Qiang Yue pretended not to hear Liu Cheng's words, looked at Song Ziming and asked:

"Since our colleagues in the Corps are watching, why not give a clear answer, should your Wolf Squad fight or not?"

Qiang Yue sneered in his heart, he felt that he had used this trick of provoking the opponent very well.

If Song Ziming accepted the challenge, he would fall into his trap.

If he did not accept the challenge, he would become a coward in front of the whole regiment, and he would never be able to raise his head in front of him in the future.

Song Ziming did not answer directly, but asked back:

"Qiang Qiang, among the squads present, there are at least dozens of classes who want to team up with our Wolf Squad to compete.

Just because of your words, we have to compete with your Bear Squad, oh, sorry, it's the Black Bear Squad.

Isn't it too hasty?"

Qiang Yue was so angry that his eyes widened when he heard that Song Ziming dared to call them the Bear Squad.

However, he still held back his anger and asked:

"Why, does Sergeant Song mean you are afraid?"


Song Ziming waved his hand and added:

"What I mean is that if the competition is just for a place, it will be a bit boring for everyone to watch.

Why not add some stakes, it will be more interesting, right?

I guess the powerful squad leader also came with his own spaceship, and so did I.

How about we use our respective spaceships as stakes?"

Qiang Yue hesitated when he heard this. He had seen Song Ziming's spaceship before. It was a second-hand small spaceship of the most common type that was half civilian and half combat.

And his spaceship was the latest model of XS-13 small fast attack ship.

In terms of price alone, it was ten times that of Song Ziming's second-hand small spaceship.

The people present only heard Song Ziming say that they would use their own private spaceships as stakes, and they didn't know that there was such a big difference between the two spaceships.

So when they saw Qiang Yue hesitating, they all thought that Qiang Yue had given up, and they all sighed.

All of a sudden, the roles of the active and passive parties have been exchanged.

Now, the people who are considered as cowards have become Qiang Yue and his team.

Qiang Yue's men touched his back and whispered:

"Captain Qiang, let's bet on the spaceship.

Anyway, we have made preparations in advance, and they only have two new recruits.

They are probably all new recruits who don't know their own abilities. We can't lose!"

Qiang Yue heard this and felt that what his soldiers said made sense.

I knew the competition method in advance and came prepared. Why should I be afraid of the War Wolf Squad with only two new recruits?

He clapped his hands and said:

"Okay! Let's bet!

But verbal bets are too childish. Why not ask the corps commander to witness it directly? How about you and I sign a military order?"

Song Ziming was waiting for Qiang Yue to say this, and nodded:

"Okay, let's go find the corps commander together!"

On the first seat in front, Li Ronghao saw Song Ziming and Qiang Yue coming over here, and he didn't understand what they meant.

He waved his hand and said to the battalion commander behind him:

"Go and see what's going on between the two of them, whether they agree to form a team to compete or not."


The battalion commander Qiang Qiu trotted forward.

He glanced at Song Ziming, then looked at his brother Qiang Yue and warned:

"Qiang Yue, this is the regiment headquarters, the corps commander has noticed you, you'd better not do anything weird to me."

Qiang Yue told his brother Qiang Qiu about his and Song Ziming's plan to find the corps commander and make a military order bet.

Qiang Qiu nodded and whispered to Qiang Yue:

"I know, I'll report to the corps commander right away.

Also, since you're going to mess with Song Ziming, you'd better not be careless.

This competition can only be won and not lost!"

Qiang Yue whispered back:

"Don't worry, you told me the rules of the game in advance, how can I lose."

Although the brothers Qiang Yue and Qiang Qiu spoke in a low voice, Song Ziming's ability was werewolf enhancement.

Without transformation, his senses and hearing are also different from those of ordinary people.

He heard everything the two brothers said clearly, but on the surface he remained calm and silent.

The first battalion commander Qiang Qiu trotted back to the first seat and informed Li Ronghao of Song Ziming's request.

Li Ronghao was in high spirits after hearing it, and said with interest:

"Interesting, do as they requested, and add a gambling military order to their competition."


The first battalion commander nodded and arranged according to Li Ronghao's request.

Li Ronghao stood up and said to the loudspeaker robot:

"The five-minute free team formation deadline has expired, and I will announce the rules of the competition next."

Everyone in the hall was speechless.

It's more than five minutes, now ten minutes have passed.

According to the five-minute free team formation time limit, there would have been several teams with relatively strong strength, and they would have entered the random allocation competition.

As a result, Li Ronghao delayed the time, and those relatively strong classes also came to their senses.

Random assignment competitions are a bit of a disadvantage, no one can be sure that the team they meet is the team they can definitely beat.

So among the remaining teams, the eldest team looked for the second team, the third team looked for the fourth team, and they competed to form teams one by one.

The final result of the team formation was that no class entered the randomly assigned team, which reduced some random fun.

However, Li Ronghao was the head of the corps, and no one dared to say anything when he said something, so no one exposed him.

Li Ronghao introduced the rules of the game:

"The two teams will compete in odd-numbered one-on-one matches according to the number of participants.

Only recruits who have been enlisted for one year can participate in the competition, but the order of battle can be freely allocated according to the situation of each class.

Each group has a minimum of three matches. If the number of students in a class is less than three, the sergeants of both classes will personally compete to make up the number.

The competition venue is a circular area in the hall, and firearms cannot be used in the competition.

Out of bounds, loss of consciousness or combat ability, and active surrender will be judged as a failure of the game.

The best medical team of the regiment has been prepared outside the venue.

As long as the person is not dead immediately, the technology of the regiment's medical team can save him, so you can feel free to fight during the competition!"

After Li Ronghao announced the rules of the competition, the officers of the regiment in the hall immediately sorted out the order of the venue.

A circular venue of several hundred square meters was cleared in the center of the command room hall.

Song Ziming and Qiang Yue's two teams reported their team formation late, so the competition was ranked in the last few groups.

Wang Zhuangzhuang said to Song Ziming:

"No wonder that old guy Qiang Yue brought so many new recruits here. It seems that he already knew the rules of the game."

Song Ziming did not comment, and asked Liu Cheng and Fu Yan:

"How is it, do you have the confidence to win?"

Fu Yan said with full fighting spirit:

"Don't worry, Captain. I have been beaten by Da Zhuang for more than two months.

I can't beat Da Zhuang, who can compete with the third-level alien creatures physically, so how can I beat a guy who is also a first-level psychic?"

Liu Cheng was not as confident as Fu Yan.

Although he had figured out the general effect and activation conditions of his superpowers, he lacked experience in the use of his superpowers in actual combat.

But he did not intend to give up easily.

He absorbed the energy of so many star core fragments, and his strength had reached the middle stage of the first-level psychic, and he still had basic physical fitness.

Liu Cheng said seriously:

"I will do my best, Captain."

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