Star Empire

Chapter 333 “System” and “Accessories”

"Your Majesty, we promise that we will do our best to carry out the will and code of the Watcher Council."

"But Your Majesty, everyone in the Observer Council does not want your reports to be full of vague and evasive sentences, nor do you want your staff to just record all that empty and boring. The essence of making these observations is To learn, to be able to gain valuable knowledge and try to use it to your advantage.”

"So Your Majesty, there is no way such a thing can achieve great results in a short period of time."

"We are moving forward all the time, and historical iterations are becoming thicker and thicker every moment. Among the countless divergent possibilities, we cannot let our entities spread across every possibility."

"Before making every choice, check all possibilities within the specified range. If there is no better result then, just do it according to your choice. The future may get better, but that is the future - don't Because the illusion of the unknown delays the decision of the present and reality.”

"The empire will be as prepared as possible, and all people and things must also be prepared for everything - including sacrifices."

"The weights are not equal. This is a real reality. For civilized superorganisms, if necessary, sacrifices within the civilization can be regarded as necessary. If everything is irreversible, then no matter what the outside world may be, Whatever comes, should be accepted. This is the rule among the echelons of existence."

"But everything in the past and this precious opportunity now give us the space to set the bottom line weaving rules again. Everything should not be cheap, they are not empty quantities, there are real stories behind them. We learn from lessons and bloodshed Stand up, we need to get some ideas."

"If we can't do it, then all accidents should be remembered. They will reflect our limitations and even incompetence, and they will constantly urge us to change the part of ourselves that is not suitable for the current environment."

“…Don’t take too big a step. Success doesn’t happen overnight, and every step should not be ignored.”

“…Attitudes change so dramatically…Why have such drastic changes and differences been made in decisions over time?”

"Because the past has taught us enough profound lessons...and we have not completely reversed the basis for all our practices and all our views, and we have not set too many restrictions - we have not stuck to our words."

"At the same time... Your Majesty, we have also studied it many times - this is in line with our current development concept of "information potential". When the basic elements of existence are born from the void and spontaneously combine into actual macroscopic order bodies, they There will always be their corresponding "development direction clusters", which we name as potential. And for us now, it is far less difficult to gradually transform blockade and aggregation into multiple openings than to transform openness into restraint and closure... Counter trend It will cost more to act, and it may be harder to succeed.”

"Your Majesty Vidoville, as an ordinary research team leader, I do not recommend that you directly ask us these specific questions like this - on the one hand, all the results have been made public on the Internet, and you can access them at will. On the other hand, this approach also puts too much pressure on us. Finally, I am just a research team leader under a department of the empire. I can only give you suggestions about my field. I am here with you. Just like asking me questions across the network of authority, if I give you suggestions and opinions outside the field of research, then I will also exceed my authority."


"...It seems...that it is indeed true. But when the authority system clearly divides and determines the scope of responsibilities, obligations and powers, it should not become an obstacle to the exchange of information between each other. Cavinrel, Dornier, this It is a type of hidden possibility. This possibility has not been considered at present and in the foreseeable future. However, such possibilities still need to be paid attention to to avoid over-determination of the "iron law of information flow"."

"We will pass on the requirements and the currently determined environmental parameters to the relevant departments. But Your Majesty Victorville, you and us do this. It may also fundamentally affect the overall application of the permission network. We are still in the process of recovery. stage--"

"Among countless possibilities, we can only choose one."

". Indeed, there are some realities that are difficult to bypass. No matter what kind of analysis we can make now, how detailed and comprehensive we can consider everything, as long as we are still progressing and developing, and still adding new results to ourselves, as long as We have accumulated to a certain stage, and when we look at the past, we always feel that we might have had better choices at that time. But even if we have changed our past, we have completely reset the reality of all the historical iteration technologies that have been integrated into the reality plane. and strength, it would be too dangerous and difficult. And, we might lose the courage to choose a direction.”

"In fact, we can find that many times, our actual development path is chaotic. It can only show a general direction in a huge "cluster." Many times, what we can do is not modify the past shortcomings and The mistake is about how we can use superior technology and power to stop losses and new shortcomings before they arrive. On this aspect, I don’t know what conclusion our History Department will draw.”

For the current empire, it is moving towards the next stage - after experiencing the most violent blows, the most tragic casualties, and the most critical twists and turns, the empire finally regains a sense of clarity and tries to stand up from the ancient ruins. rise.

The painful lessons of the past and some of the empire's own decisions have caused the empire to lose most of its rationality and knowledge. Even though it has powerful power and a technological level that is still arrogant enough to surpass countless worlds, the life of the empire and the empire itself cannot even maintain the most basic normal living conditions. It can't be sorted out - it's even like the most fragile cub.

The empire spent perhaps hundreds of millions of years, using a large amount of resources and manpower, exhausting all guesses and ideas, starting from all phenomena and possibilities inside and outside the world, and began to re-examine the laws of interaction between information and the impact of these laws on The impact of reality.

In the past time, these works have spread across all areas of the empire, from everyone's life trajectory and actions at every moment, to the stellar wind of the Void Sun that may cross the void. The empire, or the things that make up the empire, are countless. Under the leadership of the ancient "ancestral existence", the lives gathered to form a directional force. This group tried to study and understand the phenomena and events that they encountered all the time in their daily lives, and how they should face them.

It can be said that by now, these basic researches have been completed. But for the entire empire, these studies are "basic" - their existence is like the cornerstone. They are combined with each other to build a more magnificent and glorious tower, but there is no doubt that this "stack" “It can’t be simple, and it’s even harder to achieve overnight.

A detail, a change in part of the understanding, or the application of a part of a new technology, the fields they may affect may be diverse - and the simplest example is the impact on the change in the understanding of the soul.

First of all, whether there is a soul or not, the standards used to be quite complicated and vague. For the Empire, as long as the Empire is willing, anything created can have self-enclosed perception and self-knowledge, and their bodies can also Consistent with ordinary intelligent life.

Previously, it seemed difficult to tell how such existences were different from life, and they were previously ruled to have no souls. In fact, most of them should be said to come from the empire's "basic habits."

But now, it has become more clear and direct for the empire to confirm the existence of souls based on the presence or absence of soul projections within a special virtual information interval. Some of the observation records of the empire itself show that the presence or absence of this projection is actually not without impact. If some weapons and application equipment are based on this, they may have unexpected effects, and this projection can be said to be quite widely used. ——The Void Sky Survey Radar has observed that in the civilizations recorded by the Empire, all life forms also have this projection.

Properly utilizing the details and possible expanded content, it may have unique value.

In a certain corner of the world, space is constantly being elevated, and more and more information is needed to determine where a point is now. In the distant depths of space, the center of the world, the world circuit that has restored some of its functions has always invested more computing resources and total information in this area.

The possibilities are no longer just empty choices. With the activation of the powerful crystal energy/arcane/white matter reactor specially prepared for the experiment and the corresponding broadcast array, the background information here has become endless and rich, and it is like a fertile soil. , and the timeline and possibilities are growing rapidly here, like a life in full bloom. There is no longer only one timeline, and historical iterations no longer correspond to a single goal. More points of divergence no longer extend in one direction. They are constantly expanding like a broken mirror, and each fragment can reflect the mysterious and complex. The light and shadow - that is light and shadow, false and true.

"The complexity of the space-time background is increasing. The concentration and total degree of information are increasing at a rate that exceeds the iteration of the 2-exponential tower. Please complete the experiment quickly, otherwise the space-time structure in this interval will collapse on its own due to the inability to maintain the computing power."

"Understood, the target has been activated, start tracking."

Inside the complex and mysterious space-time structure, the distorted and bizarre light and shadow outline the majesty of countless temporary world lines imprisoned here colliding with each other. Countless groups of information contain different "potentials", they are superimposed together, and they are guided in different ways and in different directions of development.

A small battleship got into it. This special ship is equipped with the Empire's newly manufactured shipboard computer. While testing the stability and limits of the computer's own computing capabilities, this target ship is also providing support for other experiments. Now, it needs to delve into the most complex and chaotic depths of this space-time structure as much as possible, using countless overlapping timelines and overlapping world lines to obscure its "target position" in this world.

Thousands of light-years away, a final model of the ancient truth-class conventional mothership activated its own locking system, and the specially modulated crystal energy waves slowly spanned all the time and space details inside the huge and complex space-time structure.

Different from finding and locking targets in normal space-time, within such a space-time structure, any small changes in a target may involve countless variables. If locked in a normal way, then no matter for the shipboard system, As for the locking method, the difficulty will be ten or even dozens of orders of magnitude higher - that is not a problem that can be easily solved by simply "improving performance".

"Confirm that the target has attributes, the tracking is enhanced, and the relevant three-rank points are synchronously reflected... The attribute locking system is in good working condition, the target has been locked, and the current additional accessories of the crystal energy main gun are activated: discrete state attack intensity controllable accessories, main gun attack Mode: Increasing intensity.”

On the "front end" of the slender and glorious ship body, on the surface of the dim crystal energy shield, free activated crystal energy light spots began to condense, and a moving "little sun" close to the shield was lit. The pale golden light spanned space from the perspective of the empire, penetrated into the complex space-time structure, and hit the small ship that was still jumping and dodging in the timeline and high-dimensional space with almost no delay. .

"It is confirmed that the extraordinary properties of crystal energy that are integrated into tracking capabilities and identification of friend or foe after conventional modulation still hold true. High-frequency crystal energy can span large space-time structures that are far more complex than the ordinary world and maintain its properties beyond the limitations of the internal rules of the ordered world."

"But it still needs to be doubted: if faced with a truly infinite space-time line in the strict sense, whether this property can still remain valid. At present, we can determine that crystal energy has a "level" equivalent to the world itself by summarizing some of its properties, but It is not yet clear whether the idea of ​​limiting information rank induction actually corresponds to a source of rank specificity.”

"In other words, we are not yet completely clear why similar extraordinary energies are extraordinary, and at what point they are more advanced than everything in the world. In other words, if there is truly endless time and space, infinite dimensions and infinite timeline world lines are in the space-time structure The inside of the body is completely overlapped, how the crystal energy will interact with it... we don't know yet."

"The calculation burden on the small battleship's on-board computer has increased - the shield readings have been transmitted, and the frequency of interaction of special marked crystal energy is stable."

"The strength of the truth-class main gun has been increased, and testing continues."

Inside the world, the brightness of the little sun began to increase. In the range where its existence could be partially detected, it became brighter and dazzling, but its "size" was the same as before. In other ranges, this The bright golden light is almost too weak to be noticed - this shows that its unnecessary but unavoidable dissipation of existence attributes has been further weakened.

Inside the ship, in the expanded and activated space, a series of complex crystal systems surround the firing ports of the main guns. They maintain contact with the battleship's computing host and constantly adjust the properties and operational possibilities of the modulated crystal energy. In terms of nature, they may be similar to various lenses and prisms that modulate light, except that they are used to modulate and confine crystal energy, so their own structure and effectiveness are far more complex than the various general modulation media in the world. But essentially, there are still similarities between them.

Inside the space-time structure, the shield record readings of the attacked small battleship began to rise rapidly. The special crystal energy targets modulated by the two parties agreed in advance and devoured each other and annihilated each other. The readings caused by this were recorded by the sensors and reported to the processing network.

"Self-discipline system report - confirmed that the target annihilation is proceeding normally, the target's external crystal energy shield and the ship's hull are in stable operation, the ship's external monitoring system shows that the surrounding space and environment have not suffered serious damage, and the overall non-directional damage is under control interval, the annihilation frequency has reached its peak, confirming that the identification friend or foe system is working well. The ship's navigation system is stable, the internal environment of this space-time structure can be analyzed, and the shipboard computer output is approaching the extreme threshold."

"Stop testing, all test-related equipment and personnel evacuate the marked area, the world loop always begins to cut the relevant space-time structure, and begins to detect the void devouring process of the relevant space-time structure and record it."

"Using the SCFLG-XM-9 star-level battle fortress and the Farlooker and Monitor-class reconnaissance ships as carriers to undertake fleet combat-type void survey radars. Such a combination did not exist in the old era. This is a brand-new combination method. ." Another testing ground. Due to environmental needs, Eskett personally led the team to the testing ground to provide support for the environment. Due to the testing needs, a new local area network was temporarily formed from the network structure. In this local area network, The "Void Map" compiled based on the relative differences between countless worlds displays all the information about this experiment.

In the void, the order field supported by the fleet blocks out the all-devouring darkness. Within the order field, the fleet, which contains the Star Control Fortress as a carrier of new technologies and a large number of newly modified special ships, is forming a matrix map to establish The ultimate communication network. Facing such a scene, Eskett felt a little familiar and a little..."touched".

"As far as I know, the void survey radar is a powerful scanning device of the empire. It is indeed important that they have related functions, but the existence of the narrative network is more important." Eskett confirmed to the surrounding nodes:

"The main reason why the narrative network can screen the stories behind the weak information fluctuations in the void is due to its own structure - the void survey radar records the stories, and the narrative network is composed of countless void survey radars, they are like It is a cluster of countless observers who describe a story from different angles. It is precisely from the common narration of the same story from countless angles that this story can ultimately be considered infinitely close to accurate and complete."

"But for the fleet, even if a fleet is equipped with a positional void survey radar and a ship-based extended information capture radar, their ability to analyze the "story" behind the target is far weaker than the narrative network. Have you found any relevant information? solutions or other applications?”

"Yes, Your Majesty. We have enhanced our analytical capabilities by further adjusting the fleet matrix's survey radar narrative capture points. At the same time, our use of this radar system is not to completely replace the current very high frequency non-linear scanning radar within the fleet, but To complement them."

The leaders and commanders present have long understood that their rulers seem to prefer to exchange information in this slightly ritualistic but cumbersome way.

There is no problem, and the efficiency will not drop unacceptably because of this.

"Today, VHF nonlinear scanning radar arrays can still capture target information across the void, but their efficiency has dropped significantly. If the target deflects in the void too fast, our radar system will suffer from the calculations caused by the expanded range. The load has increased sharply and is overloaded." The corresponding node responded quickly.

"In the past, such targets could only be eliminated with more violent means, but in many cases, the connection between such targets and us was too weak. Before the chain process caused by narrative destruction completely spreads, this mapping connection may If the target is bombed first, we will completely lose the target. If there is such a supplementary radar array for range constraint, our VHF radar will not have to continuously scan "all intervals" around us, and its related computational burden will also be large. The magnitude is reduced.”

"What you and your team need to do now is to monitor the flow of crystal energy in the crystal energy reactor group of Zhenxing Fortress and remotely suppress it before it gets out of control."

"We used crystal energy as much as possible to restore the power source needed to drive the void survey radar. The void survey radar itself requires a considerable amount of energy to maintain operation. We had to transform the entire Star Control Fortress, remove most of the weapon systems and transform They have become a source of power. In the foreseeable future, they may be difficult to put into practical application, but there is no problem as a reserve of technology and guiding ideas.”

"Then let's start the experiment." Eskett agreed.

"Check the stability of all detection systems within the test site for the last time. After the inspection is completed, all irrelevant personnel and irrelevant equipment will be evacuated within the specified time. All fuse systems and hardware systems will undergo final self-inspection and confirmation, and the boundary structures of the test site will begin to activate fuses Isolate, after all detection processes are completed, start the relevant test main process!"

The fleet in the Order Field first activated the first set of "eyes" it often uses - the very high frequency non-linear scanning radar array. The targets they want to capture, a series of small warships that have been maneuvered and upgraded, have adjusted their shield frequencies and suppressed their "expression intensity". They jump in the void, pass through countless world barriers and void intervals, and continuously Performing a variety of maneuvers that would now be considered "transcendence maneuvers". Soon, their figures began to become blurred, and the VHF nonlinear scanning radar showed that the detection range was beginning to approach the threshold.

"Start the void survey radar and start tracking."

The order was issued, and the second set of "eyes" of the fleet was also activated in the order field. The Zhenxing Fortress as the experimental body has been greatly modified. Each hexagram of the third-order sphere as its main body has been dug out with a huge arc notch to carry the void survey radar, which has a span of tens of millions. A vast arc of kilometers. Under the notch, a powerful power pack and calculation array are buried to support the operation of the radar.

After the order was given, they had completed the ignition process and slowly spread out their own paper waiting to tell the story. Using the characteristics of ripples generated by information fluctuations as brush strokes, they wrote down the story and analyzed the various possibilities.

The invisible line of sight spans several giant anti-satellite rings orbiting the main star outside the Zhenxing Fortress, bypasses thousands of shepherd satellites orbiting the main star in different orbits, throws away the countless ships and order fields of the fleet matrix, and they sweep Through the unknown void, countless pairs of eyes tracked their bodies based on the remaining traces and clues, guessing, deducing and finally recording the stories and possibilities.

"Capture the relevant signals and determine the target range. The scanning radar reduces the scanning range and enhances the frequency. After further determining the accuracy, we conduct intelligence calibration with the Fleet Narrative Network."

"The target has been re-locked. It can be determined that the solution of two sets of radars to capture targets that change their position representation in the void at high speed is feasible."

"The instability of the main reactor of Zhenxing Fortress has increased, and the stability of the crystal energy of special frequencies has decreased. Reduce the output bandwidth and prepare to terminate the test alarm! The degree of instability exceeds the limit! It exceeds the limit! All fringe fleets evade urgently and be prepared to sacrifice. !Your Majesty, I need your strength!!”

"The corresponding amplification system of the Amps Strike Spear has partially restored its function, the directional multiplication mirror and the restraint facility technology, and can be re-corresponded to the relevant hull research."

"Strike Spear is used to carry out high-intensity range strikes against large-scale targets and carry out critical operations against ultra-high-intensity targets. If the equipment warships that need to take care of other tasks are removed, the Strike Lance can be said to be the only one, and we will consider continuing it in the future. Mass-produced ultra-high-strength offensive weapons can be said to be one of the few, and may even be the only weapon currently necessary to increase its destructive power without limit. After adding focusing accessories and multiplication mirrors, its destructive power is even as high as the order field itself. It is difficult to afford it. The order field itself must be used as the media carrier. It is really rare to fuse attack information sources from outside the order field."

"5-2-1-oy4845332, on the one hand, you are also responsible for related projects, and on the other hand, you are also a consultant for the empire's future inheritance department. Some of the relevant parts will inevitably be included in the next version of the empire's guidance. This How's that part of your plan going?"

"If this part only summarizes its meaning on the surface, it should be said to be simple. First of all, as functional units to achieve design goals, that is, to realize the needs of civilization, they need to consider self-consistency from the current limit of their own functions. It is bound to be limited, but the void has infinite possibilities, and any complex environment or dangerous environment may appear. If a battleship only determines its design indicators based on the current environment, then these indicators may soon become outdated."

"Therefore, as a core unit, it needs to be self-consistent on the one hand, but it must also ensure that its core functions have scalability. And the important components that stimulate those scalability are these accessories that can be disassembled and assembled at will."

"However, this also includes more complex parts - for example, small and medium-sized warships are now also beginning to try to develop accessories or new algorithms. The content of these parts may be more concerned with the fact that these warships do not constitute a defense against giant fractures. When bringing a super fleet that is only needed for unknown super-large targets, they and the small fleets they form may need to expand their functions - for example, they need to be specifically targeted at chaotic time and space that may contain a large amount of extraordinary information or activation information. It is necessary to deal with conceptual and nomological enemies that occasionally appear, etc.”

"The environment is ever-changing. The stability of most environments does not mean that chaos does not exist. And if those small fleets are trapped in some battlefields with weird and complicated environments, then those accessories can provide more protection for their safety. After all, the void It seems that no "should be so" can be derived from the environment. It is too impossible to just hope that the environment will always operate according to your own wishes, and that the environment will always support your independent design to take effect without encountering accidents. And no matter how fast the support is, , I’m afraid it’s not as good as my ability to handle it.”

"Regardless of their original design and goals, they should be prepared for the unexpected."

"About this. It should be because we are currently making choices based on this idea, right? We will finally make relevant decisions? I mean, if we choose other slightly extreme ideas, we may choose to specialize in precise functions and queues. Establishment and no-delay support for catheter technology?”

"That's right. After all, it's okay to blur some functions and make them expandable like we are doing now. Instead of expanding the functions, they just specialize in their designed goals and achieve the overall operation through more units with different functions. In essence, whether they are stable or not, they all serve the essential purpose of technology achieving its goals - as long as we can come up with what we have prepared in any way and accomplish the goal when we need it, then no matter what we do No matter how we do it, it’s not a failure. It’s just that now, we need to think more about other environmental-related aspects.”

"Indeed, we now need to consider the bottom line of the empire, but this is also very good. At least for me, it adds some daily challenges and fun. As for disasters and fault zones that come directly from the void, they are still less The better.”

Outside the observation site, the "white-hot" order field is becoming stable.

To the highest standard possible, the Amps Strike Spear equipped with all power-enhancing components tested the current possible limits in a nearly self-destructive manner - the targeted United World Group had been penetrated.

No unnecessary fragments of information escape from the blockade, and the design requirements for the blockade equipment have been met.

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