Star: Every enemy makes me stronger

Chapter 24: Showing off one's talents

Five furious knife claw dragons rushed towards Wang Zhuangzhuang.

Wang Zhuangzhuang kicked the knife claw dragon that he caught by the tail and was lying on the sand, and knocked one of the knife claw dragons to the ground.

The other four knife claw dragons dodged, and two of them came to Wang Zhuangzhuang from both sides.

The four blade-like sharp tails slashed towards Wang Zhuangzhuang, and Wang Zhuangzhuang held up his arms to resist.

"Ci La La La"

Sparks flew from the end of the blade and the two sturdy metal arms, leaving four white marks on Wang Zhuangzhuang's arms.

Wang Zhuangzhuang stretched out his hand to grab the tail of the knife claw dragon, but the four knife claw dragons ran very fast.

The tail swung back and forth quickly, as flexible as a loach in the water.

His skills were not slow at all, but after he missed every time, he began to get bored.

Wang Zhuangzhuang complained while defending against the attack of the knife claw dragon with a headshot:

"Damn sand, I can't even stand steadily, it really affects my speed!"

Wang Zhuangzhuang was originally a strong man, and now that he has become a steel man, his body weight is almost as heavy as a meter.

Not to mention running in the sand, it is very difficult to avoid sinking into the sand.

The two hind legs of the knife claw dragon, which is already very good at running, are very wide, and the speed of running in the sand is not affected at all.

So, Wang Zhuangzhuang, who originally had an advantage in strength and explosive power, can only be harassed and defended by four knife claw dragons at this moment.

Suddenly, an electromagnetic pulse passed through the sandstorm and shot towards Wang Zhuangzhuang.

The pulse trajectory brushed Wang Zhuangzhuang's right cheek and hit the inside of the right leg of a running knife claw dragon.

The pulse trajectory penetrated the thigh bone of the knife claw dragon's right leg. The knife claw dragon screamed and fell to the sand, struggling desperately to get up.

Seeing this, Wang Zhuangzhuang immediately jumped up and stomped hard on the head of the knife-claw dragon lying on the ground.


The clear sound of skull shattering came from the soles of Wang Zhuangzhuang's feet, which were as hard as fine steel.

The legs and tail of the knife-claw dragon that he stomped on were straight backwards, and it lost its life directly.

"Good job! Who did it?"

Wang Zhuangzhuang looked at the three people on the hovercraft not far away, and saw Liu Cheng aiming with a dark blue sniper rifle, and the muzzle was still emitting the blue light left after the pulse trajectory flew out.

He originally thought that Liu Cheng's personality was very much to his liking.

At this moment, after seeing Liu Cheng showing such a magical gunmanship, his good impression of Liu Cheng has increased a lot.

You know, it's a sandstorm now, and the visibility is extremely poor.

In addition, there are factors such as the shaking of the hovercraft when it is speeding, the wind speed's deviation of the trajectory, and the unpredictable movements of himself and the knife-claw dragon in the battle.

To hit the critical part of the knife claw dragon by rubbing his cheek is as difficult as piercing a diseased cell with a surgical needle without hurting any normal cells around it.

Liu Cheng, who was in the hovercraft at this moment, was also very surprised.

But what surprised him was not that his gun skills could successfully hit the target.

But the power of the deep blue could penetrate the skin and bones of the second-level alien creature with one shot.

When facing the steel thorn wolf king, which was also a second-level alien creature, their team had to focus on attacking for a long time before penetrating the skin of the steel thorn wolf king.

Just now, he was still worried that the power of the deep blue was not enough, and he kept charging the electromagnetic pulse to the maximum value of 200% before pulling the trigger.

If he had known that his deep blue was so powerful, he would have opened fire to support Da Zhuang at the beginning of the siege of the knife claw dragon.

Liu Cheng couldn't help but feel a little proud, thinking that his decision to spend a huge amount of money to update the equipment was right.

The two knife claw dragons that were thrown out by Wang Zhuangzhuang and collided with their companions and fell to the ground have now climbed up.

Seeing that Liu Cheng's firing threatened his companions, the two knife claw dragons quickly chased after the hovercraft.

The knife claw dragons were very fast, and Liu Cheng continued to shoot at the two knife claw dragons chasing after the car.

The pulse ballistics without the charging process were much weaker.

Although the pulse ballistics left bloody wounds on the skin of the knife claw dragons, they could not kill the two chasing knife claw dragons.

Seeing this, Wang Zhuangzhuang, who was fighting not far away, shouted to Liu Cheng:

"The weakness of the knife claw dragons is at the base of the tail and the inner thighs. Find a way to make them fall!"

Liu Cheng nodded, and the deep blue pulse sniper rifle entered the charging state. The charge on the gun body increased one by one, and soon reached 200%.

Now he only needs to wait for a knife claw dragon to show the base of its tail or the inner thigh!

"No, there is no chance facing two knife claw dragons head-on. Do you two have any way?"

Liu Cheng asked.

Hearing this, Tian Tiantian held the steering wheel with one hand and raised the other hand high, avoiding Liu Cheng and Fu Yan in the back seat.

A crystal containing ice energy spread from her palm.

The gravel in the sandstorm was instantly transformed into ice particles the size of pebbles under the influence of ice crystals.

Under the strong wind of the sandstorm, it turned into a large amount of hail, which hit the two knife claw dragons chasing behind the car.

The two knife claw dragons were hit by the huge amount of hail and could hardly open their eyes.

After the clusters of ice crystals fell into the sand, the sand behind the hover car suddenly turned into a large piece of smooth ice surface.

The two running knife claw dragons accidentally collided with each other and fell again, revealing their lower abdomens to Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng seized the opportunity and fired two charged pulse projectiles in succession while the two knife claw dragons were still standing.

One pulse projectile pierced the base of the knife claw dragon's tail, and the other pulse projectile broke the thigh bone of another knife claw dragon.

Wang Zhuangzhuang, who had been beaten, saw that Liu Cheng and the other two were no longer in danger, and planned to resolve the battle on his side.

He thought about it and quickly walked to the body of the knife claw dragon whose head he had crushed before.

He grabbed the tip of the knife claw dragon's tail with one hand, and chopped down the base of the tail with the other hand.

With a swipe of his hand, the tail of the knife claw dragon was grabbed by Wang Zhuangzhuang.

Since it is inconvenient to move in the sand, I will increase the range of attack!

Wang Zhuangzhuang used the tail of the knife claw dragon as a whip knife and swung it quickly, fighting with the other three knife claw dragons like fencing.

Although the skin of the knife claw dragon is hard, it will still be torn apart under the attack of their blade-like tail.

Moreover, after using his superpowers, Wang Zhuangzhuang was not only as strong as steel and not afraid of being hit, but also had strong explosive power.

He swung the tail of the knife claw dragon fiercely and quickly, and soon three knife claw dragons were defeated one after another.

When the last knife claw dragon could not support its body and fell into the blood sand, the strong wind on the planet ST44732 gradually stopped, and the sandstorm also slowly subsided.

Tian Tiantian drove the hovercraft to the side of Wang Zhuangzhuang.

Wang Zhuangzhuang looked at the bodies of the knife claw dragons that were broken by him, and said to Fu Yan unhappily:

"I said, why didn't you help just now?"

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