
At this time, the Whitebeard Speaker knocked on the wooden hammer and said solemnly: “Ms. Ye Lingwei, you said you want to check the tools, then it’s not a problem. Are you flying back to the headquarters of the United Council in person now? How long will the leaders of the meeting wait?”

Ye Lingwei immediately said with a smile: “If you can go back and check the tools in person, it will be the best. But I think the heads of the meeting must not wait for three or five days, so I can check the tool through the holographic screen – this time, it will not be too long.”

The speaker followed up with Several other members discussed in a low voice.

The discussion has obviously been a bit long this time. It can be seen that the members of the parliament are very divided, and the mood of the private discussion is also very intense.

After a while, the Speaker knocked on the wooden hammer again and said solemnly: “I’m sorry, Miss Ye Lingwei, after careful discussion among our members, it was decided to reject your request. Personally, I don’t actually support your request, because the people in the MIIA and our joint council are 100% trusted, just like we 100% trust your active actions in the wolf empire. In addition, if you really want to check the tools It is impossible to really check and understand just through remote holographic projection, so your proposal is fundamentally an absurd proposal. I hope that our decision will not make you feel conflicted. ”

Ye Lingwei hurriedly said respectfully: “Thank you, Mr. Speaker for your explanation! After your explanation, I immediately became enlightened! Indeed, the detection tools of the Military Intelligence Agency will not have any problems. , and it’s pointless to check these tools remotely! Now, I withdraw my request.”

Ye Lingwei’s attitude changed so quickly that everyone present was a little surprised.

“Haha, wasn’t Ye Lingwei very determined just now? Why did it change so quickly?”

“hmph, the Speaker personally rejected her request, and she dared to contradict the Speaker Do you? Look at the heads of the four major countries, which one is not the one who respects the Speaker?”

“Also, what the Lord said is indeed reasonable!”

Others The leaders of the meeting all laughed and talked.

Speaker Whitebeard immediately said: “Since Miss Ye Lingwei has withdrawn this request, then our testing work will continue.”

Gu Li stood in front of the testing instrument again, Just about to reach out-

“Slow!” Ye Lingwei yelled again.

The Whitebeard Speaker looked at Ye Lingwei suspiciously, “Miss Ye Lingwei, didn’t you withdraw your request just now? Why do you still want to stop?”

Ye Lingwei said with a serious face : “Sir Speaker, what you just said is not wrong, I really shouldn’t trust my colleagues in the MI, but I just suddenly thought of a question – I can trust the Joint Parliament and the MI, but this batch of testing instruments, Wasn’t it made by our Military Intelligence Bureau? What if it was made by a force hostile to the Ben Wolf Empire and deliberately disrupted the situation? Although the probability of this situation is small, it is still possible, right?”

After holding back for a long time, the king of the Lion King Empire shouted angrily: “Ye Lingwei, what do you mean? You are just messing around! What are the forces that are hostile to the Ben Wolf Empire!?”

Ye Lingwei coldly smiled , “Oh, it seems that this batch of testing instruments was made by your Lion Wake Empire? We all know that the civil strife in the Benlang Empire has a great relationship with the forced intervention of your Lion Wake Empire. It’s made by the Lion Wake Empire. How can you trust this instrument?”

“Ye Lingwei, you are a small colonel, you dare to insinuate my Shishi Empire! I think you are tired of living!” The Lion King is fiercely said.

Li Binglin immediately said with a sneer: “Don’t you feel ashamed that a dignified king is threatening a woman, the king of lions?”

“The little queen of the deer! Why do you come to hate me as soon as I say Ye Lingwei?” The Lion King said fiercely: “I think you are all colluding!”

Li Binglin said with a sneer: “The Lion wakes up. King, you have slandered me so baselessly, believing or not I can directly impose trade blockade and economic sanctions on you Shishi Empire?”

“Hahaha! I’m afraid you won’t succeed?” The Lion King immediately laughed wildly.

The minister behind him then reminded him in a low voice: “Your Majesty, we’re afraid… we can’t let the Zhulu Empire sanction us. Many of our industrial economies rely on the Zhulu Empire, and our Lion Lion Empire. Most of the army is in the Ben Lang Empire, and the financial resources to support them in battle are extremely expensive. If they are sanctioned by the Zhulu Empire at this time, I am afraid our economy will fall into a hell-like abyss!”

“ What! I was actually threatened by a small country!” The Lion King gritted his teeth secretly, and then put on a smile, “Hehe, Queen Li Binglin Your Majesty, I just reconsidered, although I said We are definitely not afraid of your Zhulu Empire sanctioning us, but the peace between the two countries is not easy to come by, and we don’t want to have a conflict easily. That…what I said just now, I was wrong, and I apologize to you. “

Li Binglin smiled lightly, “Okay, I accept your apology. But please remember that if you dare to slander me next time, I will immediately impose economic sanctions.”

Lion King’s face jumped, “haha, no! No!”

Li Binglin turned to Ye Lingwei and said with a smile: “Miss Ye Lingwei, I think you I support your request.”

Ye Lingwei smiled knowingly at Li Binglin, “many thanks Queen Your Majesty! Queen Your Majesty is worthy of being the queen of Zhulu Empire, There is only one person in the entire Human Race world that can match you with your wisdom and demeanor!”

Li Binglin’s heart was elated when he said this.

Obviously, the person Ye Lingwei was talking about was Chen Xing.

And Li Binglin did everything because of Chen Xing.

Otherwise, as a bystander, she would be very suspicious of Gu Li’s identity.

The white-bearded speaker frowned said: “Ms. Ye Lingwei, I can understand your cautious attitude in this matter, but to be honest, no matter which company makes the testing equipment, it will be the same after all. It passed the inspection of the Military Intelligence Bureau, so your request is essentially the same as your first request, and I can completely reject your request. However, since Queen Li Binglin also supports you So, we might as well ask which company produced these testing instruments.”

Ye Lingwei said with a smile: “many thanks, Your Excellency.”

Speaker Whitebeard immediately ordered his staff to display the purchase order for all parts of the testing equipment on the large holographic screen.

After a while, hundreds of contracts for parts were covered with holographic screens.

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