Star: Every enemy makes me stronger

Chapter 79 Psychological Game

"Humph, you destroyed all the spaceships I used for retreat, and you still told me there was a way to survive?"

The pirate leader asked disdainfully.

Song Ziming said:

"Don't we still have two spaceships?

You let our spaceship dock on the commercial transport ship, don't hurt the hostages, and let's have a head-on confrontation.

If you win, kill us and evacuate on our spaceship.

If we win, we will capture you and successfully rescue the hostages, how about that?"

In the public communication channel, the interstellar pirate leader was silent.

He was thinking about the feasibility of the other party's proposal.

Seeing that the other party did not make any comment, Song Ziming asked back with a slightly sarcastic tone:

"We only have two small spaceships. You are not afraid of even a few people and dare not fight?"

The interstellar pirate leader turned his head and looked at several trusted subordinates behind him. The trusted subordinates said:

"Boss, just do as they say.

Including you, we have a total of four superpowers, and more than a dozen brothers with guns.

Their two small spaceships are all two-seaters, with a maximum of four people. We are not afraid of them at all!"

Although they are all desperate criminals, what is the purpose of robbery?

Isn't it just to be able to live a good life.

If there is a way to live, they will not make the most extreme choice.

The interstellar pirate leader nodded to his subordinates and replied in the public communication channel:

"Okay, just do as you say.

But you can only dock the spaceship at the stern, not near the command room!"

Although he agreed to Song Ziming's proposal.

However, in order to prevent the other party from rescuing all the hostages at once, another request was added.

Song Ziming replied:

"Okay, I hope you don't go back on your word.

If you harm any hostage after our spaceship docks at the commercial transport ship.

We will immediately start the spaceship and leave, and will also destroy you and the spaceship where the hostages are!

Since the safety of all hostages cannot be guaranteed, the rescue mission is meaningless to us!"

The reason why Song Ziming said this harsh word is to play a psychological game with the pirates.

He is betting that the other party dare not harm the safety of the hostages in order to test his bottom line.

The pirate leader nodded in agreement.

He thought that since the other party's goal is to rescue the hostages, not to protect the material property, then it will be easy for him to talk about it.

As long as he controls the hostages, no matter whether the other party is an interstellar bounty hunter or a military person, he must act according to the rules of negotiation.

Song Ziming and Wang Zhuangzhuang drove two spaceships close to the commercial transport ship and did not encounter resistance from the pirates on the ship.

Apparently, the pirates really accepted the conditions they proposed.

The two spaceships docked at the stern of the commercial transport ship.

Liu Cheng and his men followed the suction channel of the spaceship and cut a gap on the outside of the transport ship for Wang Zhuangzhuang to pass through.

Wang Zhuangzhuang raised his head and entered the corridor inside the transport ship along the interlayer of the pipeline space.

Song Ziming sent the registration information and spaceship drawings of the commercial transport spaceship sent by the liaison officer of the regiment to Liu Cheng's equipment, and asked Liu Cheng to plan the route.

Liu Cheng said:

"From our current position, there are four routes to the command room of the spacecraft.

The four routes pass through the cargo hold, crew rest area, dining and entertainment area, and power room of the spacecraft respectively."

Song Ziming nodded and assigned tasks to the three people:

"There are four routes to reach the command room of the spacecraft, which means that the interstellar pirates also have four routes to steal our spacecraft.

Everyone will split into four groups, go to the command room to rescue the hostages, and check if there are any people hiding on the spacecraft along the way.

The area of ​​the cargo hold has a large activity space, which is suitable for Dazhuang to fight. You will go on this route."


Wang Zhuangzhuang nodded and wrote down his route.

Song Ziming said to Liu Cheng and Fu Yan:

"The power room of the spacecraft cannot be destroyed. I will be responsible for this route.

The routes to the crew rest area and the dining and entertainment area are the responsibility of Liu Cheng and Fu Yan.

Everyone, please pay attention to your own safety.

Even if you are unable to defeat the interstellar pirates, you must try to delay them.

We cannot let them take away our spacecraft.

Let's start the action!"

After speaking, the four of them immediately followed their assigned routes and headed for the command room.

In the command room of the commercial transport ship, the interstellar pirate leader saw the military combat uniforms worn by Song Ziming and the other four through the monitoring screen.

The four of them were seen heading towards the command room in separate groups.

The subordinate asked:

"Boss, what should we do?"


The interstellar pirate leader sneered and said:

"So what if they are military personnel? There are only four of them. It is impossible for all of them to be superpowers, right?"

"And we have four superpowers on our side.

Swordsman, Iron Fist, Flying Claw, the three of you follow me, and the four of us will deal with one group each.

Others, stay in the command room to monitor the hostages.

If these hostages dare to act rashly, just shoot them!"

After eliminating the four superpowers, the force guarding the hostages was much weaker.

So the pirate leader directly asked the remaining people to stay in the cockpit of the spaceship.

For Song Ziming, they divided their troops into four groups to prevent the pirates from stealing the spaceship and escaping.

For the pirates, they also need to guard against Song Ziming and his men taking away their hostages.

Therefore, they also made the choice of splitting up into four groups.

After that, the pirate leader directly called on his three trusted subordinates and split up to meet Liu Cheng and his four companions.


A dozen pirates holding guns nodded in agreement, scaring the hostages in the command room to scream in fear.

"Don't scream!"

A pirate holding a kinetic pistol kicked the screaming woman, and the hostages huddled together in fear, not daring to shout again.

Among the hostages, a fat man who was not wearing a crew uniform, after seeing several pirates with superpowers go out, raised his eyes and quietly observed the positions of the pirates with guns around him.

If Liu Cheng was here, he would definitely recognize the identity of this fat man.

It was Fat Tiger, the owner of the transport caravan that Liu Cheng met in the Mineral City and helped him deliver five star core fragments to his sister.

Next to Fat Tiger, a man in a crew uniform touched him gently with his arm.

Seeing that the pirates around him didn't pay attention to this side, he took out two pulse pistols with strong body odor from his crotch.

The crew quietly handed a pistol to Fat Tiger and winked at him.

Fat Tiger hid the pistol under his clothes with some disdain, shook his head slightly, and signaled the other party to wait for an opportunity.

Seeing this, the crew put the pistol he left behind back into his crotch.

Since Wang Zhuangzhuang's route passed through the warehouse, except for the goods placed on the warehouse slightly blocking his sight, it can be said that the whole way was unobstructed.

Wang Zhuangzhuang thought it was unlikely that there were still passengers hiding here, so he shouted a few words in the cargo hold:

"Is there anyone here? I am from the military and I am here to rescue you, not pirates!

If there is anyone, please come out quickly!"

After Wang Zhuangzhuang finished shouting, he saw no one responded, and said self-deprecatingly:

"Even if someone has not been captured by pirates, who would hide in a place like a cargo hold?

Could they hide in a cargo box? I really think too much."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a rustling sound coming from a wooden box storing goods not far away!



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