The liaison officer at the regiment sent the interstellar coordinates of the incident location to the Wolf Warriors team.

This location is far away from all the colonial planets in this star field. It is an excellent robbery location to avoid military patrol fleets.

If Song Ziming and others hadn't happened to pass by a location near the coordinates, they might not have been able to reach the incident site before the interstellar pirates finished their robbery.

Four members of the Wolf Warrior Team drove two spaceships and quickly rushed to the location of the incident.

After approaching the interstellar coordinates of the incident site, the spacecraft's long-range radar showed that there was indeed a medium-sized commercial transport ship in the starry sky ahead, surrounded by several small spacecraft.

Song Ziming said:

"I will pilot the spacecraft next, and you will watch from the side."

Liu Cheng wisely gave up the driver's seat and exchanged places with Song Ziming.

After all, flying a spaceship and fighting a spaceship are completely different things.

The latter requires more advanced skills and a lot of spaceship combat experience.

Since the radar of the XS-13 fast attack ship was relatively advanced, Song Ziming and the others discovered each other one step ahead of the interstellar pirates.

However, as the two spacecraft approached, the interstellar pirates also noticed that a spacecraft was approaching them.

The leader of this group of interstellar pirates is leading some of his men to take control of the commercial transport ship.

They are capturing civilians on board and disarming the crew.

Suddenly, a report from his subordinates came from the interstellar pirate leader's communication.

"Boss, we noticed two small spaceships flying towards us quickly. Do we want to retreat?"

The interstellar pirate leader signaled his other men to continue disarming the crew members, while he stopped and asked:

"Are the two spaceships coming here military models?"

The subordinate replied in the communication channel:

"It doesn't seem like it. One is a semi-civilian and semi-combat spaceship that is even more shabby than ours.

The other is a relatively good model XS-13 fast attack ship.

Boss, could he be a bounty hunter? "

Bounty hunters are civilian personnel who do not join official organizations for the purpose of collecting rewards from various bounty missions.

The pirate leader thought for a while and replied:

"Whatever, since the people coming are not from the military, there is nothing to be afraid of.

We have more spaceships than they do. If they dare to get close, we will destroy them all! "

"Yes, boss!"

After that, the interstellar pirates who had not boarded the commercial transport spacecraft flew towards Song Ziming and the others in their small spacecraft.

There are seven interstellar pirate spaceships in total, two of which are attached to the surface of the commercial transport spacecraft and are used by the pirates who boarded the transport ship.

The other five models are similar to Song Ziming's second-hand spaceship.

However, these spacecraft have all been modified, with many weapons and small naval guns added, and their combat effectiveness is also stronger.

Liu Cheng felt a little unsure when he saw that there were more interstellar pirate ships than his own.

Song Ziming said to Wang Zhuangzhuang on the communication channel:

"Dazhuang, pirates are flying five spaceships towards us.

You take care of one of them, and I'll take care of the other four. "

Wang Zhuangzhuang replied angrily:

"Why do you think you are looking down on four ships?"

Wang Zhuangzhuang was a little dissatisfied with Song Ziming's battle arrangements, so he suddenly accelerated and flew towards the interstellar pirates at full speed.

Seeing this, Song Ziming also drove the spacecraft forward at full speed, leaving Wang Zhuangzhuang and Fu Yan behind.

Wang Zhuangzhuang awkwardly explained to Fu Yan:

"Don't be convinced. The performance of the spaceship piloted by Captain and his friends is much better than ours!"

Fu Yan nodded, thinking that he must fly out his family's spaceship next time.

On the interstellar pirate side, they saw that the two spaceships flying in did not choose to fight together.

Instead, the two spaceships separated, and one spacecraft flew towards them in advance. The interstellar pirates snorted:

"Haha, if you fight one out of five ships, so what if your spaceship model is good!

Brothers, come together and destroy that spaceship! "

The five spaceships driven by the interstellar pirates formed a line and flew towards the spacecraft driven by Song Ziming.

After entering the firing range, the five modified pirate spaceships fired almost simultaneously.

Liu Cheng was frightened by the intensive firepower of the five spaceships.

Song Ziming, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was seen dexterously controlling the hull of the spacecraft to flip and dodge, and soon he was inserted into the formation of five pirate spaceships.

The distance was too close, and it was difficult for the five pirate spacecraft to concentrate their fire attacks, directly losing their frontal firepower advantage.

I have to say that the performance of the XS-13 fast attack ship is indeed very strong.

Song Ziming drove the spaceship to bite the tails of the five spacecrafts, which made it impossible for the five interstellar pirate spacecrafts that wanted to circle back and forth to throw away Song Ziming's spacecraft to shoot at will.

The interstellar pirates had to change their combat strategies.

Except for the spaceship that Song Ziming was clinging to, the other four pirate spaceships pulled away together and once again focused their fire on the spaceship driven by Song Ziming.

Song Ziming quickly pulled up the direction of the spacecraft to avoid the concentrated fire. As a result, this salvo of fire from the four pirate spacecraft not only failed to destroy the spacecraft driven by Song Ziming.

He also accidentally hit the spaceship of his fellow pirate that was originally bitten by Song Ziming.

The tail of the pirate spacecraft that was hit glowed with fire, as if there was a malfunction in the energy system.

The next moment, the spacecraft exploded from the rear and turned into a pile of dust and debris in space.

Taking this opportunity, Song Ziming flew around to the back of the four pirate spaceships and once again clamped down on an interstellar pirate spacecraft.

Liu Cheng, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the cockpit, wanted to praise Song Ziming's superb spaceship combat skills.

However, due to the continuous rapid steering of the spacecraft hull, Liu Cheng was also knocked unconscious.

It took a lot of effort to hold on and not vomit.

Seeing this, Song Ziming said calmly to Liu Cheng:

"It's like this for the first time. It'll be fine once you get used to it."


Liu Cheng didn't dare to open his mouth, so he nodded slightly.

The interstellar pirates in the cockpits of the four spaceships were all a little anxious when they saw that they had lost a spaceship.

They have not received professional military education, and their mentality and quality are not as good as those of recruits like Liu Cheng. The interstellar pirate asked in the communication channel:

"Boss, the other side destroyed one of our spaceships and has been clinging to our formation. What should we do?"

After hearing the report from his subordinates in the channel, the interstellar pirate leader on the commercial transport ship said angrily:

"Idiot, won't you break up and fight separately?

The opponent only has two spaceships, and you four can defeat them even without forming a formation! "

When the interstellar pirates thought about it, they felt it made sense. With four against two on their side, could they still lose?

So the two spaceships flew to Wang Zhuangzhuang's side, and the two spaceships stayed behind to continue fighting Song Ziming.

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