The conflict occurred on the transportation channel outside the city of Mineral City.

Therefore, Liu Cheng and others did not enter the city, but followed Song Ziming towards the east of the city.

When Liu Cheng and others arrived at the scene of the incident, they saw a huge crowd of people surrounding the ore transportation channel from a distance.

There are soldiers wearing Marine Corps uniforms responsible for maintaining security in the mineral city, employees of private companies and mining companies, and residents of the local mineral city.

I think among those residents, there are the gangs that Song Ziming mentioned.

When Liu Cheng and Fu Yan took a closer look, they saw no less than ten transport guide rails laying on both sides of the empty desert.

And there are several planned road signs for suspended transport vehicles around the guide rail.

And in such a situation where it was almost impossible for a car to crash, a huge suspended transport truck with the logo of a mining company and another huge suspended transport truck with the logo of a private mining company crashed into each other.

Although the two suspended transport vehicles are suspended operations.

However, due to the thick armor of the cockpit to prevent alien attacks, the drivers of both vehicles only suffered some superficial injuries.

Instead, the bodies of the two suspended transport trucks overturned, and the two different types of ore they transported were completely mixed together.

Liu Cheng and Fu Yan's eyelids twitched and they said:

"Even if two children are allowed to drive, the probability of collision is not high, right?"

Wang Zhuangzhuang said angrily:

“Miners in these private mining companies and workers in government-run mining companies look down upon each other.

Most likely they stopped each other's cars out of anger and then bumped into each other. "

Not to mention, after listening to Wang Zhuangzhuang's words, Liu Cheng and Fu Yan felt that what Wang Zhuangzhuang said was quite reasonable.

Officials responsible for handling the conflict are struggling at the moment.

Although he was protected by marine soldiers who maintained law and order, there were many people with super powers in the gangs called to support him.

He was still feeling weak.

Suddenly, he saw Song Ziming and others coming to support him from a distance, and immediately sent a few marine soldiers to invite Song Ziming and others here.

"Captain Song, you guys are here, I'm so stressed out here alone!"

Song Ziming ignored the other party's polite words and asked:

"Please tell me roughly what happened first."

The official said:

“Humph, it’s all the fault of these unruly people.

Not only did he overturn the mining company's transport truck with his car, he even called in a local gang to confront him.

If we didn't have Marine Corps soldiers here, they would probably start setting fires and killing people! "

Song Ziming frowned.

How could this kind of thing be a unilateral provocation? The miners of the private company were all drunk.

Moreover, he handles such civil conflicts with the purpose of reconciliation between both parties.

This official was very angry when he came up, which made him feel very bored.

However, this official's rank was obviously not much higher, so Song Ziming ignored him.

Song Ziming walked to the center of the conflict between the two parties and asked the miners from the private company:

"Calm down, everyone, I am Song Ziming, the captain of the special operations team stationed on this planet.

Can you guys explain what's going on? "

Although the miners of private companies are supported by local gangs.

But after seeing the four Song Zimings wearing special operations uniforms, their arrogance temporarily disappeared and they replied dissatisfied:

“Don’t listen to that bullshit little official’s nonsense, it was obviously the mining company’s transport truck that hit us!

Not only did they not agree to our request for compensation, but they also clamored to have the local Marines in charge of security arrest us.

That's when we asked Mr. Wang and others for help! "

The employees at the mining company became angry when they heard this, and said excitedly:

"You fart!

Look at the position of your suspended transport vehicles. They are all driving onto our transport road. How could we possibly hit you! "

The two parties disagreed and were ready to fight.

The dozens of gang members on the miners side of the private company all puffed up their chests and took a step forward, and the marines on the mining company side were also in full alert.

"Stop everyone!"

Song Ziming reprimanded angrily. His words were mixed with the supernatural energy of a Level 2 superpower, which had a strong deterrent effect on ordinary people.

The miners on both sides fell silent, and five or six of the dozens of gang members frowned slightly.

Song Ziming's sharp eyes immediately memorized the faces of these frowning people, thinking that these people were the superpowers among them.

Song Ziming led Liu Cheng and others forward to check the situation of the two hover cars that collided, and asked Liu Cheng and others:

"What do you think?"

Liu Cheng said:

"Half of the body of both vehicles deviated from their respective transportation roads. I think Da Zhuang is right. It should be due to the grudge between the two parties."

Song Ziming nodded and explained the accident to both parties.

"Well, since the drivers on both sides have no problem with the result of my judgment, then you can choose to reconcile."

The miners on both sides had no excuse to continue messing around, and they all fell silent.

Just when Liu Cheng and others thought the conflict was resolved, a voice sounded from among the gang members.

"Xiao Song, even if it is a settlement, does the issue of compensation for the goods still need to be dealt with?"

"Every vehicle in the mining company is insured, but miners in our private companies cannot afford insurance."

Hearing this, Liu Cheng and Fu Yan looked at the person who was speaking.

Who was so proud that he dared to call Captain Song "Little Song"?

The two saw an old man who looked to be in his seventies or eighties, tall, with a muscular body and tattoos on both arms.

Seventy or eighty years old is considered very old for people without abilities, but for people with superpowers whose average normal life span is 200 years old, their life is just halfway through.

Seeing that the old man walked more powerfully than them, he was obviously a superpower.

But why did this old man look so familiar?

Song Ziming was not angry when he heard the old man call him "Little Song". Instead, he bowed respectfully and said:

"I didn't expect that Uncle Wang would come in person."

Uncle Wang?

Liu Cheng and Fu Yan were a little confused. Is this a relative of Captain Song's family?

Old Wang smiled and nodded to Song Ziming, then pointed at Wang Zhuangzhuang who was hiding behind Liu Cheng and Fu Yan and scolded him angrily:

"You unfilial son!

When Xiao Song sees me, he knows to come up and say hello first, but you never go home to see an old man like me all year round.

Do you want me to die early so that you can inherit the family property?"

Wang Zhuangzhuang's nearly two-meter-tall body is not something Liu Cheng and Fu Yan can hide.

Wang Zhuangzhuang, who was scolded, saw that he couldn't escape, so he walked forward guiltily and said:

"Dad, can you please not scold me in front of so many people? I also want to save face!"

Wow? ? ?

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