Star Empire

Chapter 351 From Bottom to Top (Part 1)

"Report safe? Why can the communication here be connected to outside the battlefield? Bankaha, lead your team to strengthen the communication management measures here, strengthen the empire's relevant infrastructure, temporarily freeze relevant action permissions, screen relevant personnel and freeze them Corresponding permissions, waiting for further processing."

"Ah, wait, Your Majesty, this issue actually belongs to other corresponding departments, you don't have to..."

"I know that these issues are actually not the scope of my intervention, but since I know it in this way under the current circumstances, I think it still needs to be responded to. Now it is necessary to block the relevant communications. This battle has not yet It is over, the debris of the fault zone has not been completely dissipated, and the relevant properties of this space-time structure have not yet been identified. Information exchange through unauthorized and uncertain channels at this moment is very likely to lead to the spread of contamination."

"Of course, considering that due to the influence of dead tide pollution, the overall environment may be unstable and disturbed to varying degrees, and the degree of mental and willpower may be affected in all directions. Therefore, depending on the degree of disturbance and the severity of the consequences, the exemption may be reduced Or be exempted from corresponding penalties. After the stability assessment is completed, organize the construction of dedicated high-bandwidth and high-stable channels to meet the corresponding needs."


"Well, it seems that if we want to further implement the goals we hope to achieve, then I'm afraid we need to make further corresponding changes. The current way of transmitting commands, and the way in which sources of various commands are distributed. Whether Should we make some new adjustments?”

Vidoville focuses most of his attention on this. At the details that were no longer visible to other eyes, he glanced at the network structure itself.

More power is still being mobilized here, and as the stability of the environment further increases, more "new methods" can finally come into play and exert their own power.

The detections of countless fleets have gradually outlined the environmental characteristics inside the space-time structure, and also outlined the routes that can stably enter and exit the structure. Among these routes, there are roads built by stars. These roads are like rivers in the void, and like surging arteries. Countless "waters" shining with dim golden light are powerfully pumped by the structure composed of stars. leave here.

In the vicinity of all discrete cores of the space-time structure, facing the reality that nonlinear problems have to be solved by linear means, SCFLG-XM-19 Mountain Level and SCFLG-XM-23 Mountain Level are enough to serve as permanent fortress positions. The core flagship began to function quickly. The mountain fortress can generate a large-scale stable field, greatly suppressing and reducing the possibility of unauthorized changes, and the "merger" system of the group level can greatly increase the speed of transferring facilities and injured people from the ruins.

Deep in the intricate space and time, like mountains, they emit iron-gray light that is particularly bright in the center of all the moribund disasters. The stable brilliance suppressed the structure that was still entangled with inauthenticity. The matrix on the top of the mountains shone with a pulse-like brilliance, where massive amounts of information were calculated and matched.

Countless similar existences are connected to each other, the same parts are merged, and the different parts are extracted and properly protected. They are compressed and transformed and then head to a safe area through the channels composed of stars. Around them, there are forward light points and retrograde light points. Countless micro-elements flow in a directional manner, forming a broad The long river forms a complex radial network.

In the distance, facing this huge space-time structure that is still filled with complex structures and detection shadows, more power is still leaning towards it. Support from all levels and departments is still ongoing.

The void survey radar arrays distributed throughout the empire's territory are changing the focus of their own stories, and they are directing more eyes and strokes here. In the void, seemingly non-existent information oscillates, shadowy interactions, and the mapping and influence between the vast and the subtle. They are copied, depicted, and written into comprehensible stories by the strokes of the void survey radar. These stories guide Support from the outside also guides the inward-moving retrogrades on how to choose their own path and how to avoid possible dangers.

Above the ceiling, the sunlight at this moment is no longer blazing. The cold sunlight is still trying its best to spread the positive influence it can on every detail of the entire empire. Under the sunshine, the still vast empire still has different things to do. On the front lines, disasters are being dealt with, and the subsequent effects are being calculated and split for further study.

In the empire's territories that have not been directly affected by disasters, countless worlds inside and outside may have changed. However, for the empire, for this huge collective, normal life, normal work, normal everything continues.

In the depths of the vast ocean, the island here was almost completely broken into wreckage. Although it was stabilized, it was still possible for the broken island to be swallowed up by the waves. Beyond the whirlpool that revolved around the island, there were more reefs. A little spark lit up.

Now, these sparks are beginning to be connected, and the pulses of existence and correlation span the barriers of the void, crossing the non-existent abyss between the barriers, connecting the small worlds into a new network.

In the network, various communication facilities are being built according to orders and needs, and plans are being advanced in full swing. Starting from the most basic equipment, all the way to giant base stations that can connect to communication base stations on the other side of the empire are being synchronized. Establish.

The system is recovering, more comprehensive scheduling measures are being implemented, and the awakened imperial industrial machines are operating. Now they are almost only affected by the division of construction sections. All of them start from almost the same node and beat at an almost synchronized pace. Towards completion, the hymn of construction is sung in the darkness and coldness of nothingness.

"Your Majesty, the construction of the temporary communication array is about to be completed. The equipment parameters of all levels exceed the highest standards of the current specifications. The stability screening, anti-pollution and anti-spread capabilities all meet the current military standards."

"Comprehensive tips and precautions have been confirmed and submitted. The current level of progress is high and it is almost fully completed. After the stability of the space-time structure is improved to the safety threshold, the array-related functions will be activated. Pay attention to array pressure and abnormal phenomena, and monitor and maintain at any time. conduct."

"Your Majesty, it is currently!"

"This is already the border of the empire. Even if the fault zone has eroded inward, the "span" is still huge. It is very difficult to directly connect the inland of the empire from here and point to a certain interval. The information needs to go through All kinds of translation and rewriting can span such a huge range-not to mention one person, even a ship or a smaller matrix fleet unit may not be able to do it, and they may not even be able to send the information to the corresponding conversion base station. .”

"There is no doubt that these actions have the tacit approval of higher-ranking fleet commanders, the tacit approval of the field, the limitations of the Imperial network and the limitations of the system, and it is also possible that the system itself also has the right amount of "tacit approval."

"The death tide itself will cause massive chaos. They can destroy everything, so that everything will eventually be completely removed in an indescribable disaster. It is true. When facing the death tide, no matter how strong the protection is, Measures, the impact of dead tide pollution is also pervasive. The affected parts need to be restored, and some parts need to be rebuilt. There is no problem, but if you take advantage of the loopholes at such a fragile moment, let yourself be guided by your own will that is no longer strong. Action occurs.”

"Although things happen for a reason, if things go on like this, the consequences will not only be the lack of imperial rules and the decline in enforcement. We should further standardize relevant measures and find ways to improve their enforcement. After all, no matter how good the orders, policies, measures, etc. are in nature, , in order to be truly implemented, it must be fully implemented.”

"Your Majesty, testing shows that the space-time structure shows signs of localized death tide pollution. Based on the analysis records of the internal corresponding intervals, it is confirmed that there is activity at the Dead Tide Gate. The activity is currently showing a declining trend."

As the operation continued to expand, the summary information from all over the place gradually converged and gradually became clear and definite. This information was finally gathered and presented to Vidoville: "The scanning system showed that there are no areas and a high degree of chaos in the space-time interval. trend, no Dead Tide Gate was found in the corresponding interval, and it is suspected to be the remains of the Dead Tide Gate that collapsed on its own.”

"Continue to track down the corresponding phenomenon, and use conventional combat methods to destroy the Death Tide Gate that is still appearing."

"We are tracking and confirming that the total amount of information in the interval where the Dead Tide Gate is located and the total amount of "matter" consistent with our understanding are both higher than the current measurement normal value, and a large number of complex space-time nodule structures have been detected."

"It is currently suspected that these "condensation nuclei" located within a relatively uniform and chaotic space-time originate from former facilities or battleships. Compared with the spatial structure, their information totality and concentration are greater. These are more complex than average." “Tuberculosis” is the wreckage structure that has been completed by the fall.”

"Marking is currently focused on finding lives and equipment that still have life-saving value."

".Some anomalies have been detected. Individuals that have been highly infected by the death wave have been found. The corresponding individual has fallen into a rage and cannot communicate with them. The isolation situation is good. Try to implement forced purification measures - the purification is effective, and the corresponding individual has been infected by the death wave. Pollution changes the basic structure, a violent crystallization reaction occurs, soul collapse is detected, attributes are missing, and life itself is no longer able to achieve covariation with current means and is destroyed."

"For some of the empire's less infected beings, we tried to re-cultivate their souls and existence attributes in the chaotic environment. The cultivation was successful, and the remains were still active after purification. Their personalities were being reorganized, and all knowledge and memories were forgotten. From the current empire's judgment standards, it can be considered This is a new individual. Unregister the original binding and re-register the relevant binding by mirror copy."

"The temporary communication array encountered a high-pressure information interaction peak and congestion. It is requested to open all backup lines and continue to increase the main bandwidth."

"Minister, the team collected 3125 samples located in different intervals and in different situations within the space-time structure layer. These samples have many different properties. We noticed that some of the samples showed some existence patterns when they were recovered and supported the prototype. , extended, weird structures of fractal omnidirectional topology, these structures have now evaporated, and our existing methods have not had time to preserve them. These structures will soon be delivered to our research facilities set up everywhere to speed up research."

"ioyo9874 left you a key, the bound soul frequency. Curiel, keep it, otherwise it will be canceled."

Lots of information of one kind or another, pulsating in the radial blood vessels, moving between the bridges across the void and abyss, and flowing in the existential network of the empire itself.

The worries, helplessness, numbness, anger, sadness, etc. that have been accumulated for maybe thousands or tens of thousands of years are being released. Some of them are dissipating with the establishment of communication, and some of them are disappearing with the truth. It becomes more solemn with the advent of .

While exchanging research results, exchanging recorded data, and transmitting research reports and actual situations, consultation and inquiries about the status of family members, comrades, and friends have never stopped.

The project continues to move forward. As the clock system and command system are further integrated and revised, the originally chaotic operating system has once again been greatly improved. Many discrete fleets can be commanded more efficiently. They follow the scheduled Routes are formed to form a matrix that can adapt to the current environment and continuously shuttle through the pipeline network and further expand the solid boundaries of the pipeline network step by step.

The Qunyue Fortress and the Lianshan Fortress are resonating with each other, forming a larger-scale work site, accelerating the merger and passing on the dying but still desperately holding on to the imperial beings in the wreckage, allowing them to leave the source of danger as soon as possible.

"Now it seems that there are also different main branches in the explanation and application of the attributes of existence, and these main branches can branch into countless branches. But considering the source, should we go one step further so that Can the same technology, or application that achieves the same results, support all paths?"

"We cannot predict all the details of the environment, and we are not powerful enough to command all laws and regulations. We can use more paths to complete the same method. Can we effectively avoid some possible constraints or..."

"The current imperial command delivery system should be further modified, not just by changing its structure, but perhaps by changing its ontology. From the current point of view, the upper class structure should improve imperial laws and strengthen the practical application of imperial laws. At the same time, reduce the corresponding reception of information at levels that are too far apart.”

"Currently, individuals at different levels need to use relatively suitable methods to face and process the information transmitted to them. Different levels need to process different amounts of information, and cross-level processing may lead to directional problems in interaction or difficulties in practical application. . However, if this is done, the lag will increase, and a highly random direct information interaction window should be added to ensure the empire’s speed of discovery and handling of accidental events.”

The golden bloodlines are extending in different directions - on one side, they are heading towards the deepest part of the danger; on the other side, their ends are connected to more maintenance arrays, trying to receive beings in need of help at a higher speed. Ripples were drawn between the pulses continuously released by the field broadcast tower. The Sacred Music Praise Fortress that was transferred here began to deliver warships and large facilities that needed to be repaired. In these newly built maintenance arrays, some areas began to activate. They flow to form rows of port facilities. The barge docked here, preparing to pick up the people who have recovered here but have no service position for the time being, and prepare to send them home to have a good rest.

Inside the space-time structure that is being gradually cleaned up and hollowed out, most of the main array and the former ocean have been discovered, and the warships and lives that can be evacuated have been returned and transferred outward. What may be called a fortunate aspect that is no longer valuable is that although this place was also hit by extremely serious disasters, it was not death wave pollution.

They're not that severely damaged, which means that the traces of their history and the memory of their reality won't be severely impaired, which can help.

"Get out quickly!!"

The Queen's will exploded in everyone's hearts instantly, like thunder emerging out of thin air.

When the instant order caused everything here to freeze in an instant, the order from the general flagship once again swept everyone: "Retreat immediately! Stay away from the space-time structure!!"

"——Why?!" Faced with the sudden stimulation and the command items that seemed to be contrary to reality, the understanding of it seemed impossible to execute: the space-time structure has been almost completely opened up, and the waterway has undergone complete reinforcement, rescue and transfer. The operation went very smoothly. The huge fortress stood in the focus of time and space. The light they released shone brightly in the dilapidated structure. These did not need to be thought about or used to think. They were placed directly in reality. In front of everyone! Why retreat at such a moment! ?

But this is the order of two emperors! Two of the most special emperor's orders! !

After a short period of reaction, under the huge disturbance and attraction caused by the further "the further away, the better" from Vidoville and Weisrifan and the general flagship began to violently iterate the virtual information projection, the people who reacted immediately turned around. The bow of the ship accelerates away from the space-time structure in the "direction" of the void. The drying up of the "blood source" caused the surging pipe network to dim quickly as quickly as it could be seen.

"Cut off all contact and close the temporary communication array!!"

Countless void survey radars have focused their stories on this space-time that should be stable and the stories should be similar. There are also other stories that focus on these two special emperors, but in the face of orders that they don’t know where they come from, perhaps following intuition, the void survey radar array did not depict many valuable things. Information - Dead Wave? !

The core flagships deployed in the depths of time and space are evacuating here at an accelerated rate. On the outside, the Void Matrix and the Arcane Throne are beginning to take over related maintenance work. The light points began to resonate, and the connection was strengthened again to prevent possible dangers.

"Fleet, replenish the blank nodes immediately, a new disaster may be about to break out, they cannot be leaked-" The order spread like an explosion, but at this time Vidoville discovered that the countless fleets seemed to be at this moment. Once it came to a standstill - as if it were unable to turn the rudder in a rapid current.

"The number of visits to the communication array has surged, the total amount of communication circulation information has surged, multiple construction lines have been forcibly activated, network infrastructure has become abnormal, and a large number of unauthorized connections are connected in an extremely chaotic way - we cannot contain it!!"

"Wha—go destroy them!!" Vidoville quickly ordered. However, just like those ships stuck in the rapids and still turning the servos, the strong inertia also prevents them from allocating more calculation resources to activate, or create a ship with sufficient strength and scale that can directly destroy the ship. An event in which the entire communication array fails.

Scattered firepower gathered here from everywhere, and they quickly became denser and further strengthened. However, the temporary communication array lying in front of them was an out-and-out monster - it carried the equivalent of tens of millions of billions of dollars in normal times. times of huge communication pressure, and it is also necessary to take into account clear communication and guard against the invasion of death waves. This huge communication array, which carries the wishes, hopes and will of countless people on both sides, was built very solidly from the beginning. And during the construction process, it is constantly being added with more and more redundant capacity and compensation and correction facilities.

From the moment the building began to be formed, these expansions have never stopped. Even now it is far from reaching the original requirements, but its scale has exceeded the limits of instantaneous scheduling or control.

What's more, there is also a huge "inertia" formed by the mixture of surprise, stagnation and a little curiosity generated by the huge impact. They further slow down the execution of operations. Reacting commanders and controllers began to manually destroy relevant important nodes and key facilities to prevent its operation, but for its huge size...

"Oops!!" A sense of crisis exploded from the depths of the soul. Not only Victorville himself, but everyone seemed to feel this bone-chilling chill. It reached the bone marrow, and fear seemed to come from his heart. instinct.

"Too far…"

The gray-white film cuts off time and space, cuts off order, and blocks contact. It bends from its highest point and cuts through all dimensions, boundaries and veins. In the distance, the sun gathers all the light that can still be used. The sunlight pours down from the sky. Several of them penetrate the communication array that is still surging with the information flow, and more sunlight fills the curved Gray sky.

The sunlight quickly dimmed.


As the sense of crisis sweeps across everything unstoppably, deep within the world's unified structure, which can no longer maintain its own stability, disaster breaks out again.

Weakness, exhaustion, confusion, pain, and tens of millions of stresses have acted here together with fierce wars over thousands of years.

The primitives of existence are generated from the indescribable boundary of nothingness, and "beneath" that boundary of non-existence, the huge shadow that maintains the stability of existence finally dissolves. The violent death tide corrosion was released from the deep, dark and boundless rift valley. They began to corrupt and devour the basic elements of existence, making them chaotic and making them no longer exist. They could no longer constitute anything, could no longer accept or cause any changes, regardless of "inside and outside".

Corruption and chaos quickly climbed from micro elements to structures to macroscopic everything. Black-red light patterns attach to the surface of the broken celestial body from nothingness, to the surface of the unknown mass focus, to the surface of the array wreckage where countless lives are still struggling desperately, to the surface of the cold but bright frozen ocean...

"...I'm sorry." Deep in a certain array, dragging a body of crystal clusters, facing the broken facilities that can no longer sound the alarm and the completely crystallized corpses, facing the regularly arranged, indestructible cells in the neat array. There were countless of them, and no one knew who they were whispering to, but they were quickly disintegrated by the black and red light patterns.

The rapidly spreading death tide erosion once again shook the structure of time and space, shattering the stability that had not yet been fully established. At the same time, the huge impact caused by this explosion swept a huge fleet into a turbulent whirlpool that had no time to evacuate.

Carrying contamination, struggling on the edge of a critical state of collapse and non-existence, the crazy ocean of mass sets off huge waves, which slap against the buildings built of extraordinary information, tearing off their shields and structural blocks, layer by layer. The scorching crystal energy is no less to this rotten time and space than the sharpest knife is to the soft "flesh".

Fragmented, they try to obey the orders they were given when they were built. However, their mere existence makes the last stability in this crazy space and time quickly evaporate. Everything began to break, everything was going crazy in a sea of ​​control.

Between the nodules and thin flesh, the expanding Death Tide Gate and the debris area filled with unknown substances trembled violently.

They are rows of perforations in the bottom of the already fragile space-time. As the huge stress from the depths of the dead tide field violently tears apart, the basis for the existence of the space-time structure begins to follow the trajectory paved by these "perforations". Suddenly torn open. The colorless and formless surge suddenly burst into pure blood at the moment when the order was torn apart.

The blood tore apart the tiny space-time, and countless "splitting lightnings" that were constantly waving like long whips were wrapped in the depths of the thick fog. The rules begin to disappear from the bottom, the foundation begins to melt, and the foundation melts away completely. The pressure acting on them lost the option of "collapse", and they fell straight into the bottomless abyss, where they melted rapidly.

"——Prepare to withstand the impact!!" It was too late for the general flagship to command the blowing up of the monster-like temporary communication array. He forcibly took over more power and used all his computing power to maintain the "Immortal Wall". A huge protective barrier formed by force.

The huge impact brought by the river of light that tore apart order shook this huge protective layer that was much weaker than its previous peak. The unstable earth cannot bear the curved sky.

The curved sky resisted the initial impact of pollution. Its obstruction and filtering greatly weakened the powerful impact produced when the fault zone erupted, and not many people were directly polluted.

But up to this point, the fleet that had just begun to struggle out of the predicament had not completely destroyed the temporary communication array that now seemed to be incredibly strong.

This disaster was noticed by almost everyone in the entire empire.

This is a "live broadcast" to countless worlds in the empire.

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