Star: Every enemy makes me stronger

Chapter 1187 Finale (Part 2) Past Promises

Galactic Black Gold Alliance, administrative main star Black Stone Star, celebration day.

While the entire planet was filled with the sound of gongs and drums and the noise of people, the atmosphere in the back garden of the Black Gold Alliance palace hall was exceptionally peaceful.

A handsome man in a gorgeous robe was walking with his hands behind his back in the courtyard full of flowers and green grass, while a little boy of seven or eight years old was happily chasing a flying robot in the garden.

"Fu Hao, run slower, don't fall down."

The handsome man in a gorgeous robe said this loudly, but there was a gentle smile on his face.

Obviously, he was not worried at all about whether the little boy would get hurt by falling down.

Not for any other reason.

Just because this little boy was his son, Fu Yan, a supernatural genius who was promoted to the second-level supernatural at the age of six.

The little boy ran and ran, and he might have felt a little tired, and in a hurry he didn't catch the flying robot that looked like a rugby ball.

He subconsciously raised his hand and used his supernatural ability.

Then, a ball of energy shot out from his hand.

With a bang, the flying rugby-shaped robot was smashed into powder.

Seeing the flying robot falling to the ground, the little boy seemed to realize that he had done something wrong. He quickly raised his hand to scratch the back of his head and made a slightly apologetic face to his father.

Seeing this, Fu Yan walked up to touch his son's head and said:

"Fu Hao, how many times have I told you.

Don't use superpowers in the game.

You are still young now, and the power of superpowers is too strong. It's okay to hurt the robot.

If you hurt other children, it will be fatal."

The little boy said seriously:

"I know, father, I will work hard to train and learn to control my superpowers."

Seeing that his son was so sensible at such a young age, Fu Yan didn't blame him too much.

After a while, Hamlet, the interstellar prime minister of the Black Gold Alliance, and Ryan, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Black Gold Alliance, walked into the garden side by side.

The two saluted gracefully, and Hamlet spoke to Fu Yan:

"President Fu Yan, the time for the inauguration speech ceremony is about to come, please go to the square in front of the palace."

Fu Yan nodded and said:

"I know."

Afterwards, Fu Yan asked someone to take his son to his wife Xu Ruhui, and he followed Hamlet and Ryan to the square in front of the palace for the inauguration event.


After a busy day, the inauguration ceremony finally ended smoothly.

In the evening, the envoys from various countries who came to congratulate, as well as the representatives of other interstellar races with strange looks, were welcomed in the banquet hall of the palace.

In response, Fu Yan used the first order after officially taking office as the interstellar president, and asked the general ghost to use his transformation ability to change into his own appearance.

He himself took wine and skewers and sneaked into the military camp far away from the palace. He sat alone on the top deck of the Dongzhou-class battleship, staring at the stars in a daze.

There was no special reason why Fu Yan chose the military camp, just because it was a no-entry place and no one would disturb him.

However, there are many powerful officers in the Black Gold Alliance Army.

When someone noticed that an unidentified person appeared in the barracks, he immediately came with fully armed soldiers to check.

After seeing clearly that the person who came was President Fu, who had just officially taken office, but had actually served as the acting interstellar president for more than a hundred years.

The officer who came immediately saluted, and then left with the fully armed soldiers.

After Fu Yan was alone and quiet again, he held a beer in one hand and ate skewers in the other.

The beer tasted good, and the skewers were delicious, but Fu Yan always felt a little lonely and lonely in his heart.

He looked up at the starry sky and couldn't help but say to himself:

"Brother Cheng, you said you would come back.

But a hundred years have passed, where are you now?"

Just as Fu Yan was thinking this, a voice suddenly sounded beside his ear.

"Old Fu, you are really not nice!

We agreed to drink and eat skewers together and talk about life when we have time.

Why did you drink alone?"

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