of conspiracy in his eyes.

Soon, the guards of the third planet broke through the sky and went straight to the fourth planet.

In a factory on the third planet, a troop seems to be arranged, and when the guard leaves the third planet, it begins to move towards the North Pole.

They mainly consist of small troop carriers and five black metal mechas. They move quickly, without the slightest sloppy movement.

Soon after, they found the secret base, released the electromagnetic weapons that prevented communication, interfered with all communication signals, and immediately launched an offensive. Under the opening of the five mysterious mechas, the troops attacked swiftly and continuously broke through. The enemy's layer-by-layer defense, without the cooperation of the opponent's warships, could not withstand their attack at all, but within a quarter of an hour, this unit had already penetrated into the depths of the base and obtained the magic gold.

After getting the magic gold, this unit did not have the slightest love for battle, and evacuated directly.

After a long time, the survivors in the base finally dispelled the interference of electromagnetic weapons and contacted the headquarters.

"Marshal, the secret base on the third planet was attacked, and the magic gold was taken away!"

A signal soldier hurriedly reported the news he had just received to the Marshal Hui.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

The marshal's face turned green when he heard the news.

"Returning to the marshal, according to reports from the surviving soldiers at the Arctic Base on the third planet, less than a quarter of an hour after their guards left, a force attacked them. The firepower of the opponent was so fierce that they couldn't resist it. It broke through the defense of the base and snatched the magic gold!"


The marshal scolded.

At this moment, he finally understood the reason for this inexplicable battle. The enemy's goal was magic gold!

This was something he hadn't expected in advance. If he knew this earlier, he would never transfer the frigate of the third planet's Arctic base. It was because he was knocked out by the enemy's sudden attack and fainted, let alone the devil. Jin's information has been leaked out.

The fundamental purpose of this series of actions of the enemy is to divert the convoy of the third planet and then win the magic gold in one fell swoop.

Once the magic gold is lost, I am afraid that the Star Pirates of the fourth planet will also start to run away soon.

The Marshal thought of this, and indeed there was a signalling report. The Star Thief left half of his casualties and started to run.

"You don't need to chase the star thief, immediately mobilize the **** fleet to return to the third planet and block the third planet. Without my order, Xu Jin is not allowed to go out. A thorough investigation of the third planet is absolutely not allowed to lose magic gold. Immediately, immediately!"

"Yes! Marshal!"

"Order the peripheral armies to immediately deploy the entire capital area, and absolutely not allow the star thief to run away. They will be chased and intercepted. They must be caught, otherwise all the army commanders responsible for the arrest will be dismissed!"

"Yes! Marshal!"

After several messengers had gone down, the marshal looked at the adjutant and said: "From now on, you will lead the direct guards of the headquarters to investigate all the officials who have been on irregular vacations, training, and dispatching troops this time. One is one, one is one. No matter how high their official title is, and they dare to collude with the enemy, none of these evils can be let go. Capture them all, I want to live!"

"Marshal don't worry, I understand, I promise to complete the task!"

The adjutant immediately gave a standard military salute, then turned and left.

After the initial panic, the Marshal had already reacted. This time the enemy's main target was magic gold, and the action of the Star Thieves group was just to attract the troops of the third planet.

During this process, countless officers from the Kuanglan Empire were cooperating. When I thought of this, the Marshal had a look of iron ~ This was simply a face-slapped face, leaving nothing for the Kuanglan Empire. Face.

For many years, there has never been a star thief group able to enter the hinterland of the Kuanglan Empire's capital circle, but this time, the other party not only came, but also came very easily, without any inspection, any obstruction, or any omen!

There are so many forces and people involved in this, the Marshal feels shocked when he thinks about it.

He didn't know how to explain it to Emperor Kuang Lan at the moment.

Although the fourth planet's casualty report and property damage report have not yet been released, he already has a hunch that it will be a huge number, so large that even if he is a marshal, it is difficult to deal with each other.

"Marshal, the emperor invites you to go to the palace to report on the situation of this battle!"

Sure enough, it didn't take long for soldiers in uniforms only available to the Royal Guard to find him.

The capital star of the Crazy Lan Empire is the second-class planet of this star system. It is an earth-like planet. Above it is the imperial palace and the empire's major families, various high-ranking officials and consortia, and the place where the rich live.

The environment is beautiful and magnificent, and it is the political, economic, and cultural center of the entire Kuanglan Empire.

The importance of this place is no less than the secret base of the third planet. It can be said that if a few people die here, the entire empire will be hit by three shocks. Those who live here do not have enough identities, and it is impossible to be on the capital star. After living, especially the relatives and relatives of the emperor, almost all of them are on the stars of the capital.

The high consumption here will scare every poor person who steps into it, and the whole planet is filled with a noble, elegant, and rich atmosphere.

This is also the reason why the Marshal dare not apply for the use of the Royal Guard even if there is a problem in the capital area. The significance of protecting the capital star is above all else! If the capital star is attacked, then the entire empire will be shaken.

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