“Therefore, I think it is necessary to take some measures to allow new people to upgrade their abilities to level two within one year.

That is, a veteran leads a new recruit and teaches him step by step to improve his strength. "

He thought quickly:

"Captain, your idea is certainly a good one.

But even though we veterans don’t have to patrol, we do nothing every day.

It would be difficult to raise all newcomers' abilities to Level 2 within a year, right? "

Song Ziming had already expected that the veterans would say this, so he took a puff of his cigar and said slowly:

"Anyone who can complete it, I will make him a night snack for a year."

Hearing this, the Wolf Warrior Team and others, who had looked embarrassed just now, looked like hungry wolves who had been given blood.

All nine pairs of eyes were shining brightly.

Wang Zhuangzhuang was the first to volunteer and said:

"Don't worry, Captain, I'll leave this butcher boy to me!"

Song Ziming shook his head:

"I have already divided the specific groups. The butcher will follow me, and you, Da Zhuang, will take Fu Yan."

The electric mouse rolled his eyes, thinking that Liu Cheng was the captain's illegitimate son and he didn't run away.

It seems that the captain developed very early.

Wang Zhuangzhuang protested:

"Why, Captain? We want democracy!"

Song Ziming asked:

"Do you still want to have a midnight snack?"

Wang Zhuangzhuang grabbed Fu Yan's neck, pulled him over, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Actually, I think Fu Yan is pretty good."

Fu Yan slapped Wang Zhuangzhuang's arm hard, almost out of breath.

Song Ziming said to him:

"Fu Yan, I don't know the specific ability of yours at the moment.

However, you can learn more from Da Zhuang in your fighting method of using energy to strengthen your body. "

Fu Yan suppressed his face and nodded vigorously.

Song Ziming continued:

"Asuka, you and Ji Su are both scouts of our team, you two work together.

Learn more about the combat skills of detecting superpowers from Extreme Speed. "

Feiniao nodded quickly and said:


Next, only Tian Tiantian and Yan Yan were left in groups.

The two looked at each other with a slight hostility, and then looked at the electric rat who also had attributes and abilities, neither wanting to lose to the other in the group.

The electric mouse was extremely stressed by the sight of the two men, so he quickly turned his head and looked aside.

Song Ziming said:

"Ice crystal and flame, both of you are attribute-type superpowers. You are teamed up with the electric rat."

Tian Tiantian and Huo Huo still looked at each other, while Electric Rat breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor asked doubtfully:

"Captain, what about me?"

Song Ziming said:

"Doctor, you team up with Electric Rat and the others to tutor Ice Crystal and Flame together."

Hearing this, both Tian Tiantian and Yan Yan looked at Song Ziming with somewhat surprised expressions.

Song Ziming explained:

“Although the doctor has healing powers, her powers also have manifestation attributes.

For example, ice crystals condense the ice attribute into ice cones, which is the embodiment of the manifestation system.

Flames and ice crystals, you two should also consult the doctor. "



Tian Tiantian and Huo Huo agreed.

"Okay, the grouping is complete.

I hope that everyone will work hard and strive to make all newcomers become reliable members of the Wolf Warriors within one year! "

"Team Wolf Warriors, let's eat!"

Five minutes later, after finishing his meal, Song Ziming brought Liu Cheng to his room.

Liu Cheng entered the room and looked at the room for a week.

The room displays various fitness equipment, a single bed, some study and work documents, some clothes and equipment, but no other items.

It seems that Captain Song is also a study and workaholic.

Although this was not the first time Song Ziming talked to Liu Cheng, last time he was almost always talking about his own affairs, so he asked:

"Liu Cheng, although you are a disabled person, the physical fitness you show now is much better than when you first entered the battlefield.

Do you have any guesses about the reasons for this change in yourself? "

Of course, it was impossible for Liu Cheng to tell Song Ziming that he could dissect the star core fragments.

But he also understood that the more Song Ziming understood his own abilities, the more helpful it would be to teach him to improve his abilities.

So he thought for a while and said:

“I think this has a lot to do with me dissecting the corpses of alien creatures.

In the beginning, I didn’t have that strong desire to be a trash guy.

Since the end of the landing operation, that is, the first time I dissected the body of the Steel Thorn Wolf, I have had the feeling that dissecting the body of an alien creature can make me stronger. "

"So your statement that you want to be a garbage guy is just a pretense, and dissecting the corpses of alien creatures is your real purpose?"

Song Ziming asked.

Liu Cheng nodded and replied:

"It can be said that Captain Song, don't you feel strange about my guess?"

Song Ziming said:

“I don’t think so.

In fact, some people have speculated before that the so-called disabled people do not have awakened powers.

But the activation conditions and effects of their awakened abilities are so unusual that the surrounding environment hardly creates an opportunity for them to activate their abilities.

But no one has verified this conjecture.

If it is true, as you said, that your abilities are related to dissecting corpses, then the code name "Butcher" is indeed quite suitable.

And the fact that you can dissect the corpses of alien creatures on the pretext of picking up garbage to practice your skills without revealing your own purpose also shows that you have a thoughtful side.

This alone is better than Da Zhuang and others. "

Liu Cheng smiled and replied:

"Thank you, Captain Song, for the compliment."

“Don’t rush to be happy yet.

Even if your superpower becomes stronger every day while lying down and sleeping, you can't escape the physical pain. "

Song Ziming interrupted, while Liu Cheng continued to listen attentively.

“The way for people with superpowers to improve their superpowers is to constantly use their superpowers and practice aspects related to the activation conditions and effects of superpowers.

Physical polishing and mental training are also necessary.

In the next year, the intensity of the training plan I arrange for you may exceed the limit that a level one superpower can accept.

You'd better be mentally prepared to bite your teeth and swallow it in advance. "

Liu Cheng nodded seriously.

Quickly being promoted to a second-level superpower and awakening combat superpowers are what he desires most right now.

Early the next morning, at dawn, Song Ziming walked into Liu Cheng's room and woke him up.


Song Ziming held a 100 kilogram dumbbell in one hand and handed it to Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng was confused:

"What is this for?"

Song Ziming said:

“Tie it on and mark a line in the sand around the edge of the clearing area.

Every time you complete a lap, you will be given an additional ten kilograms. You will not be allowed to come back for a meal if you do not complete a lap. "

Liu Cheng was speechless, tied two dumbbells on his body, and prepared to put on the headscarf.

"What are you doing?"

Song Ziming asked.

Liu Cheng replied:

"Wear a headscarf."

"Don't wear it."

"But there's a sandstorm outside. It's difficult to breathe normally without wearing a headscarf."

Song Ziming asked:

"When you fight alien creatures, do they care whether you can breathe normally?"

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