
“The law enforcement teacher took action, this time Chen Xing is really over.”

“Yeah! We students, just a small fight. It’s just a little trouble, and the law enforcement teachers are all retired soldiers from the Imperial Army! All of them are experienced!”

“Unfortunately… what Chen Xing said just now, I In fact, I still admire him a little bit.”

“Yes! Xue Bin is indeed a big harmful insect in our Zhulu Empire. Everyone knows that, but everyone has no courage to deal with Xue Bin.”


“Don’t count on it! Chen Xing is now one against thirteen, and it is impossible to win.”

A small number of students sighed slightly.

And most students still maintain the attitude of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

They also knew that Xue Bin was not good, but they were already numb.

They dare not resist Xue Bin, who is a teacher, but they dare to target Chen Xing, who has the courage to stand out.

It’s no wonder that Chen Xing doesn’t take them seriously at all.

Ma Tianyi said with a smile proudly: “Chen Xing, how is it? Are you desperate? Did you dare to be arrogant just now?”

Chen Xing laughed, “Ma Tianyi, you defeated, you dare to stand in front of Lao Tzu, do you think this time, it’s as simple as getting a slap?”

Embarrassed, “What! Last time, I used morality to convince people, so I didn’t fight back! This time, let’s settle the old and new accounts together! Xue Bin teacher, come on! Don’t be polite to this kid!”

Xue Bin said to Chen Xing in a cold voice: “Chen Xing, you insulted your classmates and teacher, today I will clear you out of Zhulu Empire University and will never accept you again!”

Chen Xing laughed, “you guys Let’s beat Lao Tzu first!”


Xue Bin waved his hand, and several law enforcement teachers immediately showed their magic weapons, and fiercely pointed at Chen. Xing stabbed away.

Chen Xing’s phantom Dragon Transformation tooth dagger immediately shot, and with a flick of his wrist, he blocked all the deadly killer moves of these teachers.

The few law enforcement teachers fiercely startled.

“Xue Bin teacher, this kid does have two strokes, no wonder he dares to be so arrogant!”

Xue Bin’s eyes burst with a murderous aura, “hmph, what can I do with two strokes? I’m Zhulu Empire University would rather have an obedient stone than a disobedient genius! Let’s go together!”

Ma Tianyi followed and shouted: “Yes! Yes! Let’s go together!”

Thirteen Gene War Generals have used their skills to attack Chen Xing!

In an instant, Chen Xing was surrounded by powerful shock waves, and the entire competition venue was rumbled. The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

In just ten seconds, the thirteen Gene War Generals made thousands of moves!

The dazzling moves made the students on the scene all eye-opening!

However, what surprised the students even more was that Chen Xing actually blocked the full attack of the thirteen gene War Generals with a dragon tooth dagger!

There must be no downside at all!

Among the thirteen Gene War Generals, Xue Bin is the strongest, with three Level 16s!

Even the weakest Ma Tianyi has Level 31!

And Chen Xing confronted them very calmly!

On the other hand, Xue Bin and the others, the more the war became, the more desperate, and the more she retreated!

Ma Tian shrank to the back of the front line early in the morning, and did not dare to confront Chen Xing head-on!

Chen Xing smiled coldly, “Zhulu Empire University’s law enforcement teacher, is that level?”

“Chen Xing, you are too arrogant!”

One of the law enforcement teachers stepped forward angrily–

Chen Xing immediately seized the opportunity, and the magic Dragon Transformation tooth dagger in his hand turned, first, a chilling snow flow slash blocked it. The way of other law enforcement teachers, followed by another powerful thunder kill, cutting off the long sword of the sudden law enforcement teacher with one knife!

The law enforcement teacher suddenly screamed.

The phantom weapon was scrapped, at least it’s impossible to restore it within three or five years.

Even if you want to recover, you have to put in extra effort and huge sums of money to buy War General-level genetic potions.

The rest of the law enforcement teachers are all one step slower, and after one person is missing from their siege, it is equivalent to missing a corner, and the weak spot is wide open!

Chen Xing was able to kill, the magic Dragon Transformation tooth dagger in his hand attacked continuously, and the law enforcement teachers fell one by one!

“Xue Bin teacher! This kid has three elements! And he can switch at will!”

“Yes! This kid’s elemental attack effect has a +4 emblem!”

“His genetic power is too strong, we are simply not his opponents!”

Xue Bin’s fingers trembled slightly.

After so many years of one hand shrouding the heavens at Zhulu Empire University, he didn’t expect to meet such difficult students in his dreams!

Seeing the law enforcement teachers around him fall one by one, Xue Bin was shocked and scared, angry and anxious.

Just as the phantom long knife in his hand was about to strike, Chen Xing’s dragon tooth dagger stabbed diagonally at a strange speed.

Xue Bin held breath cold air immediately, and jumped back suddenly, trying to avoid Chen Xing’s dragon tooth dagger.

Chen Xing didn’t pursue either, using the dragon tooth dagger to deal with other law enforcement teachers, while the other hand condensed the dragon bone ballista.

“It’s this trick again!”

“Hold your head and hide!”

The students who watched the battle before have seen the Chen Xing keel ballista The formidable power is high, and they all squatted on the ground with their heads held together.

Xue Bin startled, “This kid! He actually has two weapons!”


A bright white beam of light shot from the keel ballista, Xue Bin There is no way to avoid it, you can only grit your teeth.

It stands to reason that he is a Martial Artist of the third Level 16 War General gene, and Chen Xing’s dual weapons are a mix of melee and ranged weapons, so he has enough confidence to block this ranged strikes.


When the shock wave of photon-level formidable power exploded on Xue Bin, Xue Bin only felt that all his bones were broken!

With the strength of his three Level 16 gene War General, he could not stop Chen Xing’s blow at all!

He screamed and slammed into the audience with blood spurting!

The students in the audience all screamed and scattered, no one wanted to be crushed into meat sauce.

The formidable power of this light cannon is obviously much more powerful than the previous one!

This shows that Chen Xing still shows mercy when dealing with these students!

The students were even more frightened, and at the same time their admiration for Chen Xing increased a bit.

Seeing that Xue Bin was overthrown, several other law enforcement teachers who were struggling to support also had no intention of fighting.

But none of them can run.

The dragon tooth dagger in Chen Xing’s hand flew up and down, and with a few moves, he knocked down all the remaining law enforcement teachers to the ground!

At this point, Ma Tianyi had already escaped a long way, and he was about to run out of the arena.

This former eldest brother, in front of Chen Xing, was so cowardly as to be even worse than his grandson!

Chen Xing sneered, a thunder step, turned into thousands of current particles, and teleported directly in front of Ma Tianyi!

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