Star Empire

Chapter 518 Abnormal Feedback

The moment the attack order was issued, almost half of the Great Wall of the Sun in the nineteenth quadrant was transformed into a sea of ​​light.

The naval guns roared, and the torrential rain formed by the three extraordinary energies formed a regular rhythm. They crossed the gate of the world that appeared in front of him, and poured endless waves onto the corrupted appearance that was raging with splitting lightning.

The missiles formed a tide, and the missiles loaded with Aloal white substance explosives bombarded the world barrier that seemed to be crawling like a surge. The light that could shine in all dimensions dug countless small holes in the trembling skin of the fault zone. . Under the constant expansion and pushing of the interior, these small holes were quickly connected by cracks, forming bottomless new wounds.

The blazing white light rises to the edge of the void and order and then falls. They are like a pair of sharp claws that are joined together. As soon as they catch the prey's body, they are deeply embedded in it, and then the two claws will split apart in an instant, tearing apart. The large pieces of skin in the broken fracture zone and the disgusting flesh and blood under the skin.

The Void Eyes of Holy Music Praise are still bright, and its spears of nothingness are still sharp. They first appeared trillions of years ago. Although changes over hundreds of millions of years have changed the physical appearance of the Void Fortress of Holy Music Praise, However, many of its core design ideas are still available and easy to use after being enhanced and upgraded.

However, they are not the main source of firepower output.

The two imperial flagships, the Arcane Throne and the Void Matrix, the seven-pointed star array composed of two void fortresses, the Sanyuan Separation and the Four Elephants Changge, the huge armed fortress in the 35th day area, and the 90th day area's huge armed fortress. The emergence of the deflection gun array, as well as the Doomsday-Creation equipped on the Σ ancient building, should be considered a positional type. They are the strongest hammers that can completely shake the boundary of the fault zone.

At this time, Victorville, who had transformed into a firepower base station, felt an unprecedented sense of joy from the bottom of his heart?

At this time, you no longer need to consider too many other things. You only need to pour out the extraordinary energy accumulated in your body so that they can tear the largest crack in the shell of the fracture zone deep in the void. Before this, he had never had such an opportunity.

As a large number of powerful artillery fires were detonated on the outer edge of the fault zone, these huge "craters" blasted by the torrent of information have gradually turned into new "fire guidance beacons." After confirming that they had entered a dynamic balance, which was enough to sustain all armed forces to continue bombing indiscriminately, those "pioneers" deployed at the forefront were ordered to withdraw from the battlefield. Vidoville gave them new orders: go to the "side" of the battlefield as much as possible and observe the battle from a perspective similar to a third-person perspective.

The bombardment cannot last too long - because as the number of bombardments continues to accumulate, the interaction between the fault zone and the fire projection source continues to increase, and the connection between them will deepen, which may lead to dead tide contamination along the This kind of leakage spreads. Therefore, firepower projection must be rotated indirectly. When stopping the attack, the previous warships needed to undergo decontamination operations and clear some equipment usage logs to clear the deepening connections.

At the same time, the major databases recording all this behind the scenes are running in an orderly manner. Those deleted logs will not disappear directly out of thin air. Their backups will be sent to these databases and archived.

During the statistical process, the inherent phenomenon when fighting against the fault zone appeared again - in this battle, the proportion of ships using general concept weapons and strong law weapons was not high, and those ships that could output powerful information flow , combat units that rely on the simplest method to produce extraordinary energy are the backbone of the fight against the fault zone.

Although the fault zones contain some of the "blood" of order, after being contaminated by the death tide, they are no longer pure order. Regardless of concepts or rules, these things that need to rely on a stable order to maximize their effectiveness will be greatly reduced in a lawless place where the rules are corroded and damaged. They are weapons used against enemies who are also beings of order, and against enemies like the Fault Zone that are contaminated by the death tide, only the simplest but most powerful effects can force the pollution to retreat.

The soldiers on the front line were fighting bravely, but behind them, deep in the vast rear area protected by the Great Wall of the Sun, there was a bright spot of light that shone brightly in the void. Although the light point is very far away from here, the wind it blows can make people on the Great Wall of the Sun feel warm - it is the Void Sun that has entered the state of a super asymptotic star.

Within the complex winding cave structure of the main body of the monitoring station, there are countless tentacles engraved with complex black and red light patterns that are moving around inside.

As the head of the monitoring station, while operating Doomsday-Creation, Σ-48 was still rummaging through countless data that had been passed on to him by his mother civilization. While he was searching for the information he needed from the vast sea of ​​files, he was also calculating and confirming many of his inferences.

Before the bridge-building operation began, perhaps some individuals from the outside world also noticed that something was wrong with the situation, and a considerable amount of information was transmitted to this monitoring station wrapped by a void barrier. Among them, there are quite a few project plans and planning documents that contain a terrifying amount of information. At the same time, these projects and plans often have huge impacts, so even though Σ-48 has spent a lot of time sorting out and analyzing these contents, the amount of work required to sort out the rest is still quite huge.

During the previous sorting process, he focused his work on the "Second Translimit Test Site" that he had never seen before.

According to the files sent to him, he now knows that the essence of the second super field test site is a huge space similar to the "Artificial God Realm". Inside this space, my tribe opened a huge exit from the chaotic sea, and prepared to use this exit from the chaotic sea as a "bridge pier" to throw the main span of the bridge to the other side - there is no problem with this. The memory and the information you saw can correspond to each other.

The problem now is that under the influence of such a powerful bridge-building method, the scale of the backlash of the chaotic sea caused by the failure of the bridge-building operation must be unprecedented, and if the unprecedented scale of the chaotic sea pollution pollutes the endless eternal space, and leads to endless eternity If the original structure of space collapses, what will the actual situation be like?

What would happen if the endless eternal space was completely polluted by the chaotic sea and destroyed its structure? What would "it" look like if it were seen from a far away place? These issues have not had time to be discussed, and there will be no identifying characteristics or response plans.

Regarding the current situation, Σ-48 did not directly question the observation data of these descendants from the "Star Empire".

However, as a powerful being belonging to a former top civilization, I have doubts about the fact that the fault zone in the void still contains high concentrations of pollution after it has expanded to such a huge size.

At least, in my previous knowledge, no one had ever reported the existence of such a large-scale super fault zone in the void, whether it was the fleet of Σ or the expeditionary army of the divine civilization.

The history of the Star Empire is no longer short, and up to now, although this civilization that relies on weight creation is not yet at the level of a top civilization, it is definitely a real super civilization. Even if such a super civilization is In the glorious era of Σ civilization, it was already a force that should not be underestimated.

And now, reality actually tells me that a super pollution source will be generated in the void that is huge enough to cut off this super civilization? If such a fault zone really exists, then the combination of the divine civilization and the Σ at its peak may not be able to dismantle it! Past experience and my own ability to predict are telling me that there must be something wrong when something goes wrong.

And this demon is very likely to be the second over-limit testing ground after being impacted by the pollution of the chaotic sea - the endless eternal space!

At present, from the previous information, I have found some clues. From some documents that have not yet been deactivated, I have used the ideographic ability to find several void coordinates that may be the "location" of the second over-limit test site. .

But at present, these clues cannot fully support my conjecture. The fault zone that is slowly approaching the "Great Wall of the Sun" is too large, and it occupies too many coordinates in the void. I wonder which connections in such a large structure are connected by world neighborhoods, and which ones are two-dimensional. The two order fields are truly stuck together. And if you can't find some traces that can show its evolution process, your own point of view will be unconvincing in the face of devastating reality.

"There is something wrong with the "feel". Logically speaking, it is impossible to attack a fault zone with such strong pollution and such a large scale without any pollution leaking out."

"Indeed, after the establishment of the psychic beacon, I have personally analyzed multiple sets of data, but the data revealed by these psychic beacons indicate that the "consciousness" that controls the shell of the fault zone seems to have been severely damaged. Moreover, their "mentality" "It seems like he is not just trying to survive, but more like he is trying to escape."

"Escape? Seriously damaged?" From the combat fleet's public channel, Σ-48 captured these inexplicable-sounding keywords. After thinking for a short time, he sent a call request to Vidoville. What I plan to do next requires a formal announcement to the emperor of the Star Empire.

"What happened?" Σ-48 quickly received a response from the Emperor of the Star Empire.

"I need to conduct a fire detection, and the trajectory of the six Doomsday-Creation projects will be greatly changed. The predetermined trajectory has been synchronized with you."

"Received, confirmed, launch request approved, and reported to our observation point." After a period of silence, Vidoville approved Σ-48's doomsday-creation orbit change application.

The red giant star suspended at the top of the towering sharp pyramid was activated, and a red controllable jet quickly emerged from the order field of the monitoring station. In the void, this red Doomsday-Creation Light Pillar relies on its own energy to continuously expand a new order field in the direction of its progress.

When order fields are very close to each other, the world neighborhoods formed by different order fields will overlap and resonate with each other. If this resonance is strong enough, a natural cross-world channel will be opened.

However, for Doomsday-Creation, it does not need this channel itself. As long as the resonance between world neighbors is strong enough, it can rely on the shortcuts generated by the resonance without losing too much information. Across vast distances in the void.

Due to prior notice, the "Pioneer" class battleships deployed at observation points relatively far away from the main battlefield and evacuated to those places quickly captured the doomsday-creation jet after the flight trajectory changed.

After being projected, it did not directly hit the external structure of the fault zone. Instead, it flew in the void for a long time in a direction that could be considered "parallel" to the fault zone. Subsequently, it was accompanied by a sharp execution in the void. Turning around, the red light beam began to fly towards the "black barrier" standing in the void.

The observation point that received the order was ready to record. Previous field observations have been able to prove that the positional Doomsday-Creation will have huge aftereffects when it hits the outer structure of the fault zone, with a violent "explosion" splashing out. The huge disturbance can be observed even from a long distance.

But this time, as the red light beam rushed towards the target, the bright explosion that should have occurred long ago did not happen.

Doom-Genesis misses the mark.

When there was still a certain distance from the edge of the fault zone, the powerful red light pillar suddenly extinguished and dissipated under the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes.

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