Star: Every enemy makes me stronger

Chapter 34 New Soldiers Reporting

Liu Cheng asked:

"So, Captain, you want to verify your guess by helping me grow?"

Song Ziming smiled and said:

"Yes, you and my brother have the same conditions, you are both useless.

But your talent is not bad. I have seen your excellent shooting ability and keen battlefield judgment in the battlefield.

It is even not inferior to me.

And you are also very good at using weapons and equipment to improve yourself, just like me before, and you have a strong ability to adapt to the battlefield.

This advantage is not possessed by those who are used to using superpowers all the time and are not good at using weapons and equipment.

Your outstanding talent, plus my battlefield survival experience in the first ten years before I awakened my werewolf transformation ability, I am very confident that I can train you into an excellent superpower warrior.

How about it, do you want to try it?"

Faced with the idea proposed by Song Ziming, Liu Cheng could hardly resist its temptation and nodded excitedly.

"Well, I really want to try it!"

"Haha, good!"

Song Ziming laughed heartily, rarely, and stretched out his right palm and said:

"To make you an excellent psychic!"

Liu Cheng also stretched out his right hand with full fighting spirit, and clenched his fist with Song Ziming, saying:

"To prove that disabled people can also advance!"

The two made an agreement, and Song Ziming had great confidence in Liu Cheng.

Because he saw with his own eyes that Liu Cheng's physical fitness was improving at an intuitive speed.

It was even not inferior to the psychic who exercised his superpowers every day.

And Liu Cheng's confidence came from his ability.

Even if he was a disabled person or had no combat ability, so what?

As long as he could continue to hunt alien creatures to obtain star core fragments and absorb their energy, sooner or later he would be promoted and awaken new abilities.

As long as he did not give up, even if the new awakened ability was still lame, at most he would awaken it for the third or fourth time, until he successfully awakened the combat ability!

Liu Cheng and Song Ziming each solved a matter that had been hidden in their hearts for a long time.

Liu Cheng returned to his room and rested early to recover his energy, but Song Ziming was lying on the bed, very excited, and it took a long time for him to fall asleep peacefully.

The next morning, a Qin-class battleship flew out of the wormhole and approached the star field of the planet where the War Wolf team was located. Dozens of X-2 fast troop transports flew away from the Qin-class battleship, and one of the troop transports was flying towards the planet ST44732.

The engine of the troop transport ship stirred up the yellow sand on the ground and roared down. Song Ziming, who received the communication message, had already been waiting at the gate of the base.

The two recruits walked out of the cabin with their bags on their backs. When they saw the sergeant who was waiting for them at the gate, they stood at attention and saluted, enduring the dust and sand, saying:

"Report to the sergeant, new recruits Bird and Flame, come to report!"

Song Ziming nodded:

"I am the captain of the Wolf Squad of the special forces stationed in ST44732. My name is Song Ziming. You can call me Captain Song. It's windy and sandy outside. Come in and talk."



The two said in unison.

After all, Song Ziming was wearing a veil, so it was okay for the wind and sand to be strong, but the two recruits were miserable.

They didn't want to come to this kind of shitty planet, but they ate a mouthful of sand as soon as they got off the troop transport ship, and they wanted to go into the base a long time ago.

Song Ziming turned around and smiled slightly. In fact, he would greet newcomers in this way every time he came, which could not only give them a warning, but also let them get in touch with the ground and know the power of sand, so that they would not forget to wear headscarves when they go out.

It was just that Liu Cheng and his three friends were lucky. The day they arrived happened to be one of the few sunny days in a year on the planet ST44732.

After entering the Wolf Warrior Base, two recruits looked at the internal structure.

The two recruits were a man and a woman. The woman was tall, fair-skinned and beautiful. She was obviously a young lady from a relatively good family.

The man was half a head shorter than the young lady. He was a chubby little guy with chubby cheeks, not very good-looking.

When they walked, they both raised their heads, showing the same arrogance, and they were very close, almost walking side by side, looking like they had known each other for a long time.

Song Ziming led the two to the lounge, where Liu Cheng and his friends had been waiting for a long time.

Song Ziming said:

"These two are new recruits joining our Wolf Warriors. Let's introduce each other, starting with you two."

The two new recruits were as nervous as Liu Cheng and his team when they first arrived. The little fat man came out and introduced himself:

"My name is Fei Niao, and I am a flying psychic.

My personal ranking in the training battlefield is 2,772nd, and I am the representative of the reconnaissance class of Class 38 of the First Combat Middle School in Jingzhou City!"

Jingzhou City and Jinmen City where Liu Cheng and his team are located are on the same planet.

That is to say, the little fat man and Liu Cheng and their team are the same batch of new recruits who participated in the training battlefield.

However, Liu Cheng and his team were directly assigned to Song Ziming by Li Ronghao, the head of the Iron Blood Group.

Feiniao and his team went to the group army to report first, so they reported a few days later than Liu Cheng and his team.

Feiniao is obviously the code name of the little fat man, not his real name.

Some psychics will do this, only reporting nicknames to outsiders instead of their names, which helps to protect the privacy of their families.

Liu Cheng and his friends didn't know this when they introduced themselves, and they all said their names honestly.

Wang Zhuangzhuang and other veterans also mentioned their names in passing.

From this point of view, the little fat man obviously knows more than Liu Cheng and others.

The class representatives were too embarrassed to talk about it, and this time the newcomer was too good at pretending.

Wang Zhuangzhuang couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted:

"Haha, the personal points ranking of 2,772 is really low.

And your figure is too round. I think you should stop calling me Bird. I’ll call you Ostrich from now on! "


After hearing the ridicule, the little fat man was about to confront the veteran, but when he saw Wang Zhuangzhuang's muscular figure, he immediately held back the words that came to his mouth.

Seeing that the little fat man was still unconvinced, Wang Zhuangzhuang deliberately pretended to glare and scare him:

"Hey, you have a bad temper, what are you doing?

I ask you again, what is your name! "

The little fat man was so frightened that he almost peed his pants and said quickly:

"My name is Ostrich, my name is Ostrich!"

Wang Zhuangzhuang nodded with satisfaction.

"This is right!"

The girl who looked like a young lady on the side was obviously not happy when she saw the little fat man was so deflated, so she stepped forward, puffed out her proud chest, and said arrogantly:

"My name is Flame, a person with fire attributes.

The squad leader of Class 38 of Jingzhou No. 1 Combat Middle School. He has always been in the top ten of his grade and ranked 343rd in personal experience points! "

After saying that, the lady-like girl's chin was raised high, as if she was declaring her glory to everyone.

She laughed in her heart:

"Two thousand seven hundred and seventy-two is not high, but this time three hundred and forty-three is high, right?

Humph, a bunch of old veterans know how to bully new recruits! "

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