

In the queen’s bedroom, the queen and little Prince both turned pale after hearing the report.

“That Old Guy, finally got his shot!”

Little Prince said bitterly: “Just didn’t expect, he actually made Chen Xing, the country bumpkin, become a The temporary commander of the Imperial Family garrison! hmph! Tell me, he had planned it! The reason why he vacated Liao Xinghui’s commander position is for Chen Xing!”

The queen clutched In my heart, I said again and again with fear: “In this way, your Royal Father has been guarding us for a long time.”

“Mother, I have already said that we should start early! If Sun He When we were still there, we directly led the Imperial Family garrison into the palace, how could things get so passive now?”

“But there is still an inner court in the palace that is loyal to your Royal Father. Guards! Even if we have the Imperial Family garrison in our hands, it will be very difficult to capture the palace for a while!”

The queen sighed heavily, “And, once we go to war, in case Ma Family and Awakening The Lion Empire united and launched a surprise attack on us in the name of protecting the old king, so what should we do?”

Little Prince smiled coldly: “hmph, they dare! I am the most justifiable person in the Zhulu Empire. King!”

The queen sighed, “The Lion King and the Ma Family don’t necessarily think so. Therefore, we have to take a long-term view on this matter.”

As she said, the queen’s The encrypted holographic communicator rang.

“It’s the Southern Regent Pei Tianyu!”


The Southern Regent Pei Tianyu is the teacher of Prince Li Shixiong, and he secretly supports the teacher. Prince’s local regent.

As soon as the holographic screen unfolded, Pei Tianyu immediately bowed respectfully to the queen and little Prince.

“Lord Pei, please forgive me.”

The queen smiled, “I haven’t seen Mr. Pei for a long time. Our mothers really miss me very much.”


Pei Tianyu hurriedly said with a smile: “Queen Your Majesty, little His Highness the Prince, the old minister has been busy preparing for the major event of the army, so I always have the opportunity to say goodbye to the queen and little Prince, and please forgive me. Good. The old minister has lived up to his mission, and now the old minister has almost prepared, so he dares to report to the queen and little Prince.”


Little Prince asked with a look of surprise Said: “teacher, how many soldiers and horses do you have now?”

Pei Tianyu said with a smile: “Little His Highness the Prince, frankly, the old minister has contacted the other two regents, the one in our hands The total number of private mercenaries is as many as 100,000, and all of them are Martial Artists above the War Madness level. In addition, we have also purchased six ③-type attack starships, which are enough to support a year of armaments.”

“Really? It’s really good!”

“Not only that! We also talked about the ten areas from the first region to the tenth region of the local army around the capital circle. The important strategic area of their local army is willing to swear allegiance to His Highness the Prince!”

“Each area has nearly 60,000 troops and a ③-type attack starship. This means that the total number of troops we have now is about 700,000!”


Little Prince laughed up to the sky, “This Prince has 700,000 soldiers! How can this throne be not mine!? Teacher, you are very good. After this Prince ascends the throne, you will be the best! This Prince will make you a Regent King! “

Pei Tianyu hurriedly said hypocritically with a smile: “The old minister has no selfishness, but just thinks that the Zhulu Empire should be ruled by a king like Little His Highness the Prince!”

“Haha! Well said! Well said!” Little Prince was already a little flirtatious.

Although the queen was also very happy, she still said with some worry: “Master Pei, the old king just ordered Chen Xing to serve as the temporary commander of the Imperial Family garrison.”

“Chen Xing?”

Pei Tianyu’s heart throbbed as soon as he heard the name.

His son Pei Duo, who was originally the fiance of Third Princess Li Binglin, ended up not getting the Third Princess, but died at the hands of Chen Xing.

This bloody vengeance, he will avenge it no matter what!

It’s just that he didn’t expect that in just a few months, Chen Xing has become the temporary commander of the Imperial Family garrison!

“Not good!”

Pei Tianyu couldn’t help exclaiming.

Little Prince asked eagerly: “What happened to the teacher?”

“Little His Highness the Prince, we must do it as soon as possible.” Pei Tianyu said solemnly.

The queen hurriedly interjected: “No way, Chen Xing controlled the Imperial Family garrison and put all the officers who were loyal to us in prison!”

Pei Tianyu Said: “Queen Your Majesty, the reason why the old king so abruptly handed over the command of the Imperial Family garrison to Chen Xing is that his own body is already dead.”

Little Prince sneered, “Isn’t that just right?”

Pei Tianyu sighed, “Now the northern regent Xiang Fan has not appeared in the palace, and the Third Princess Li Binglin has also been deliberately protected, I am very worried that in the end, the old The king will pass the throne to…”

Little Prince’s face suddenly darkened.

Pei Tianyu continued: “better to be safe than sorry! So we have to do it first, so as not to be passive when the time comes and be charged with rebellion!”

Little Prince asked eagerly: “teacher, when will your troops arrive in the capital area?”

Pei Tianyu shook the head: “Outside the capital area, there are still a large number of imperial troops defending the capital. , this layer of interest, the old minister has not had time to get through. If the imperial army is not opened, the 700,000 army wants to enter the capital circle, and it will take at least a month or two to fight hard!”

Little Prince Immediately he became annoyed, “Speaking of which, do we have nothing to do now?!”

Pei Tianyu said quickly, “Don’t be angry, little His Highness the Prince, I will get through the imperial army as soon as possible. In addition, please also ask the little Prince and the queen to think about other methods and see if they can regain the military power of the Imperial Family garrison. Of course, if you can kill Chen Xing directly, that would be the best.”

“Okay, let’s split up! Try to finish this matter within 24 hours!” Little Prince said decisively.

The queen exclaimed, “Twenty-four hours!”

Little Prince smiled coldly, “Twenty-four hours is long enough, if it weren’t for Chen Xing’s insertion. If I come, I don’t want to wait even a second longer!”

After hanging up the encrypted communication with Pei Tianyu, the queen was a little confused.

“Xiong’er, what are you going to do?”

“hmph, it’s very simple.”

Little Prince said confidently: “Since it’s here now At this point, I don’t have to fight with Chen Xing. Didn’t Chen Xing control the Imperial Family garrison? But he must not forget that all the intelligent data of the Imperial Family garrison are all connected to the database of my intelligent AI Phantom Butterfly Come on!”

“With the ability of Phantom Butterfly, she can enter and exit the Imperial Family garrison headquarters without any scruples. I just need to order her to disguise as Chen Xing and publish it as Chen Xing. Order, let the Imperial Family garrison attack the inner court guards!”

“When the Imperial Family garrison and the inner court guards fight both sides suffer, I can bring my own personal armed forces to rush Enter the palace and kill the old king!”

“I can also put the responsibility for the death of the old king on Chen Xing’s head! I want to make him a king killer! It will be a stigma forever. !”

In the pupils of little Prince, extremely crazy rays of light flashed.

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