Star: Every enemy makes me stronger

Chapter 47 Unknown Creatures

Flame didn't take it seriously and argued:

“I think this concept only applies to low-level superpowers.

The combat effectiveness of high-level superpowers is comparable to that of Qin-class battleships. You can't equip them with battleships, right? "

The electric mouse shook his head:

"I don't know about that. After all, the number of high-level superpower users is very rare compared to the overall number of superpower users.

I think Captain Song’s concept was originally for low-level superpowers. "

The weather is still bad today, and more than 80% of the surface of planet ST44732 is covered in sandstorm weather.

All eight members of Wang Zhuangzhuang put on their headscarves and drove three hover vehicles toward the outside of the cleanup area.

In the Wolf Warriors base, Song Ziming patrolled various rooms with a cigar in his mouth.

When he walked to the conference room, he saw the doctor watching the satellite video at the holographic projection table, and asked:

"Doctor, you are so serious, what are you doing?"

When the doctor saw Song Ziming coming over, he replied:

"Captain, didn't you ask us to pay attention to that unknown eight-legged alien creature last time?

In my free time, I investigated the ground video captured by satellite that day. Guess what I found? "

Seeing what the doctor said was mysterious, Song Ziming also became curious and asked:

"Oh? What did you find?"

The doctor turned the holographic projection screen, raised it to a bird's-eye view, pointed at the screen and said to Song Ziming:

"The alien creature's nest that was discovered last time is located in the northeast of the clearance area, and the marine troops are deployed in three directions: southwest, due east, and due north of the entrance of your cave."

After the doctor marked four locations on the holographic map, he introduced the escape route of the unknown eight-legged alien creature.

"The unknown eight-legged creature of the opposite sex escaped from other caves ahead of you.

And after escaping, he did not make any hesitation or detours, and fled directly towards the only defensive gap of the Marine Corps in the northeast.

It is worth noting that during its escape, the Speed ​​also patrolled between the Marines deployed due north and the Marines deployed due east.

And the eight-legged unknown alien creature seemed to have known in advance that it would pass by at a high speed.

After arriving at the speed patrol area, he first hid under the sand.

After the speed passed by, it continued to escape.

Its escape route was later obscured by a sandstorm, making it impossible to tell its escape direction. "

Song Ziming looked solemn and said:

"Do you suspect that this alien creature has precognitive abilities?"

The doctor shook his head and said:

"I don't know if he has precognitive abilities.

All I know is that this alien creature definitely knows all our deployments on the ground in advance.

After all, my main job is to be a doctor, not a researcher specializing in supernatural powers.

But if that alien creature has the ability to predict, it should be able to predict that you will clean up the underground lair.

So I think this speculation is unlikely. "

Song Ziming felt that the doctor's analysis was very reasonable, so he said:

"Please send me a copy of the signs and routes on the map. I need to report them to my superiors for instructions.

Really, anything goes to us.

In the past few months, we had suffered three waves of alien creatures, and this month we discovered another alien creature that even the coalition government didn't recognize.

I think something big is going to happen to this dull planet sooner or later. "

The doctor heard Song Ziming complaining about the abnormal conditions of alien creatures, so he asked:

"Captain, do you think recent events are related to alien creatures increasing their attacks on the Milky Way?"

Song Ziming lit another cigar, shook his head and said:

"Not sure.

But as long as it involves alien creatures, we cannot take it lightly.

Wang Zhuangzhuang and the others are not careful enough, and they usually need you, the doctor, to worry more about them. "

The doctor nodded and said seriously:

"Don't worry, captain, I will do my best to do my job."

After escaping for three days, the eight-legged unknown alien creature that stabbed Wang Zhuangzhuang had already reached the other side of the ST44732 planet from where the Mining City is.

It walked to the foot of a stone mountain, looked around, and saw no one. Then it tapped the wall of the stone mountain twice with the tip of its tail.


A burst of sand and gravel fell, and a crack suddenly appeared where the eight-legged alien creature struck.

Two crab-shaped alien creatures holding huge rock-like claws slowly moved from the mountain to both sides of the gap, and a deep cave entrance appeared behind them.

The eight-legged alien creature walked into the cave, and two crab-like alien creatures holding large rock pincers slowly moved toward the center.

Finally, the rock-like pliers merged with the mountain wall, completely blocking the entrance of the cave.

The cave leads underground and is bottomless. The deeper you go down, the more complex the tunnel structure becomes, and there are countless alien creatures entrenched in the cave.

If Song Ziming and others were here, they would definitely be very surprised, because the types of alien creatures here include almost all the varieties of alien creatures that have appeared on the planet ST44732.

The eight-legged alien creature passed unimpeded. After about half an hour, it finally arrived at a lair in the deepest part of the cave.

The lair is circular in shape, and the circular walls are lined with corpses of various alien creatures.

If you look closely, you can also find several human corpses wearing Marine uniforms and Wolf Squad uniforms.

The eight-legged alien creature first climbed to the back of the head of a human corpse wearing a Marine uniform, and then his sharp tail pierced deeply into the neck of the corpse.

The tail extended along the spinal cord of the corpse until the tail was almost completely immersed in the body.

The human corpse wearing the Marine uniform suddenly opened his eyes, walked to the center of the nest, and knelt on one knee:

"King, the nest where I was ambushing was accidentally discovered by humans and has been cleared by them."

In the innermost part of the nest, a human wearing the Wolf Squad uniform walked out of the darkness.

There was also an eight-legged alien creature attached to the back of his head, and he slowly spoke:

"I said your plan to build a nest near the human gathering area was unreliable. Didn't humans discover your whereabouts?"

The Marine said:

"I stabbed a special forces member while escaping and extracted his memory. After that, I escaped smoothly without encountering other obstacles..."

Before he finished speaking, the members of the Wolf Squad grabbed his throat and said angrily:


How many times have I said that before we evolve to the Ultimate Form, anyone who has seen us, whether human or other alien creatures, must not be left alive!"

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