Star Empire

Chapter 539 The long bridge is connected

"It seems that things have turned around? What is the other side going to do? Find their "ancestral world"?"

"That's right, the civilization on the other side sent a message saying that they had previously obtained evidence that the "ancestral world" had not been destroyed. And in the absence of a better alternative, they are preparing to use that "ancestral world" as "Bridge piers" used when building bridges." When Elendis answered Vidoville, Vidoville could clearly feel that she felt a lot lighter.

"It's unimaginable, unimaginable. The impact on that world was so severe, but it can still exist." Vidoville blinked. At least, in his opinion, such a thing was somewhat bizarre.

"However, it is not impossible. The Doomsday-Creation Volley used by Σ's decisive battle flagship team when forcibly building the bridge opened the channel connecting the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. It also combined a large amount of information from the mainland and The pollution in the sea that belongs to this shore was blown to the other shore. This factor probably played a very important role. Under the influence of this factor, the "ancestral world" of the civilization on the other shore finally survived."

"The big membrane itself serves as a powerful barrier to isolate the two sides of the bank. It blocks the direct bombardment of the Doomsday-Creation torrent, so the world on the other side was not directly destroyed by artillery fire. And the world that was blown to the other shore by Doomsday-Creation The information greatly neutralized the chaotic sea pollution that should have poured out from the breach on the other side, and thus the world that was regarded as a "bridge pier" suffered a violent impact, but was not destroyed in the end."

"Wait a minute." Victorville suddenly thought of something: "According to this, if the civilization on the other side wants to use the "ancestral world" that was once used as a bridge by the Σ civilization to build a bridge, then our side."

"We will also use the giant gate in the chaotic sea located in the wreckage of the endless eternal space." Elendis nodded, "This is undoubtedly the most suitable choice. The "broken bridge" on both sides of the strait is within 40,000 They were connected together hundreds of millions of years ago. Even if the bridge itself collapses, the piers of this bridge have already marked the mapping relationship between the two sides. Moreover, this mark is physical, and the objective existence result is better than any theoretical derivation. more accurate."

"Hmm, how did the other side solve the problem of the launcher? Didn't they say before that the only launcher was so bad that it was difficult to use?"

"They found a substitute - a very historical substitute. A substitute that Σ had once launched to the other side, but failed to ignite in the expected time, which ultimately led to the collapse of the long bridge of Σ civilization." At this point , Elendis’s words also seemed to be filled with disbelief: “God knows how that thing was able to circle around on the other side for more than four trillion years without breaking, and was eventually recycled.”

"Sure enough, history has taken a big turn. The starting point that once caused all disasters has now become the end point that countless civilizations in the void have been looking for to end all disasters." Victorville thought for a while, and he discovered I can understand and accept these facts, but the various meanings behind these facts are beyond my little mind.

"That's not right." Elendis smiled and shook her head. She corrected: "History did not turn a big turn here, but climbed up an upward spiral. This place once brought great changes to both sides of the void. It is a disaster, but now, we must use it to benefit countless civilizations on both sides of the Taiwan Strait."

There is not much that Vidoville can participate in after this. Although the temporary authority granted to itself by the Federation is not low, as time goes by, everything begins to touch upon the "core issue" of bridging. Not only was he unable to participate, but other kings' civilization leaders, and even "frontier supreme gods" like Elendis, gradually became difficult to make decisions.

When the bridging operation progressed to the point where a large amount of theoretical exchanges were required, the "Central Gods" from the Star Ring Privy Council began to exert their power. Although the Star Ring Privy Council is not a closed institution. Over the long years, the central gods from the Privy Council will go out, and the feudal lords from the outside world will come here to exchange and learn. But now it seems that among the gods, There seems to be a clear difference between them. Those figures that seemed to be covered with invisible curtains seemed to be unfamiliar to even Elendis.

But it doesn't matter, after all, the Star Ring Federation is too big. For the entire Federation, the entire Star Empire where Vidoville is located is only a small part of one of the three legs of this huge void cauldron. For the Star Empire, whose communication with the Federation is still shallow, how could it possibly understand the entire star ring clearly and thoroughly in just eight to nine hundred thousand years? Exchanges between civilizations are destined to be long-term and gradual. There's no point in rushing such a thing.

In the process of exchanges between these "theoretical groups" and the civilization on the other side, new tasks also come.

At present, the Federation has determined that the giant gate in the chaotic sea located inside the wreckage of endless eternal space will serve as the bridge pier. Therefore, the defense lines formed around other tranquil cores will be taken down, and the Federation will gather its forces to build a vast defense line across the void with this fixed pier as the center.

This series of defense lines will defend both sides of the Taiwan Strait at the same time - while defending against possible attacks from the civilization on the other side, they also need to defend against phenomena such as "smuggling" and "crossing" that may occur in the void on the mainland.

It goes without saying that defending against possible invasions from the civilization on the other side goes without saying, but another point is also very important and needs to be paid enough attention to. According to the membrane model's explanation of bridge construction, the bridge itself serves as a channel to relieve pressure of virtual information on both sides of the strait. For a long time after it is opened, an unimaginable huge amount of virtual information will flow from one bank to the other.

I am afraid that for a long time, the entrance and exit of the bridge will be like a huge whirlpool, constantly absorbing uneven pressure from the entire void. In the process of directional flow of huge amounts of virtual information, these turbulent but invisible torrents are likely to "tear away" something from the order world or order field they pass through - including but not limited to living things, celestial bodies, and battleships. .

If these "travelers" are sucked into the Void Bridge by the virtual information vortex, and if the degree is serious, the possibility of creating a void-level misunderstanding or a diplomatic accident cannot be ruled out. Therefore, such "crossing" and "smuggling" must be strictly guarded against.

The Federation will set up four lines of defense in the void - the outermost line of defense is "the major states will strictly control the flow of information within their own borders." The third layer of defense is the Great Wall of the Sun - Hume Border - Resting Place Outer Ring Defense - Wanhua Shenting Enclave Defense - Order Temple Far Border Defense - Dongting Shenque First Line of Defense. The second line of defense is the gap between the original endless eternal space and the void, while the first line of defense will be composed of central gods, who will sit directly outside the entrance and exit of the bridge.

"I heard that the bridge-building operation is now progressing smoothly?"

"Yes, the civilization on the other side is trying to find their "ancestral world". It is said that they have already got an idea. As long as they find it, the construction of the bridge can officially begin. By the way, Σ-48, I remember Don’t you have the same participation rights as the Central God Clan? Why do you still need to ask me these questions like this?”

".After all, that's where my civilization once fell."

".Feel sorry."

"Forget it, it all happened trillions of years ago. It's just that I need more time to allow myself to accept these facts."

"More time" At this time, Vidoville was "lying" on the outer ring of the Σ monitoring station, and he was directing the empire's fleet to "smear" it evenly on the Great Wall of the Sun. It was nothing before, but after hearing "more time", he gradually fell into deep thought.

".What's wrong?"

"Everything before felt like a dream." Vidoville murmured, "Now, it's as if everything is finally coming to an end. Looking back on everything before, I can't believe that there are already 40,000 Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and so many things have been transformed from personal experience at that time into history sealed in files and archives."

"Once upon a time, civilization was far away from us. To me at that time, civilization was a huge panel that would display various indicators of civilization. What I needed was to collect information and then adjust the panel based on this information. .After that, civilization was very close to me. I needed to learn to adjust to the problems that civilization encountered in its development. I also needed to learn how to adjust them. After that, the long period of chaos finally ended, and in As civilization develops, I once again gradually begin to distance myself from civilization.”

"This time, I should gradually transform into a real bystander. In fact, I am not very familiar with the new emperor since the new 44th Day District. Now, the empire has developed into A civilization with one hundred and thirteen sky regions and mastered multiple technical routes. It seems that the empire is becoming more and more general and macroscopic, but reality and the future are all oriented towards the planet called the star. Bright and civilized.”

"In my eyes, everyone is withdrawing. Each specific individual is no longer distinct. The boundaries between them begin to blur, forming a team composed of figures. Each technology tree also begins to become a whole. I stopped asking about the branches, and it became difficult to see clearly the specific appearance of every branch and leaf in the tree.”

"Although all this seems to be that everyone is withdrawing, in fact, this is the performance that everyone no longer needs to rely on me and no longer needs the empire's flagship. Now I am really withdrawing. I am afraid it is still me."

"Does this frustrate you?" Σ-48 was silent for a while before asking.

"It's not frustration but emotion." Vidoville shook his head, and after a long sigh, he responded to Σ-48 in a self-deprecating manner.

"Before, I didn't know how many times I recognized what I saw and understood as the truth, and believed in them unswervingly. I remember that I wanted to defeat some of the thoughts in my heart countless times, but I often failed. I was so pricked by those thoughts that I dared not come near, and the funny thing is, it was me who caused those thoughts to sprout. I can’t even remember how many times I wanted to establish “lofty ideals”, only to turn back. And in the face of the strong pressure of reality, he personally destroyed the so-called lofty things he had set up."

".I think this is normal. For a guy like you to stay in this position, it should be a bit more complicated. If you can be seen through at a glance, if your experience is so mediocre that you can't measure curvature, that would be scary. "In this regard, Σ-48 said it didn't matter.

"By the way, this is a suggestion I want to give you from a personal perspective - in the future, if your civilization has the opportunity to become a god, it is best to take this opportunity. Although it sounds like it is a bit of a loss. Independence, but after accepting the disturbance of the will of the void and being given divine authority, the gaze and vision of intelligent life will eventually be higher than the upper limit of mortals."

"After all, you should have seen it before. Whether it is the spiral ladder formation or the gap between ranks, they all illustrate the fact that in the void, some gaps can only be given from top to bottom, but not from top to bottom. Arrive from the bottom up. Of course, development and advancement are not necessarily the absolute needs of all civilizations. In many cases, slowing down may allow countless individuals within a civilization or even the entire civilization to "enjoy life." This requires specific analysis of specific issues, So, ultimately, this is just my personal advice.”

".Thank you, I'll remember it."

The civilization on the other side didn't search for the "ancestral world" for a long time. If you start counting from the time when the civilization on the other side sent out a message and started to investigate the last few coordinates that were selected, they found and arrived in a little longer than a month. to the homeland from which their ancestors were expelled trillions of years ago.

As expected, although that world looks a little strange, it is stable.

The massive outlet of the inert ocean still exists, and over trillions of years, the pollution of the inert ocean has been slowly changing the nature of that world - there is no doubt that for the bridge project, That's an excellent pier.

In the process of the civilization on the other side looking for the "ancestral world", no earth-shattering events seemed to have happened on either side of the Taiwan Strait. It should be said that this time, the bridge-building operation can finally succeed - no, this is not accurate. It should be said that under the expectations of so many intelligent civilizations in the void, and under the gaze and blessing of all the wills in the void, Under the pavement of countless intelligent beings in the past and future that completely transcend time, this matter can be accomplished even if it is impossible!

Even thinking this way is not enough! In order to ensure that the communication between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is as stable as possible, when the civilization on the other side of the Taiwan Strait set out to find the "ancestral world", the Federation once again adjusted the animation level, facing the huge risks brought by the stress zone, and deployed more weapons regardless of the cost. There are many relay stations equipped with self-consistent law armor. The federal requirement is that two manned relay stations must be able to reach the critical layer before ignition at the starting end.

At the same time, the central gods also tried their best. With the limited samples that "Union I" could provide, they analyzed as many information encoding methods used by the other side as possible to allow communication between the two sides. It is right to say that communications must be as strong as possible to allow all forms of information flow - this operation can only succeed, leaving no room for failure! !

As the time approached, the live broadcast of the bridge construction site was synchronized to everyone stationed on the second and third lines of defense.

The giant gate in the chaotic sea that was completed with the fall of Σ civilization four trillion years ago still stands calmly in the void. Its degree of inertia has reached a bizarre level. If the will is strong enough, even An ordinary person with a mortal body can face this giant gate without being swallowed by pollution.

Near this huge gate in the chaotic sea, there are countless little bits of light. They are the interfaces for auxiliary equipment and charging equipment to ensure the stability of the startup end. In order to prevent the bridge-building operation from causing any problems at the last moment, the starting end was firmly fixed in the space outside the chaotic sea giant gate by a large number of force fields to prevent the starting end from deviating due to the weak disturbance released by the giant gate. original location.

At the same time, the energy sources that charge the starting end are also placed far away from the giant door. The energy they produce will be input to the starting end through the adapter device, which can avoid to the greatest extent the problems generated when the charging equipment is started. Extraordinary energy interferes with the stability of the giant gate.

Although everyone knows that the Chaotic Sea Giant Gate, which is still stable after the baptism of time and the impact of the Spiral Echelon Battle, may not wake up again due to these "small" influences, but at such a critical juncture, no one hopes that it will These "small details" lead to big problems.

The civilizations on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have determined that when the bridge construction actually begins, the startup side of the Star Ring Federation will be the first to be activated. On the one hand, the party that activates first will face more risks as the leader in the bridge-building operation. Compared with the civilization on the other side of the river that has a relatively low understanding of bridge-building and is sailing away, the Federation is obviously more suitable to be this The leader among them.

On the other hand, the surface of the large membrane on this side of the star ring has been more severely damaged, which means that it is more fragile. Starting from this side of the star ring, the counterattack produced by the large membrane will not be as great. Strongly, this can further improve the overall safety of bridging operations.

"The Chaotic Sea Giant Gate is in stable condition! The startup terminal is working normally!"

"Start charging!"

Responding to the command are countless sources of extraordinary energy. These powerful power furnaces use the extraordinary energy from the decay of the void to be input into the interior of the starting terminal, and begin to awaken the key that carries the future path of intelligent civilization on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

The familiar trembling sound appeared again. The sound was slow but powerful, like the sound of a beating heart. The starting end began to wake up, and the milky white light beam began to shoot out from the celestial pole of the starting end and extend infinitely. As the beam of light lit up, the effects of the activation end's awakening on the world around it began to appear, and many worlds recorded bright pulses of light across space.

However, this light pulse does not contain energy and will not interact with the world of order. I am afraid that after this, the civilizations living in these worlds will treat this as an unsolved mystery and pass it on for a long time.

"The starting end is charged! Start calculating the allowable time error!"

The charging is over, and at this time, the milky white light beam bursting out from the starting end has also reached its peak stage. Under the brilliant light it released, all the light sources that were once turned into dark spots dotted in the white sky.

The results of the calculation are out - if converted according to the time system used by the other side of the Taiwan Strait, the upper limit of the time error for the two sides to start one after another is one hour - this is already far higher than the "rigidity" that currently needs to be faced when communicating between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Delay".

The beam of light was brilliant and bright, but the people and gods who watched this beam of light were waiting in silence.

The civilization on the other side has built a large-scale energy supply system in their "ancestral world", but it still takes about three days to wake up the starting end.

Three days later, the news that the charging of the other side's activation port was completed came as promised.

As agreed, the local launcher will be launched first. The brilliant white light was restrained, and the starting end turned into a sharp white spear, and the light shot straight into the interior of the chaotic sea gate. The stream of light was blocked at the bottom of the giant gate, and the great membrane that separated the two sides of the Taiwan Strait began to be pushed forward by the mighty force created by order and civilization once again.

Then, things seemed to freeze.

"Wait a little longer, there is still enough time, be more patient." Although it has not been long since he came into contact with the bridge and knew the truth about the void, this incident has already left a deep impression on Victorville's heart. At this time, he whispered as if he was trying to persuade himself, and his clenched hands were trembling slightly.

Suddenly, without warning, the bright white ball of light formed at the starting end suddenly expanded, and a gate of unprecedented size appeared in the sight of everyone and the gods.

Vidoville rubbed his eyes, and he once again confirmed the situation before him - there was no accident, no catastrophic sea pollution broke out, and the bridge had been successfully erected.

The great cause... was accomplished quietly and suddenly.

——The Annals of Daye are completed——

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