Star Empire

Chapter 531 Heaven on Earth and Spiral Staircase

After the drastic changes in the battlefield environment, the gods who had "hidden" their traces from unknown times have reappeared on the battlefield. However, what is different from usual times is that the appearance of these gods has undergone very obvious changes - they have become somewhat transparent, and the holy light is moving and jumping on their bodies.

Not only the gods themselves - the weapons they use, the vehicles they drive, and the events they cause are all shrouded in the holy and pure divine light. And deep in the huge military formation of gods, the two powerful "World Arks" are now completely enveloped in dazzling light. They are like two eyes, the eyes of the vast military formation.

"What are you doing? What were you doing just now? You know our losses have been-"

The scenes in front of him made Vidoville feel even more devastated. Countless words he wanted to question were tumbling out. These words were choked in his throat, but before they were completely spit out, a large piece of memory suddenly came out of his mouth. A memory popped up in the back of his mind, and this memory that he had planned to search for, but was ultimately ignored due to the emergency of the war, explained everything at the moment.

The hidden memory records a meeting - that meeting started the moment more than 6,000 Σ decisive battle flagships appeared. During the meeting, everyone quickly reached a consensus on one thing: it was almost impossible to block the joint attack of more than 6,000 decisive battle flagships using conventional means.

The gods need to use some special means to reverse the situation, and it takes time to activate these special means. At the same time, the gods also need to activate these special means in a relatively safe and secretive environment. If the confidentiality work is wrong, Σ's decisive battle flagship team will be aware of the abnormal situation in advance, which is a situation that no one wants to see. In order to ensure the smooth operation, mortals and gods jointly determined that the power of mortals would distract the decisive battle flagship team as much as possible until the gods completed all preparations.

Therefore, after the war began, the mortal army became the absolute main force in resisting those Σ "living zombies" in the wreckage of endless eternal space. The gods, on the other hand, seclude themselves behind the scenes and complete the initiation of the "Heaven on Earth" ceremony in a closed realm.

"The "Earthly Kingdom of Heaven Ritual" is a method used by the gods when they face the most significant crisis of order. Starting the Earthly Kingdom of Heaven ritual requires paying a huge price, but after the ceremony is completed, the power of the gods will have an impact on the Earthly Kingdom of Heaven. It becomes extremely powerful."

Vidoville recalled these, and at the same time, he also recalled why he had such a very fragmented memory before-shortly after the meeting began, the civilizations of the kings, including himself, accelerated the completion of the survey of the territory. evacuation of active forces.

At this time, the parts of the various kings' civilizations that may be attacked first have long been deserted, and the only things left in place to serve as "baits" are worlds and equipment without consciousness. As for those tools that serve life, they can be completed quickly after the war subsides.

As the lines extended into the darkness, as if the story line that was swallowed up later was picked up again, Vidoville began to further realize that the realm that the gods talked about, that closed realm, was most likely to be .Similar to the information formed by the "Borderline" system, have the black body gods also mastered the attack mapping and splitting system?

Before he had time to think more, red light fell from the void, but before these terrible information torrents hit the target, bright and bright barriers intercepted them all. Almost at the same time, the mortal army trapped in the dark tide was also shrouded in such light. The gods pulled the mortals out of the chaotic battlefield and dragged them away into the calm void far away from the battlefield.

"Lil, is everyone okay?"

"It's okay." When Weisrifan's voice sounded, Vidoville finally felt relieved. Although the previous wars were very tragic, it seems that the empire's armed forces have not suffered too obvious consequences due to this. loss. Soon, Vidoville also noticed something: when dragging the mortal armed forces away from the battlefield, the gods did not seem to completely distinguish the individuals between different civilizations. There were a large number of long golden ships interspersed between the imperial fleets. The sword and the golden dragon, and the Pillar of Ursula are also attached to the blazing sun.

"Forget it." Vidoville shook his head. After all, they are all comrades who have fought together on the battlefield. At this time, there is no need to question each other. Besides, in such an emergency, we can basically It was lucky enough to completely evacuate the fleet and army from the whirlpool of war.

"Prepare the fleet to retreat to the predetermined position and form a dispersed defense formation on standby. This battlefield is no longer something we can easily set foot on. Lil, please help us. We must order the commanders at all levels in the fleet to ask them Do not conduct any further observations on the battlefield. The intensity of disturbances in the battlefield has already exceeded the limit that we can bear. If these disturbances are directed towards us, then we will not be able to withstand it."

"Okay, got it."

"Then there will be God's battlefield."

In order to cover the transfer of the large force, Vidoville deployed all the defense systems he could build. While providing cover for the retreating Imperial fleet behind him, through the layers of defense systems, Vidoville only then Dare to spy on the battlefield that has become weird again.

In the battlefield, the divine military formation wrapped in sacred light and the Σ decisive battle flagship team that has controlled all the long chains seem to be temporarily in a state of evenly matched, almost supreme power and the limit of technology in the vast and chaotic battlefield. A fierce confrontation ensued, and a boundless skynet was pulled up between the two huge walls that reached the sky and the earth.

The "wires" in the Skynet are ordinary compared to the Great Net itself, but the sources that inspire them have experienced the accumulation of the greatest wisdom in the void over hundreds of millions of years. There are countless mortals in the void who have never heard of anything here, and there are countless mortals who may only be able to find a few words describing these possibilities in the most distant prophecies, and there are countless mortals who have gone through countless hardships. It takes pains to get a glimpse of the corners of the technology used in these artillery fires. But now, countless of them are being frantically thrown at each other by both sides.

"." Vidoville didn't know what to say. In his eyes, the skynet composed of long lines that kept lighting up and going out began to become a little blurry, as if his eyes were covered with a mask. A layer of water mist.

Regarding this point, he did not feel that there was anything wrong. After long-term debugging and processing, the empire already knew that while not concealing the existence of the artillery fire itself, it could restrain all the directivity of the artillery fire, so that the artillery fire itself could be suppressed. Maximize the power.

While allowing all observers to detect the presence of artillery fire, the artillery fire itself will only cause damage to the selected target and will not splatter surrounding non-target entities during possible travel. This can ensure The damage from the artillery fire will all be directed at the target. At the same time, when compiling this information flow, the source of the attack will not expend additional resources.

This is a very good modulation method. In an ever-changing battlefield, as long as the enemy you face is at a level similar to or at the same level as yourself, then calculation resources are precious for both parties. It is very difficult to make this untenable. difficult. Therefore, if this concept is still in effect in such a battlefield, it is completely normal to feel that the bright and blazing Skynet begins to become a little dim and blurry.

However, I don’t know why. I feel afraid and worried about the out-of-control aftermath released after those attacks violently collide with each other. Those out-of-control information flows that burst out after destroying each other, why do they make me feel so uncomfortable.


Suddenly, unprecedented changes appeared in Victorville's vision.

All the Σ battleships suddenly disintegrated in an instant, and black-red viscous liquid was thrown out endlessly. They occupied half of the entire battlefield. Although they did not look strong, they came from the World Ark and from God. The country's powerful warships were not weakened by the indiscriminate bombardment from countless gods, but for some reason, they seemed to have weakened to the extreme in an instant. No matter how the divine bombardment continued, the mass of red light shone like blood. The giant dense cloud with light patterns remained motionless.

Almost in the next moment, the thick black cloud that seemed to be mixed with the oldest blood suddenly disintegrated, and countless Σ battleships scattered out of the cloud. Different from the previous ones, the reorganized Σ fleet seems to have returned to its peak and heyday. Only the decisive battle flagship is no longer in play. The units that were once used as shields, regardless of level or quantity, are now Everything is back to normal.

Vidoville couldn't tell what he saw. He had no idea what happened deep in the thick thick cloud. He didn't know any details. It was as if nothing happened - wait, If nothing happened, it must be impossible, so why did I see nothing? Is it because the changes that occurred not only surpassed my understanding, but also surpassed my perception? Or is it for some other reason? !

"Whoosh--" A strange sound penetrated into Victorville's "ears". When he heard this sound, he immediately realized that it was a "sound" that might appear when an entity shuttles through a certain medium. . And soon, he noticed another fact. This sound seemed to be very smooth, as if no matter how it was subdivided, the subtle passages taken from it were still coherent.

"This, this is-"

When Vidoville began to realize that something was wrong, countless black and red rays of light had been projected by the Σ battleships that had reappeared. These smooth spears broke through all the obstacles that had stood in front of him, and the black and red light It broke through the thick protective layer covering the divine army formation, and exploded a huge and dirty shock wave inside the sacred and pure glorious legion.

"——Lil, stop paying attention to the battlefield and close your eyes——ahhh!!"

Vidovel, who finally understood what was happening in Σ at this moment, immediately reminded Vesrifan not to pay attention to the battlefield, but for him, it was already too late - those dirty shock waves tore through the Star Ring God Clan position, breaking through the information blockade established by the power of the gods. These scenes began to leak out, and they went straight through the order space as the battlefield, through the void, and then passed into the eyes of Vidoville.

In an instant, Victorville felt a sharp and piercing pain coming from his "eyes", as if his eyes were being gnawed and decomposed by countless tiny sharp teeth. The light disappeared instantly, and in the boundless darkness, Victorville could only use other senses to temporarily compensate for the lost vision, but soon he felt that all his senses began to feel severe pain - no, not just My senses, every part of my body began to feel the same severe pain!

Vidoville tried to repair himself, but no matter whether it was crystal energy or arcane magic, or even the usually indestructible white matter radiation, at this moment, facing the endless pain, it had no hindrance and suppression effect at all. The pain is not advancing very fast, but it is unstoppable. They are pressing down from all directions, and it seems that I will be submerged in the endless abyss of pain forever.

"Wood?! What's going on?! How did you-" Weisrifan, who suddenly received the warning message from Vidoville, reacted subconsciously. She covered her sight immediately, maybe even Vidoville's tragic screams that she didn't even notice kept pounding Vesrifan's hearing. While she felt distressed, she also felt extremely shocked and different - Vidoville, the Empire's flagship What happened to make him scream so horribly? !

However, the speed and intensity of the situation changed beyond Weisrifan's expectation. Before she could continue to think about these possibilities, a huge creature suddenly crashed into her from the void!

"——?! What? Ursula's Pillar?!" After suffering a violent impact and being thrown onto a giant tentacle, Vesrifan felt a chaos in her body, and she endured it. After the pain blocked out these messy feedbacks, he suddenly discovered that the Ursula Column, a weight creation belonging to the golden dragon, which was like a giant Rosen Bridge, was colliding hard with him at this moment.

"What's going on-"

"Run, run quickly, don't stop, don't look back!" A low voice like a dragon's roar suddenly exploded in his ears. Weisruifan felt a sharp and piercing pain in his shoulder, and looked at it again. Look, Ursula, the Golden Dragon Queen, appeared in front of her at some point.

Her half-human, half-dragon body was wrapped in shining golden armor made of dragon scales, but there were many damages on the armor, and the flesh under the damage was dripping with blood, perhaps from the previous battle. She suffered these traumas because of her tendency to rush forward.

What surprised Weisrifan the most was that the Dragon Queen's eyes, which originally shone with sharp light, disappeared from their sockets, and were replaced by weird mucus that looked as disgusting as pus!

"Run! Don't look at the battlefield! That's the light of death! The battlefield is emitting light of death! Run! If it's too late, everyone will be hopeless! No hope! Let everyone run, the farther away the better - —”

Ursula roared at the top of her lungs, her hands that had turned into sharp claws clasped tightly on Weisrifan's shoulders. The huge force caused the sharp claw tips to penetrate the defensive layer of Weisrifan's body. The costume of the core flagship armor and the torso underneath the costume.

"When she heard the word "death light", Weisrifan understood everything in an instant. She decisively gave the order to continue retreating, but before she could take further action, her vision was completely blocked. Live, plunged into darkness.


"Don't be afraid, kid, don't be afraid, you will get better soon."

"Is it the Will of the Void? Huanxi?! Is it you?"

"It's me, kid, don't be afraid, you will get better soon"

Although his eyes were covered, for some reason, Weisruifan felt that the hands covering his eyes seemed particularly warm, and the feeling of support behind him also made him feel more at ease and peaceful. At the same time, Ursula and Vidoville's eyes were also covered. The moment they covered their eyes, they realized that the pain that was everywhere and like a heart-breaking pain was almost there. Disappeared in an instant.

"Don't be afraid, everything will be fine."

Under the soft soothing voice of Void Will, Victorville felt unprecedented peace and quiet in her heart, and all the pain in her body was fading away like a tide. When he regained his sight, he was surprised to find that his body was unharmed.

"The power of the void will" has thoughts beating vaguely. These thoughts seem to be struggling, desperately trying to make the owner of the consciousness notice their existence, but the consciousness does not catch them in time, so these thoughts are just a It flashed past, like a spark, which only flickered briefly and then went out.

His consciousness was sucked away by something even stranger.

Vidoville noticed that the previous battlefield had completely disappeared, replaced by a huge translucent gray dome. Under the cover of the dome, there are two bright, fur-ball-like "stars" rising slowly, drawing two intertwined spirals.

what is that? Vidoville rubbed his eyes. He wanted to understand more clearly what happened in the former battlefield, as well as what the dome and the stars under the dome were. But that gray dome seems to be extremely special. No matter how much I try, the way it appears to me is always that strange translucent look.

Inside the big shield, under the dome.

The ongoing battle between the fleet of Σ civilization and the Star Ring Gods, who have been dealing with Σ for hundreds of billions of years, has entered a white-hot stage.

No matter what kind of attack the black and red fleet launches and what means they use, the gods shining brightly under the heavenly ceremony on earth will completely catch the indiscriminate bombardment from them.

I don't know if it was anger, or eagerness, or maybe some other will, but Σ's countless battleships disintegrated once again.

At this moment, Σ has an uncountable and infinite number of points. Each of these points seems to correspond to a complete world and has an endless amount of information. They are densely arranged, forming a solid and transcendent form. formation.

In an infinitely short time, they suddenly changed their original posture and arrangement, and they formed a new long line. This long line did not attack again, but coiled itself up, like a giant snake. .

The long thread continues to wrap around itself, tightening itself into a dense ball of thread

Suddenly, the thread ball burst out with a new light, and countless and infinite long lines of various kinds suddenly jumped out from the thread ball. Each of these different long threads was made of countless and infinite numbers. , containing an infinite amount of information points densely connected together. All possibilities have been presented at this moment, and the possible differences in every minute moment and every tiniest detail have been exhausted, and no one can be ignored.

These possibilities immediately captured their targets, and they pounced on the group of figures wrapped in holy light standing in front of them, like countless arrows from the string, and like countless snakes biting their targets. The gods looked at all this calmly. Before the countless red giant snakes bitten them, a uniform number of transparent "shields" appeared out of thin air. They calmly blocked the giant mouth of the snakes, blocking them. All the incoming fangs and sharp teeth - 2!

The endless snake trapped on the shield changed its appearance once again. Every curve, every curve of different shapes can be seen as a cut surface. Countless infinite possibilities will eventually return to the environment. As long as there is the slightest change in each possible path, the situation it has may be completely different from before the change. The total amount of such "different environments" , is uncountable and uncolumnable.

The endless curved surfaces that cannot be arranged suddenly stretch out based on all the curves. They are as smooth and smooth as dense ribbons flowing in the void. The terrifying total amount of information is once again pressed together, from all the extreme environments. Going through all possibilities, he once again launched an indiscriminate bombardment against the true gods in the whirlpool with no room for escape—— 3!



In the climb of momentum and the change of meaning, gods and mortal kings who have walked farther than themselves are rising alternately, fighting for a position that is always higher and will last forever. The position will never be used up, upward. The climbing and fighting will never end, and the brilliant ladder array is endless, reaching directly to the most illusory abyss of void.

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