
After the matter of the powerful officers was resolved, Chen Xing said to the other Imperial Family garrisoners in a deep voice:

“The rest of you They should all become the Imperial Family garrison based on their true ability.”

“The meaning of the Imperial Family garrison is to protect the safety of the entire capital, because the safety of the capital affects the entire Zhulu Empire. The most direct guarantee of safety!”

“If any of you can’t be loyal to Zhulu Empire, or you are worried about the future, please leave.”

” I, Chen Xing, will not arrest those who leave voluntarily, nor will I settle accounts in the autumn.”

As soon as these words came out, the Imperial Family guarding army soldiers present looked at each other in blank dismay, no one was there. leave.

They have finally reached this step today, and finally ushered in a new light in the lifeless situation. How can they break away from the Imperial Family garrison at this time?

“Lord Chen Xing! We are not high-ranking officers! We are all willing to end up in the Zhulu Empire!”

“Yes! Lord Chen Xing! Please give us orders! We will strictly obey!”

Someone in the Imperial Family garrison took the lead in shouting.

These words were also immediately responded by all the Imperial Family garrison army soldiers.

Seeing such a scene, the ambassador standing in the Xingshi embassy couldn’t help but lightly nod.

A person who has no roots in the capital circle, it stands to reason that even with the appointment of the king, it is difficult to gain a foothold in the Imperial Family garrison.

However, Chen Xing was able to use the thunderous method to directly get rid of the powerful officers, and quickly established formidable power among a large number of low-level soldiers.

On that alone, this kid is limitless.

The ambassador couldn’t help thinking that it would be a good thing if his precious daughter could marry Chen Xing.

The ambassador quietly glanced at Fiona–

Fiona was just like Shen Meng, looking at Chen Xing with a crazy face.

The ambassador couldn’t help but sighed faintly.

Chen Xing satisfied nodded, “Okay! Since everyone is willing to be loyal to the Zhulu Empire, the order in the capital area will never allow the elite to trample on it. I announce that starting today, the capital area will enter semi-martial law. Status, the Imperial Family garrison is based on a squad, and will carry out 24-hour replacement patrols!”


“In addition, the positions that have been vacant will be replaced by junior officers. , if the post of the junior officer is also vacant, then the junior officer will take over!”


The Imperial Family garrison was immediately excited.

The previous high-level positions were all held by the powerful officers, but when Chen Xing took office, he not only eliminated all the powerful officers, but also handed over the vacant positions to them. Bottom officer!

How could they not appreciate and admire Chen Xing?

“Execute the order! If there is any situation, report to me at any time!”


The Imperial Family garrison left in neat steps.

Outside the embassy of the Lion King, there were only three Chen Xing and a lot of corpses left.

The ambassador changed his smiling face, and accompanied by Tyrian, the laughed one came out:

“Aiya, Lord Chen Xing, I have heard about Lord Chen Xing for a long time. She’s famous, didn’t expect to see her today, she’s really outstanding! My daughter has such a good eye! She has a good eye!”

Fiona pursed her lips and smiled, “father, you really don’t care. Am I married to that straw bag of Ma Tianyi?”

The ambassador said as it should be by rights: “hmph! What is Ma Tianyi? Obviously his father, Ma Chengfei, insisted on dating us. Today After so many things happened, father has seen through Ma Chengfei’s nature, don’t worry, Fiona! father will never marry you to Ma Tianyi.”

“many thanks father!” Fei Ona said excitedly.

After she finished speaking, she gave Chen Xing a sorry look.

The reason why she was able to get rid of the marriage with Ma Family this time was entirely by “falsely accusing” Chen Xing in public.

If Chen Xing didn’t take the blame for her, Ma Chengfei wouldn’t be so angry, and he wouldn’t have torn his face completely.

Chen Xing certainly knows this.

However, in this matter, Chen Xing is actually not at a disadvantage.

Although there was no incident between a man and a woman last night, Chen Xing really slept in the same bed with the two girls, and took advantage of the gene power to be infused.

Moreover, through this incident, the marriage between the Ma Family and the ambassador of the Xingshi Empire was destroyed, and their threat to the capital circle was also weakened.

Especially seeing Ma Chengfei’s face that was about to get angry, Chen Xing was especially happy.

Finally, in the eyes of others, Chen Xing can be regarded as a big win for the men of Zhulu Empire.

The ambassador’s daughter, Fiona, has always been very aloof, but now, in front of so many people, she took the initiative to admit to having sex with Chen Xing, and she was serving her with two flights. This alone is enough. The envy and admiration of all Zhulu Empire men.

All in all, in less than 24 hours, Chen Xing has already made a name for himself in the capital circle.

Some people may not know Chen Xing’s name before, but now, there is only one person who is talking up and down the capital circle.

That is, Chen Xing.

The ambassador of the Lion King also understands the importance of Chen Xing at this time.

Not only because of Chen Xing’s outstanding personal strength, not only because of his daughter’s relationship with Chen Xing, but also because Chen Xing is now in charge of the core military force of the capital.

The ambassador said to Chen Xing with a smile: “Sir Chen Xing, come to my embassy to sit down and discuss future matters?”

Chen Xing smiled lightly Asked: “Mr. Ambassador, what is there to discuss between us?”

The ambassador said with a smile: “You child — now almost the whole country knows you and my precious daughter Now that we are together, we naturally have to sit down and discuss marriage.”

“Aiya! father!” Fiona, who never blushes, actually blushed.

The ambassador laughed, “Lord Chen Xing, it seems that my daughter really likes you! When I mentioned Ma Family marriage to her before, she wasn’t so squeamish, it was directly with me. Turn your face! I think, you don’t have to wait anymore, you can just get married tonight!”

Originally, marrying the Ma Family was a brilliant move for the Lion King Empire.

It’s a pity that Ma Chengfei insulted Fiona as “a broken flower and a willow”, which made the ambassador angry and could only tear his face with Ma Chengfei.

Then the road to marriage with Ma Family will naturally be impossible.

However, Chen Xing’s status is now very hot, and he became the temporary commander of the Imperial Family garrison at a young age. Marrying Chen Xing can not only make his daughter Fiona Satisfied, and can achieve better results than marrying with Ma Family.

Why not?

Chen Xing smiled faintly, “Marriage? Let’s forget it. Miss Fiona said there was something between us, but it was just to turn off the marriage with Ma Family, and I didn’t fully defend myself. , also for my friend’s sake, to help Miss Fiona. Now that the matter is settled, I think I should go too.”


The ambassador shouted angrily: “Chen Xing! How dare you just walk away!? Tyrian! Catch him for me!”

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