
Shen Meng blushed to the root of her neck when she heard the “car shock”.

Fiona is from the Lion King Empire, and doesn’t understand another meaning of “car shock”.

But Shen Meng knew it.

“Miss Fiona, what does the car shock actually mean…!”

“Shen Meng, have your car been shaken before?”

“Of course not!”

“Then you have no say! Trust me, Che Zhen is really cool! If you don’t give it a try, your life will be in vain!”

Fiona said mysteriously with a smile: “I know that girls like you Zhulu Empire are shy, but you don’t have to worry, there is this Young Lady with you, the three of us are in a car shock. “

Chen Xing laughed, “Actually the three of them are called Shuangfei.”


Fiona stared wide-eyed in confusion: “Yes Don’t you mean flying?”

Shen Meng roared angrily: “Chen Xing! I want you to talk too much! I really hope Sun He will let you poison to death and forget it!”

Chen Xing raised his brows, “I poisoned me to death, how can I fly with you two girls?”

“A dog can’t spit out ivory!” Shen Meng blushed.

Fiona said with a smile: “Okay, stop arguing, let’s go to the MK main battle tank and fly together!”

Shen Meng shook her head desperately and said: ” no! I don’t want to fly with you!”

“Let’s go!”

Chen Xing hugged the two girls by the waist.

The two women have been poisoned. They are weak and weak in a short period of time. They can’t walk at all. They can only be held by Chen Xing.

The other students looked at Chen Xing hugging each other, envy in their hearts to death, but they could only sigh at the girl.

Chen Xing walked fast and quickly left the ruins of the competition venue and found the MK main battle tank.

When Shen Meng saw the tall and mighty tank, he immediately held breath cold air.

Fiona stuck her head out from Chen Xing’s waist and said with a smile: “See Shen Meng, is it thick and long enough?”

“Huh? !” Shen Meng blushed and became hot.

“Would you like to have a shot?”

“Miss Fiona, you, are you too open?”

If it wasn’t for Chen Xing Holding it on his waist, Shen Meng couldn’t wait to find a seam to get in!

“This is still open? It’s just a shot! But unfortunately, I just shot one shot, and when I want to play the second shot, Chen Xing will charge me. This damn Chen Xing!”

“You, you had sex with Chen Xing, and he, he still collects money from you?”

“Yeah! You said he was too much!”

Fiona said bitterly, then raised her finger and pointed at the barrel of the MK main battle tank: “Look, isn’t this barrel thick enough or long enough?”

Shen Meng was sighed in relief, “Oh, you’re talking about this! So what you said just now is a real shot?”

“What do you think?” Fiona Curiously blinked.

“I thought…”

Shen Meng said awkwardly: “Forget it, I didn’t think anything.”

“Get in the car!”

Chen Xing jumped with his legs, and with no difficulty jumped on the high spiked crawler with the two girls, opened the top cabin, and sent the two girls into the cabin, and he followed suit. go in.

The MK main battle tank was launched and rumbled away from the Zhulu Empire University.

The guards of Zhulu Empire University have long heard about what happened in the competition venue, so they naturally dared not stop the MK main battle tank and let Chen Xing leave in a dashing manner.


Ma Tianyi, escorted by his younger brothers, returned to the Ma Family’s deep house compound.

Ma Family patriarch Ma Chengfei was furious when he saw his beloved son’s broken arm: “What happened? How could my son be like this? Who is it? Who did it!”


“Dad! It’s Chen Xing! It’s Chen Xing!”

Ma Tianyi wailed: “Dad, you must kill him, must kill him!”

Ma Chengfei immediately comforted: “Dear son, don’t worry, there is a father! Even if Chen Xing has Three Heads Six Arms, the father will pull him out one by one! Dare to treat me Ma Chengfei My son is ruthless, and I want him to die without a burial site!”

Then, Ma Chengfei turned his head and shouted: “Someone! Find me the best capital—no, find the highest of the entire human federation. My medic, must heal my son’s injury as soon as possible! No matter what the cost!”


“Also, send me two Ma Family mercenary formations , arrest that boy named Chen Xing for me! I will slowly torture him to death!”


On the other side, the queen’s bedroom.

“What? Sun He is dead?!” Little Prince stared wide-eyed in astonishment when he heard the report.

The queen said worriedly: “Sun He’s strength is not bad, so he can’t even handle a small Chen Xing? Alas, I originally wanted Sun He, himself, to serve as the Imperial Family garrison. As for the commander of the Imperial Family, it’s good now, there are no more of us in the Imperial Family garrison.”

Little Prince slapped the table angrily, “This Prince can’t bear it anymore! Chen Xing walked every step of the way. Pushing hard, getting every inch and making further progress! This Prince is obviously many times higher than his status, yet he has to endure failure again and again! If this continues, this Prince will be crazy! Kill my Royal Father and take over the entire Zhulu Empire! When the time comes, I will be the new king, I will crush Chen Xing, as easy as crushing an ant!”

The queen was horrified He rushed to the front of Little Prince and covered his mouth with his hand, “Xiong’er, how can you be so open-mouthed? Although this is my bedroom, you have to beware that the walls have ears! Your Royal Father’s condition has reached the terminal stage. There is no cure! You just have to be patient!”

Little Prince said irritably: “Mother! You really have an excess tendency to clemency! My Royal Father has not yet determined the real heir. Who knows what he thinks in his heart? In case! I mean in case, in case he becomes obsessed and passes the throne to that woman, then we are all over!”

The queen sighed heavily , “Xiong’er, the woman you mentioned is your third sister.”

Little Prince smiled coldly, “hmph, her bloodline, how can I be noble? I am also the wolf empire. With the double bloodline of Zhulu Empire, I am the king of the True Kings! Now, the First Prince is dead, the Second Prince has disappeared, and Li Binglin is the only one who can strive with me for high and low. It’s a pity, Royal Father That old fox put Li Binglin under house arrest in the Forbidden Palace, apparently it was house arrest, but in fact it was protection! Otherwise, Li Binglin would have died by my hands!”

The queen patiently He consoled: “Xiong’er, it’s a big deal, you must not mess up the whole thing because of a nobody’s victory like Chen Xing. Chess! If you really want to mutiny, it’s not impossible. But the Imperial Family Guards and the Inner Court Guards, the two most powerful arms in the capital circle, are no longer under our control. Hasty action will only succeed! You heard that me, your teacher, Pei Tianyu, the southern regent, is secretly mobilizing all influence now. Only when he is ready can we be sure of winning! “

Little Prince’s mood calmed down a little, but he was still a little resentful: “This time, we can’t just let it go, right?” “

“Of course not! “

The queen said with a smile: “Let the people from the Law Enforcement Bureau deal with Chen Xing. If Chen Xing dares to resist the Law Enforcement Bureau, it will really violate the law of competition, even if it is Leng Xuan. It’s no use coming out. “

“Good! I listen to your mother! Let Chen Xing live two more days! “

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