Star Empire

Chapter 511 Choice

"That's the situation at that time." This time, Σ-48 was silent for a long time.

"Of course, I can't guarantee that what I said is the whole story. After all, at that time, I could only guess how far the situation outside had developed through the information sent in from the outside world. What I said is more realistic than the actual situation. There may be a lot of details missing. But this should be enough information for you."

"Yeah" Vidoville nodded subconsciously, and part of his mind was still immersed in the story told by the man in front of him from the Σ civilization hundreds of millions of years ago. These stories are as bizarre and shocking as my own experiences - before everything happened here, who could have known that the Empire would learn in this way what happened and experienced the ancient civilization hundreds of millions of years ago?

"Is there anything else you and your civilization want to know?"

"If, I mean if -" Vidoville considered his words, "if Σ was not disturbed by these factors, did not rush to build the bridge, or... was not killed in the death wave caused by the failure to build the bridge. Destroyed by disaster, what plans does ΣCivilization have for its future development?"

"Future development plan?" Σ-48 waved his hand and scattered all the simulation pictures he had created before, making the sky above this small conference table empty and clean again.

"We had a lot of big, ambitious plans for the future."

"For example, we once planned to integrate the existing twenty-six void quadrants in the void - ah, if a new quadrant is discovered now, let's talk about it and completely eliminate the differences between the quadrants - at least in Do this within the borders of our civilization.”

"For example, we were prepared to release all our production capabilities and popularize the creation of the decisive battle flagship to individuals. Everyone will have a decisive battle flagship, or to put it another way - everyone will have a decisive battle flagship as powerful as the decisive battle flagship. The body, and the wisdom that is equivalent to the ruler of the sky region. Σ once planned to fully realize the freedom and liberation of every individual through this method, and realize the common prosperity of every race and every citizen."

"For example, we once planned to ascend to the No. 1 node of the first sequence of the generalized continuum - in some way, we hope to create some kind of entity that is equal to the smallest uncountable infinite set, and if this If this kind of entity can be mass-produced and then spread to the entire civilization, then we can make any individual in the civilization equal to the entire civilization while ensuring that their body shape does not get out of control."

"If we can do this, then we can store the entire civilization in the body of any individual, and truly achieve "one is everything."

"You have already built the Hilbert Hotel?!" Victorville was suddenly surprised, but he soon thought that that thing actually exists in the Star Civilization - the World Line Storage Repository! ! The ability of the world line repository to store information... is actually an endless amount of information. When the specific information contained in it needs to be extracted, the stored information can be reproduced according to the "sight recording traces" bound when the observer enters the information. It’s just what the information looks like!

When not disturbed, they will still maintain a chaotic and disordered state. When it is necessary to extract the corresponding information, they can be arranged into many sequences as required, limited and infinite are the same... Isn't this just taking advantage of The "equal potential property" of Aleph Zero?

"Using countable infinite equal potentials? We have done it, but the extent of what we have done is still far from perfect, and it is difficult to use it efficiently. Moreover, our ability to do this relies on the characteristics of the world. We have not done it. Accurate control of the details is just a relatively "better use". Right in front of you, on this monitoring station, we have made use of countless infinite equipotential properties in some places. The ones you see The interior of the accessory structure connected to the main body of the monitoring station has such properties.”

"In the past, we used the special environment in these auxiliary structures to host the large amount of life inside the world that appeared here after the "Crimson Advent" incident subsided. You have never seen such a situation, so you may not be able to imagine that at that time Here, the birth and death of an entire branch of the world happens in an instant. If we use conventional means, then we may need to use the power of half a civilization to deal with the aftermath here."

"However, as mentioned before, the problems caused by the use of countably infinite equipotentials are very obvious - it is essentially no different from our current real-world environment. To use such an environment well, you also need to have Declaring and invoking unlimited abilities, and if I remember correctly at that time, we still asked for the help of the Will of the Void for the most powerful aftermath work of this site. We "imprinted" all the worlds stored in the attached structures downward. One level higher.”

"Imprint?" This is another word that I have never understood.

"It's almost like pressing real things into stories written by real people. You should be able to do this, and you have done it before. However, at that time, we were with the help and permission of the will of the void. Under this, all the worlds that once existed here have been pressed into a lower narrative structure - at least, we can control the stories in these stored worlds like authors writing stories."

"This operation process is not simply done by extracting the amount of information from the world. Well, it is very troublesome. As far as I know, some processes can only be done by the Will of the Void. The transformations involved are on such a large scale. At least, Σ back then probably couldn’t do it on its own.”

"In short, after doing this, we can effectively declare and call infinity in an environment lower than our own in a way similar to writing a story. This effectively controls the surrounding environment and achieves Let all unstable activities here come to an end in 50 billion years. Therefore, as far as the purpose of construction is concerned, the mission of this monitoring station has been completed."

"The reason why the void barrier outside was not removed was because the external environment at that time was no longer stable and everything was going crazy. So I made this decision together with the people who were still reasonable outside at the time."

"I think your worries are reasonable." What he said just now made Victorville feel scared after thinking about it for a while. "Anyone who can imprint countless branches of the world will worry about the will of the void and the Are the gods around the Will of the Void? No matter how peaceful their attitude is, they have the ability to do things that top civilizations cannot do. No one will be completely relieved about this, right?"

"In fact, there is no need to worry too much about this." Σ-48 replied seriously.

"The will of the void has the same nature as the void. While promoting the stable existence of the orderly environment, they also have very, very extreme inertia like the void. It is not easy to invite them to do something seriously. At the same time, as far as I know, .The Will of the Void also seems to be hindered by barriers such as curtains. It is very likely that they will not be able to exert their power as they wish - it is also possible that the cost of using their abilities at will is unacceptable in their own eyes. "

"All in all, they are not as powerful as you think. Let's put it this way, the will of the void will also "die". Although this kind of death is just the dissipation of the body, it may be similar to sleeping for them, but this is not enough……"

After a short moment of silence, Σ-48 continued, "In short, if they are still here, if they still want to take us to "play", they here are not as powerful as expected."

"...At least, I recognize this."

"Yeah." Vidovel nodded. He remembered the hypothesis that he and Vesrivan had proposed to many imperial emperors. It was the extreme inertia of the void that ensured that order civilization could survive stably and prosper in it. prosperity. If this extreme inertia can be affected or even broken.

It doesn’t seem right. This matter seems too far away from oneself and one’s own civilization, too out of bounds. It’s like asking primitive people how they would prevent the sun from hitting their heads one day. Remedy average.

"You have said before that the Star Civilization has not yet come into contact with the Protoss, but I think that you will come into contact with them sooner or later, and this moment may not come too far away. I think you need to start thinking about it now. What might happen to Xingming after coming into contact with the divine civilization, and what preparations do you need to make - at least, in this era, this matter is necessary."

".Why?" Vidoville felt a little puzzled, "Will the divine civilization force us to implement their legal provisions, or will they forcibly annex us?"

"It's not because of this, but because." At this point, Σ-48 held his forehead and thought for a while, seeming to organize his words:

"We need to use a necessary thing when building the bridge - the "starting end" of the Void Bridge. Our deep submersible ship found some databases from the critical layer that may be from the last Void Era. From those databases , we found part of the blueprint of the launcher, and some messages, and those messages said that even if the bridge is successfully built, only the world that the Will of the Void has watched can survive the catastrophe."

"In other words. Even if the bridge-building operation in this era is successful, the civilization of order must rely on the shelter of the will of the void to survive the catastrophe. Of course, for super civilization, it does not rely on the world barrier, but only relies on the field of order to survive independently. It is not a problem to persist in the void for a period of time. But the price of this is a bit high after all."

"How do you feel?" After hearing all this, Victorville's understanding of the gods and the will of the void has become very complicated. "The civilization of the gods is really the eldest son and darling of the void. Well, if there is no god civilization, there will be no void. Under the gaze and protection of will, what will happen to other civilizations in the endless void?”

"Weaker civilizations will be destroyed in the weakened cataclysm, while stronger ones may be able to rely on the order field they have established to persist until the new era arrives and the world begins to be born again."

"But one thing is certain - there will be only a few people who survive, because the void is too big."

Speaking of this, Σ-48's expression seemed to have become more serious.

"However, from what I have learned, the gods have made full use of all their superior conditions as much as possible - we have already mentioned their continuous expeditions against the pollution of the chaotic sea in the void and their active cooperation with various civilizations. Things. Their expeditions and cooperation also have the intention of expanding the scope of protection as much as possible. Every expansion of the Gods' expeditionary army will bring a large number of void areas under their control. These void areas should already be regarded as the shelter of the will of the void. Scope. They've done a lot."

"So, Σ is the same?"

"Σ also carried out large-scale expansion before building the bridge. At that time, in order to ensure that the known order was not subverted as much as possible, people outside hurriedly incorporated a large number of worlds and void areas into the territory of civilization, and even brought a bunch of long-standing All the old antiques that had been retired and sealed were dug out and used.”

"By the way, I suddenly thought of a few questions." Vidoville suddenly asked, "If we say that we will eventually come into contact with the Gods in the future, who will we meet first? Also, if we say that the Gods will definitely come into contact with us, then Does this mean that the Divine Clan Expeditionary Army will swallow up all the territory of the old Σ civilization?"

"I can't be sure who I will contact. This was once a "remote area." After so many years outside, I can't be sure which expeditionary force of the two top civilizations of the Gods will hit here first, or they may fight together. Until here - before the disaster happened, as far as I know the two major protoss didn’t know each other’s existence.”

"...But there is no doubt that the Gods will definitely form an expeditionary force and will definitely lead the power of order to gradually annex the entire Σ homeland."

"They don't know each other, but Σ knows?" Vidoville was confused by this.

"Yes - on the one hand, the two major divine races are very far away from each other. The people who come into contact with different divine races are actually different regions in the Σ civilization. The connection between our regions is not that close, so the gods are in contact with each other. ΣIn the process of establishing diplomatic relations and acting together, there is almost no possibility of a spatial meeting between the two protoss."

"There is another aspect that we always have to consider for our own civilization. We may be able to ensure that we maintain an advantage when facing a single protoss, but if the two protoss know each other, then for Σ, a bigger And the diverse group of gods is also an extremely severe challenge."

"So, we don't want to take the initiative to help the two protoss "meet". The Will of the Void seems to have a natural affinity for each other. Under the influence of the God King, the possibility of hostility between the protoss' civilizations is infinitely close to zero. . If they know each other, then the two top civilizations may gradually merge into a more powerful behemoth - we have to be concerned about this."

"Also, the Taichu Agreement I mentioned before also stipulated that all civilizations will do this with each other. Building bridges is a major event for all races on the shore of the void, and even affects all wisdom and all civilizations on both sides of the void at the same time. Although it takes a long time You can dilute the sense of urgency in this, but there must be a civilization that knows all this and implements it. This also ensures that the destroyed super civilization can get more inheritance - reverse inheritance, weighting the civilization's The same should be true for the concept of inheritance.”

"Reverse inheritance. Our civilization has been destroyed many times because of this." Vidoville looked at the person in front of him, his eyes became sharp.

"I'm sorry and sorry." Σ-48 said solemnly. "For all the disasters and things that Σ has caused, I deeply apologize to the star civilization on behalf of what I can represent, but I am a "multifunctional entity" rather than a "full-function entity", and I cannot say that on behalf of my civilization. Say these words.”

"Since we talked about the future, what will you do?" Vidoville continued to ask.

".Σcivilization has perished. Although I am only understanding the situation outside through your narration, my ability tells me that you are not hiding much. At the same time, what is reactivating here is not the extraordinary power we use, but from me. When I discovered that you were not a member of the former Σ civilization, I had already determined this - you are a new independent civilization."

Σ-48 looked at the outsider in front of him seriously and said, "I know your worries. You are worried that I will use you as a springboard to resurrect Σ, but I have no need to do so."

"...Civilization is not a symbol, a bunch of vehicles or a territory. Σ has perished. It may be possible to establish a new regime by seizing the bodies, but Σ can no longer come back. Furthermore - you are members of Σ civilization One of the successors. There is no need for a dead person to take away a successor's ability to move on."

"As for what my exact future will be, unfortunately, I can't tell you now. When the chaos and pollution hit this barrier, I internally froze all information activities in the entire monitoring station to resist the impact of the pollution. .So, for me, it may have been a long time outside, but the destruction of Σ was almost the day before. I need time to let myself accept all this, and I also need time to figure out what I can do next. "

"Of course, it's impossible for a few conversations to build trust between us. Especially since we represent each other's civilizations, we also need more time." Σ-48 stood up, and at the same time , the surrounding chaos began to gradually dissipate.

"Is there more to it? If not, everything that follows will be left to time."

".I have nothing more to do." Vidoville shook his head, "But there may be another entity that may need to meet with you. As far as I know, the civilization that this entity once came from seems to have created things without weights. Under the premise of Σ, it achieved its rapid development by absorbing the information thrown out when Σ collapsed - this seems to be the same as what happened to the weight creation when Σ collapsed."

"Really? Then invite him here to talk." At this point, the expression on Σ-48's face finally seemed to have a slightly surprised look. "It would be really interesting if we could do this without relying on the adsorption capacity of the weight creation."

"Kriz? Bring the "Portrait" back. The controller in the Σ Megastructure wants to meet him." After breaking away from the dialogue, Vidoville went through a lot of quarantine procedures and review procedures. , and then successfully established contact with his subordinates.

"What happened? What did you talk about?" Looking at the very tired Vidoville, Weisrifan asked with concern.

"...A lot." Vidoville shook his head slightly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to tell clearly for a while. In short, that giant structure and the remnants of civilization in the giant structure should not have clear hostility towards us and the empire for the time being. And. Us and him. We both need to make a choice and decide the path we will take in the future."

"What happened?"

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