Star Empire

Chapter 342 Rot (4)

"The corresponding information body has high reality intensity?! Identification friend or foe has been presumed...Death wave reaction has been detected!! The detailed report has been compiled and judgment is being made...The pollution intensity is very high!!"

In surprise, those strange shadows that came from nowhere suddenly expanded like exploding flower buds. In full view of everyone, it tore itself into pieces. Thousands of black and red light spots fell in front of and behind the fleet, inside the layers of weird world structure...

"Those are...intelligent creations! Battleships! They are existences called Σ...battleships!!"

In this small section of the imperial network that was imprisoned within the maze of the spiral world, exclamations arose one after another.

These Σ battleships should not appear here, and they have no reason. In fact, they should not appear here, and they should not appear in this way. But now, they are standing in front of the imperial fleet in large numbers.

"Immediately change the current main calculation mode, stop breaking through the world barrier, and transfer redundancy to the defense system and firepower system. Expand all protection systems and launch a counterattack immediately!!"

As the order was issued, the fleet stopped entangled with the world barrier. They changed the path of the driving information and injected more crystal energy into the firepower system. Strings of bright light spots rose from the outside of the thick and solid shield. They quickly "split" and developed into dazzling golden spears. The golden spears crossed the virtual and real space without any delay and burned out obvious "path information". They rushed towards the target without any delay, and then...

Disappeared into the darkness, as if it had just penetrated a layer of shadow...or was it missed?


Strange to say, when the work of cracking the world barrier was suspended, the endlessly spreading vast space-time structure around the fleet dimmed in an instant, and their connected spiral structures quickly disappeared, degenerating from an endless maze into a dim thin fog.

"Immediately follow the predetermined procedures and send active communications to the designated outposts! These unknown fleets are very dangerous. We must ensure that the people involved are least aware of this matter!!"

After the order was issued, the mission outline, which contained many details, was broken down into details. The fleet's needs and will were assigned layer by layer by the center until it was clear which outposts those people should go to. During the time that this information was flowing, the black-red light on the ghost fleet looming in the clouds seemed to become brighter. The locking system of the battleship was interfered by the black-red mist, and the locked existence and location emerged. A patch of black remnants.

"The high reality intensity of these warships is strange... At the same time, they also contain quite dangerous corruption and pollution... Those light patterns are not consistent with the recorded light patterns of the ship itself, but if the death tide reaction exists, this kind of It is impossible for a fleet of this size to be equipped with a defense system equivalent to the core flagship of the position..."

Each doubt and each exploration was quickly closed, but the response from the "other side" was equally rapid - between the golden light spears and some fleeting contrails, black shadows emerged from the unoccupied paths. pouring out, they either disappeared into the depths of space, or created huge ripples on the joint shield, burning gaps inside the augmented reality stabilization field. Inside and outside the gaps and ripples, bursts of energy were emitted. Reality itself began to sicken with the smell of corruption.

"Is there no news yet? We still can't contact any outposts or other support fleets?" The question came, and within the fleet's command system, waves of faint anxiety began to permeate - the source of the crisis, those groups of people appeared out of nowhere The strange black and red battleships seemed to be quite intelligent. The firepower they released was a bit messy at first, but soon, the attacks from them became comprehensive and difficult to resist:

Part of the firepower, like spears formed by extreme focus, accurately targeted every ship of the Imperial fleet, while more other attacks spread rapidly as their path extended. It completely alienated and penetrated the vast space-time structure nearby, leaving the space inside and outside where the spiral maze was vaguely floating was engraved with a blood-like dark red.

Black and red two-dimensional patterns emerged from the void and entangled entities inside and outside the surrounding time and space, including celestial bodies that may have existed here, as well as golden shields and armor.

".What have we done? What are we doing?" Layers of alarms surged from the depths of consciousness and began to overwhelm the originally normal command lines. I did not realize what was happening around me, the peripheral alliances The tearing down of the protective layer seemed to happen instantly, or did it happen without him being aware of it at all?

Those Σ battleships seem to have taken the initiative on the battlefield instantly? There are countless consciousnesses around him calling for him, supporting him to break out of the predicament, but these consciousnesses themselves seem to be exploding and turning into fragments or something else. Everything seems to be wrong.

"No, no - wait, what happened? There must be something wrong somewhere."

In panic, he wanted to grab something, but space itself had been distorted to the point of stirring up turbulent waves, and the space-time structure was vibrated like the crazy ocean surface under a storm. In the reality that has been torn apart, he has only grabbed the anchors in the fleet. Each anchor does not know whether to throw it into the sky or into the sea. Each anchor is wrapping itself around him and leading him to the abyss, leading him to the impossible. The so-called anchor of the black zone - that is what the drowning person is least able to and least wants to grasp.

The golden joint shield went out, and the powerful crystal energy jets that were released lost their way in the spiral. The bloody spears and black arrows penetrated the prey's body, and the twisted laws and broken concepts merged into reality. Reality opened its bloody mouth, swallowing up and destroying everything here.

Under the seductive and strange chaotic light and shadow, the wriggling black mist on the surface of these battleships from Σ looks like it is alive. For an immeasurable amount of time, they tried to move, but it was as if they had lost their souls and could no longer move.

The six-edged blood pattern swept across all ranks that could be separated by the self-consistent law armor, and the information map was split. Everything they were originally entangled with, all the entities they originally carried, or structures in a state of virtual information were destroyed. Those who were important to the world , for mortals, huge structures containing an unimaginable amount of information are like self-destructive buds, they burst open - blooming for the last time with themselves.



Deafening screams rose from inside and outside reality, and silent roars exploded from the depths of intermittent time and space.

They have never sounded. Delusions that do not measure meaning do not need to measure whether they exist or not. That is meaningless. The vast and boundless cage may not have existed before, now, in the future, or even ever, let alone ever exist.

It’s just that hatred cannot be easily erased. When the mutation finally came, perhaps the largest emergence ceremony that had ever existed in the void fell simultaneously with reality. Within and outside the vast and endless territory of Σ, in the unimaginable number of worlds that transcend the sinking sands of the river of time, countless souls and wisdom follow a common will and set off a directional wave with endless tacit understanding. What will it be?

No one can help me make up for my past failures, past mistakes, and past regrets. I have already given everything I have, and there is no possibility of repaying it. The indescribable thing hidden behind was only discovered and noticed after everything had completely collapsed, but even so, what's the use? The void is so vast, the void is so deep, no matter what happens, it cannot be claimed to be wrong - but this time the worst result falls on me.

Reality can be defeated thousands of times, but no matter how impassioned or how hard you go, you should not deny a cruel reality - when the game goes to the extreme, you will not be able to afford any possibility of instability.

All it takes to get knocked down is one failure.

The powerful civilization that gave birth to all things in "three" fell between the fifth and sixth trillion years.

"The crack has expanded. Make sure that the void intrusion is stable. Move the focusing lens to burn the target. Start executing after the process is completed!"

"The pressure on the front of the Imperial fleet continues to increase, and the output required to maintain the joint shield and corresponding defense system continues to increase - the front needs support, and subsequent fleets will enter the scene and replace the original team!"

"The Observer Council submitted a report - its overview shows that the number of civilizations currently affected by the death wave exceeds 85% of the recorded civilizations in the corresponding interval, and of these, more than 70% are judged to be destroy."

"The corresponding industrial processes are being further activated, and more supplies needed for combat are being manufactured..."

"Logistics system and support maintenance system..."

"Not optimistic..."

In the vast driving space made of flowing light in the Arcane Throne, Vidoville read more and more unoptimistic current situations from the master data links of each fleet connected to him.

What is certain is that more of the operations against this terrifying giant fault zone have been successful - the protective layer on the surface of the fault zone is undergoing irreversible damage, as long as the scale of the void intrusion can be large enough and its speed is enough If it is swift and violent, then this process that can destroy all things can destroy the creation-end-of-the-world balance between creation and destruction with overwhelming force.

Ancient battle experience proves that as long as this process is completely destroyed, the fault zone that is polluted by the death tide to the point of reaching the extreme will be directly crushed by the tendency of self-destruction no matter how large it is - as an order structure, it still has a considerable part If it can be measured by the time currently considered by the empire, then... this is just a matter of time.

It's "just" a matter of time.

It can be said that the battle against the fault zone is winning, but outside of this victory, any time anything is mentioned, Vidoville himself can feel the pain convulsing from deep in his heart.

It can be said that those civilizations are all hopeless. As usual, they seem to have made brief progress in this regard and then come to an abrupt end and fail again.

Under normal circumstances, the civilization within the world has the ability to change the constants and rules of some areas to a certain extent, but that is under the premise that the world structure itself has four relatively clear layers. As a self-consistent system, the information operation mode of the world itself allows that possibility to occur and still maintains self-consistency.

But now, such influence and disaster come from outside the world, from outside one's own worldview that can completely destroy the self-consistent system. The world's own chaos tolerance and gray areas cannot support the world structure to maintain self-consistency and integrity in such an environment, and the buffer redundancy between worlds cannot bear the consequences of such changes.

Under such a change, the world will be destroyed, and so will its contents. The Empire is stuck between secrecy and effectiveness. The Empire is unable to properly evacuate all civilizations in danger on a large scale.

The empire itself can tamper with the world at will, and can write, modify, reset and even create the world, but this does not mean that all civilizations and all existences can achieve this level. Laws, logic, rationality and stability have completely different measurement standards and definitions in different fields and at different levels.

They are still important, and can even be said to be sacred - the empire itself is also subject to corresponding restrictions. If there is a powerful enough existence that disrupts the assignment driving method of crystal energy arcana, disrupts the assignment logic and operating rules of extraordinary information, disrupts With all the current pan-concepts and strong laws in the void, there is no doubt that the empire is likely to be blown up by its mutated self in the next moment.

But it seems that if you really want to shake these structures, the executors will need truly infinite power, infinitely fast transmission speed, and infinitely wide means of influence to do it. This is so crazy that it can be shaved off with a razor, and there is no need to worry too much about this possibility in the short term.

That's all.


"." After a brief silence, new beams of soul-amplifying pulse waves erupted with the main flagship as the core and spread to the entire position matrix.

Some structures must be maintained, but these structures will eventually become overloaded in the face of mounting pressure.

"Your Majesty, the position core flagship coordination command and the super flagship fleet command center have issued the third fleet matrix danger threshold warning - the current instability of all warships is increasing, which may further stimulate the black areas that have failed within these ships. and lead to its spread."

"Understood, contact the corresponding person in charge of each sky area, and order the corresponding research departments and research organizations to accelerate the study of the impact of the black area and try to provide solutions. For higher-level research that directly analyzes the black area and attempts to restore it, due to the current accident The corresponding authorization will be given if the situation is urgent."

Including myself, everything here may still be the same as the fragments in my memory in appearance, but in terms of "innerness" and level, they are no longer on the same level.

According to the observation results that have been obtained, the empire can be sure that the pink light burned many parts of the empire, including the considerable "powerful" itself, which led to the irreversible collapse of many structures within the empire, including the influence of life on extraordinary information. Tolerance includes past technologies and equipment, including fields and territories, etc.

Although the empire is recovering now. However, those who play the most critical role, the most stable and powerful mainstays in the face of the crazy waves of reality, those cores of the squadron matrices that resist the baptism of the death tide, are all "physically ill", and perhaps more than half of them are internally ill. Incomplete, they are challenging the bottom line of their own carrying capacity again and again.

Marked red and gathering dangerous elements, they seem to be burning. For some reason, Vidoville recalled the past - when the Quadrant Continent was completely collapsed by internal and external factors, and before the completely destroyed leylines erupted, the impression they brought to him seemed to be the same as the invisible ones spreading in the fleet matrix now. The tentacles are somewhat similar to the monster formed by patchwork of blood-red lines.

These dangerous nodes that linger within the fleet and may erupt at any time are tumors and rotten spots in the blood of the empire, but they are also the brain and heart.

Will the fault zone collapse first, or will the fleet fall first due to its own reasons? Unbeknownst to anyone, new soul-amplifying pulses were unleashed upon the fleet. And support from the rear of the empire continued to arrive. Under the bright white sunlight, they outline the epitome of their former glory.

"...How many fleets have escaped from the danger in the logistics defense zone?" Vidoville asked the question again. The discontinuous words and the silence that constantly occupied the reality made the command system not very smooth, and the suddenly thrown After the question is revised, it is passed to the corresponding information sender.

"No more than three parts per billion, Your Majesty. According to the speculation given by Narrative Network, a large number of warnings were issued that the fleet was trapped and dead inside virtual and real structures including the spiral world maze. The emergence of these structures originated from the need to break through the structure. The thoughts and wills of people on this level themselves. They are one of the proofs of the massive decrease in the intensity of all reality after the complete collapse of Σ.”

"It is difficult for us to carry out efficient enough rescue for units in such difficulties. The detection of these traces almost must rely on void survey radar, otherwise this kind of maze is likely to expand with the subsequent investment of troops to the point where it is difficult to limit scale."

"...The entire empire has gathered such a large amount of troops and attention in one line... hu3477, what are the preparations for the corresponding anti-crowding measures?"

"It is impossible to prepare it within the specified time according to the actual demand. Based on the current actual situation, if we need to resist the instantaneous run on all demands of this total amount, we need to provide at least 50 million times the short- and medium-term demand here. Design quantities are used as redundant reserves, and we also need to ensure that they can be fully opened and realize all their functions without hindrance. But this is not possible, at least for now, under such conditions, we cannot achieve it within a meaningful time limit. Do it within the scope.”

"I understand, hu3477, order all units to increase production capacity at any cost, and try to ensure that the growth rate of materials is closer to the direction of demand!"


"...The maze of the spiral world, the pollution of the dead tide, the instability of reality, the loss of reference points... There even seems to be stories pointing to Σ, how could they appear in the story... There is no early warning in the stellar wind field, this fault zone is related to Did the first fault zone have the same source of origin? But no other traces were found..."

For an unknown number of times, Victorville tried his best to disperse the flow of information swirling in his consciousness. At the critical moment of the war, these things that you don’t need to think about, or that you don’t need to worry about all the details, appear in batches in the depths of your mind again and again...

This may be because the death tide has weakened all stability, and among them, my own will has naturally been weakened, so I will think too much?

You can't see everything, and you can't see everything. A huge country holds too much content. If those contents were divided into categories and made into bricks, even if they were used in the most rigorous way to build the most rigorous pyramid, the tower would end up looking strangely scattered.

There won’t be too much realism, because this is not a good story, nor is it a hymn worth describing with emotion and emotion. It is worth imagining the outline of the details.

What is happening now is that everyone is responsible for the areas and tasks they manage.

"Zizi - alarm, a large-scale information explosion has been detected within the fleet, and the empire network has corrected the deviation: a chain of damage to the core elements of the fleet matrix - the corresponding sub-matrix of the super flagship fleet has been detected!!"

"! What happened——!!"

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