Star: Every enemy makes me stronger

Chapter 15 Distribution Results

Li Ronghao's officers looked at the information and continued to add:

"Liu Cheng is affiliated with Song Ziming's team during this training mission.

Soldier Captain Song Ziming spoke highly of Liu Cheng's performance in this training mission.

And Liu Cheng also played a crucial role in the battle between the 2013 Squad and the 2027 Squad to kill the third-level alien creature Hidden Mantis.

The scores in physical martial arts and firearms shooting in school were 68 and 97 respectively.

The latter is the highest score in the school in twenty years.

If it weren't for his status as a disabled person, he would definitely have been paid attention to by the army in advance. "

Hearing this, both Li Ronghao and Zhao Gang looked surprised.

"Oh? Send me his information."

"Liu Cheng's information has been sent to your terminal."

Li Ronghao checked Liu Cheng's combat data recorded in this training mission on the monitor.

"Not bad, not bad."

The recorded combat data can only be regarded as above average, but that is for people with super powers.

And Liu Cheng is a disabled person. To be able to reach this level can be regarded as quite outstanding.

Li Ronghao nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Old Zhao, don't try to steal anyone from me this time."

I remember that last time when the alien beast wave attacked, Song Ziming and his team seemed to have lost more than half, right?

Assign Liu Cheng to Song Ziming.

Tell him that this is the person I personally assigned to him and let him train him well. "


The officer under him agreed and quickly wrote down the regimental commander's instructions.

Li Ronghao continued to look down.

Not surprisingly, almost 90% of the volunteers chose to be assigned to the command chain and flying units.

Li Ronghao frowned again.

When he saw more than 300 people, he found a person named Tian Tiantian. Her application form was actually "I will go wherever Liu Cheng goes."

Li Ronghao was immediately stunned.

What the hell is this?

"Where did this person named Tian Tiantian graduate?"

The officer under his command replied:

“He is also a student in Class 27, Grade 3, at Jinmen City’s No. 2 Battle Middle School.

He serves as the squad leader in his class. His superpower is ice attribute and he has excellent academic performance.

He was also a member of Song Ziming's team during the training mission. "

"No wonder, then it's not surprising." Li Ronghao touched his chin and said:

"It seems that the man named Liu Cheng must owe Tian Tiantian a lot of money.

Otherwise, people wouldn't chase him. "

Zhao Gang, his officers, and all the staff in the fleet command room: "..."

Do the people in your ground combat troops have the blood of alien creatures in their heads?

Do you want to eat pancakes?

One is female and the other is male.

It’s obvious that the guy named Tian Tiantian likes the guy named Liu Cheng, right?

The officer under his command coughed dryly and flattered him:

"The commander of the Corps is wise!"

Li Ronghao smiled, waved his hand, and said modestly:

“I’m someone who has been there and have experience.

I owed money to a lot of people back then, and they all flew spaceships and rushed to support me with artillery fire. "

Zhao Gang on the side was completely speechless, thinking:

"Are you sure they don't want to blow you up?"

"Haha, let's not talk about this anymore and keep going."

By the time Li Ronghao had read through all the top 300 volunteers, leaving only the first placer in this training mission, Fu Yan's volunteer had not yet been read.

He said to Zhao Gang beside him:

"Brother Zhao, do you want to make a bet on the last prize?"

"Okay, Lao Li, what are you betting on?"

"How about a bet on a bottle of Moutai from 1982?"

"Go away, where can I find wine from hundreds of years ago for you?

Be real. "

Zhao Gang said angrily.

"Then what do you want to bet on?"

"Bet on one month's salary."

"Go away, you took advantage of me."

"How did I take advantage of you?"

"The salary of our combat troops is higher than yours, and they say it's not you who takes advantage of me."


"Then bet on a bottle of Wuliangye."

"This is okay."

After agreeing on the bet, Li Ronghao removed his hand covering the screen.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Gang and Li Ronghao were all stunned.

What the hell?

"I will go wherever Liu Cheng goes."

Another one?

Li Ronghao nodded thoughtfully:

"It seems that this man named Liu Cheng really owes others a lot of money."

Zhao Gang, his officers, and all the staff in the fleet command room: "..."

Do you want to eat pancakes?

The next day, after the final allocation results came out, the recruits were mixed with joy and sorrow.

Most of the people were crying, as if their father had died.

On the contrary, those who were ranked after 1,000 and did not have the choice to allocate their volunteers had already had psychological expectations about being assigned to the combat troops.

They are not as sad as those who were forcibly transferred to stay in the combat troops, with less than 1,000 people.

Moreover, more than 200 of the recruits ranked above 1,000 points were assigned to the command system and flying units.

This is something that no one expected.

The main reason is that the final allocation of recruits is based on personal wishes.

It also has a certain relationship with the combat data recorded in their training missions.

The assessment team will evaluate the results based on each person's combat data and give suitable position recommendations.

If the weight of this suggestion is greater than personal wishes, then the result of the allocation will be based on the suggestion first.

Then, all the recruits received a notice:

"Please all recruits gather in the corresponding spacecraft parking cabin within one hour according to their respective results.

Those who fail to arrive within the deadline will be dealt with by military law."

As expected, Liu Cheng stayed in the front-line combat unit.

He and Tian Tiantian packed their bags, put on their shoes and were about to go out when the doorbell rang.

Liu Cheng opened the door and found that the person standing outside the door was actually the sergeant Song Ziming.

The two immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"Captain Song, why are you here?"

Song Ziming replied:

"You two don't need to gather in the parking cabin, just follow me.

From today on, you are my men."

"Ah, this?......"

He could understand that Tian Tiantian was assigned to the same place as him, after all, Tian Tiantian volunteered to go wherever he went.

But shouldn't he report to the front-line troops first and then be assigned to the team below?

How did he get directly to Song Ziming's subordinates? Could it be that Song Ziming is in charge of the people requested by the higher-ups?

Liu Cheng thought it was very likely.

The two followed Song Ziming to the corridor, and Song Ziming raised his hand and said:

"Wait a minute, there is another person."

Immediately, Liu Cheng saw Song Ziming ring the doorbell of Fu Yan's room.

Fu Yan, who had packed his bags long ago, came out and saluted Song Ziming first.

Then he saw Liu Cheng and Tian Tiantian behind Song Ziming, and greeted them enthusiastically:

"Liu Cheng, Tian Tiantian, what a coincidence, we are both assigned to Captain Song's team."

Liu Cheng asked curiously:

"Fu Yan, aren't you ranked first in personal points?

How come you are also assigned to stay in the combat unit?"

"Oh, my volunteer application is the same as Tian Tiantian's. I will go wherever you go.

So I was assigned to stay in the combat unit."

Wow, what a coincidence!

This is clearly the result of your artificial arrangement, okay?

By the way, I owe you money? You follow me?

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