
At this time, there were hybrid slaves waiting beside the Quantum Transmission Formation for a long time, quickly pulling the huge winch beside the Dark Portal.

The sound of the iron rope oh la la sounded, and the Dark Portal gradually condensed a huge curtain of light.

This giant curtain wall of light is three to five hundred meters high and at least two-three hundred meters wide.

A thousand years ago, Human Race assembled all the quantum energy source power and built this huge dark Transmission Gate, in order to transport large weapons and equipment to the edge of the Dark Moon Star Domain On the stronghold, and then deal with the entire alien race in the form of immigrant position warfare.

However, although this plan was grand, it was not realized in the end.

As a result, the Human Race Four Great Empires, with their own interests, refused to listen to the Union Council, and the Union Council handed over its dominion.

Secondly, the Great Marshal at that time encountered a huge crisis. The mixed-race plan he led did not receive the support of Human Race, or even the support of mixed-race people.

Over time, the world outside the dark Transmission Gate became the world of the Forsaken.

The Human Race and the alien race have carried out countless expeditions, the edge of the Darkmoon Star Domain has long been in danger, and the Dark Transmission Gate has never teleported five-six hundred meters of heavy ordnance. supplies.

It was not until the last few hundred years when the Space Formation of the universe became extremely unstable that it became a gold rush for Human Race elite experts and alien Scourge armies.

Everyone wants to get the Divine Item left by Divine Race.

And everyone who comes here knows that there is an ancient Saint Artifact called the Sword of Judgment, which is left here.

Whoever gets the sword of judgment can command the entire interstellar world.

Not only Human Race, but also interracial.

But. In theory, can a single sword really rule two races?

This is of course a fantasy story thing.

But from another perspective, it is enough to prove the power of the sword of judgment.

Although it is not necessary to rule the two races through the sword of judgment, but through the power of the sword of judgment, it can kill anyone who dares to be hostile.

Even the red giant dragon Valenstadz has said that a small human can completely defeat a powerful enemy like him with the sword of judgment.

And the person who got the Sword of Judgment twelve years ago and defeated Valenstadz with the Sword of Judgment was Chen Xing’s father, Sergeant Head Chen Tianyi.

So, for Chen Xing, his goal in Darkmoon Star Domain is to eradicate White Tiger, and another necessary task is to find the Sword of Judgment.

Ten minutes after the hybrid slaves pulled the chains, the Quantum Transmission Formation of the Dark Portal finally started to function normally.

One of the hybrid slave overseers cautiously saluted Chen Xing: “Lord Chen Xing, the Darkmoon journey is ready, you can walk into the Dark Portal at any time.”


“Well, good.” Chen Xing nodded at him.

The hybrid slave overseer withdrew in relief.

The Queen of Blades astonished said with a smile: “Strange, this fat-headed guy didn’t ask you for a favor?”

Zhang Zhenting also said strangely: “Yes Ah, in the past, the overseer would still ask for favors when I went to this place, why…wait! Lord Chen Xing, the cat’s eye ring on your finger should be a hybrid ring!”

Chen Xing laughed , “Yes.”

“No wonder!” Zhang Zhenting said excitedly: “This is the biggest symbol of kingship of the entire mixed race! When we arrive at the Darkmoon Star Domain, we will definitely meet again. When it comes to mixed races, this mixed-race ring can save us a lot of trouble!”

Chen Ying pulled Chen Xing’s sleeve and whispered, “big brother, you really intend to Take this red giant dragon through the Dark Portal?”

Chen Xing said with a smile: “Yes, I promised Varan to let him eat and regain some of his strength, so that he can Go back to his Dragon Clan world. Moreover, his height and size can also pass through the Dark Portal.”

Chen Ying took a breath, “However, it looks so terrifying.”

Chen Xing laughed, “You still need to be afraid of him? Did you know that among these people, he is most afraid of you.”

Chen Ying asked in surprise: “She? Afraid of me? How is this possible?”

Chen Xing said with a smile: “It’s true, Laowa looks fierce, but it is indeed a gentle giant dragon, I think, you will Be a good friend with him.”

Chen Ying secretly looked at the red dragon Valenstadz, and Valenstadz was also secretly looking at Chen Ying.

As soon as he saw Chen Ying’s gaze, Valenstadz hurriedly shifted his gaze, like a little child.

Chen Ying couldn’t help laughing, and immediately relaxed his nervous mind.

“big brother, I believe Varan has no malicious intentions, but he is a Dragon Clan creature after all. Wouldn’t it be too ostentatious for you to take a giant dragon to the Darkmoon Star Domain in such a grand manner? Huh? We might not even be able to get in the shelter!”

Chen Xing said with a smile: “Well, Little Ying, you’re right. So, I’m going through the Dark Portal. After that, let the old tile go completely, and when he needs me, or when I need him, we will contact each other again.”

Chen Ying then nodded, “Oh, that’s it.”


Chen Xing said again with a smile: “Of course, when passing through the dark gate, in order not to cause panic among the people at the gate, I will use the dark element effect of the eight emblem level to take Valance first. Taz is hidden, this effect can last for more than ten seconds on him, and more than ten seconds is enough for him to stay out of everyone’s sight.”

Chen Ying said with a smile: ” Well, in this way, there is no problem.”

Chen Xing looked around, “Well, let’s all gather together, keep a good formation, and pass the Dark Gate together.”

The Queen of Blades raised her arms and shouted: “Yo ho, New World, I’m here!”

After finishing speaking, she took the lead in rushing through the Dark Portal.

“This guy! Lord Chen Xing said to keep the formation!” Zhang Zhenting frowned.

Chen Xing didn’t care, and while taking the team to the gate of darkness, he exerted his eight-level dark element effect, shrouding the giant dragon Valenstads in a shadow. stand up.

“Well, my friend! This skill is really interesting. It shouldn’t be your Human Race world skill, right?” giant dragon Valenstadz curiously asked.

“Yes, I’ll explain it to you later.” Chen Xing concentrated one’s mind, leading everyone into the door of darkness.

A strange force enveloped them, as if they were immersed in a warm river water.

However, this soft feeling only lasted for a few seconds.

A few seconds later, the warm river turns into a raging ocean.

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