

Ma Chengfei’s eyes flashed, “Do you really have a way to kill two birds with one stone?”

Chen Xing is the mortal enemy of the Ma Family, and the Xingshi embassy insulted the Ma Family by refusing to marry, making the Ma Family a topic of ridicule in the capital circle. Ma Chengfei wanted revenge for a long time.

However, regardless of the strength of the two sides, Chen Xing has now become the temporary commander of the Imperial Family garrison army, and the embassy of the Xingshi Empire has diplomatic immunity. The strength of his Ma Family No matter how strong they are, they are essentially just civilians with private mercenary armed forces.

Therefore, Ma Chengfei urgently needs a way to deal with Chen Xing and the embassy of Xingshi Empire.

The bearded mercenary group smiled, “Lord Patriarch, this matter is actually very simple. You know, Chen Xing is not only our enemy! We can use people who also hate Chen Xing, Let’s fight Chen Xing.”

Ma Chengfei slightly frowned, “Of course I also thought of what you said. But now there is strength to confront Chen Xing, one is the Queen and the little Prince’s forces, the other One is the power of the embassy of the Lions Empire. Originally, if we could marry the embassy of the Lions Empire, we could also take advantage of the convenience of diplomatic immunity to deal with Chen Xing, but now, because Fiona refuses to marry, wake up. The embassy of the Lion Empire has become our adversary! We can’t beg the Queen’s little Prince, can we? This is not the way to kill two birds with one stone!”

The mercenary group leader said with a smile: ” It’s better than asking a little Prince. Lord Patriarch, have you forgotten? You also have a nephew who is known as a super genius.”

Ma Chengfei was startled for a while, “You mean –Lu Qi?”


“But, Lu Qi is the deputy commander of the Star River Special Forces of the Lion King! He has become a Lion King The imperial people, who have the real nationality of the Lion King, are also the lover of Edgar, the commander of the Lion King Imperial Army, and are now completely under the command of the Lion King!” Ma Chengfei shook his head again and again.

The mercenary group leader said with a smile: “Lord Patriarch, this is exactly the beauty of this strategy. Think about it, if Lu Qi was to kill Chen Xing, then Chen Xing would die. , the responsibility is to wake up the Lion Empire, and it has nothing to do with Lord Patriarch. Even if the old king wants to make trouble, he will first look for the trouble of the embassy of the Lion Empire — is this killing two birds with one stone?”

Ma Chengfei held breath cold air, and the expression on his face gradually turned into a gloomy smile, “Not bad! Not bad! This idea is really good! But… Although Lu Qi is my cousin, he is not after all. Zhulu Empire is a man, and this kind of assassination is very risky, why would he do it?”

The mercenary group leader said: “Lord Patriarch, Lu Qi fought with Chen Xing in the Seven Star Hotel, and he lost miserably to Chen Xing, he must be dissatisfied with Chen Xing in his heart. As long as Lord Patriarch gives him more benefits, I think he will agree.”

Ma Chengfei’s heavy nodded, “Lu Qi is now in Where?”

“It just so happens that he is in Master Tianyi Young’s ward, visiting Master Tianyi.”

“Excellent! Let’s go! Find him! “

Ma Chengfei and the mercenary group head hurried to Ma Tianyi’s ward.

When Lu Qi saw Ma Chengfei coming, he quickly stood up and saluted politely: “Hello, cousin.”

“Aiya, Lu Qi’s nephew!”

Ma Chengfei hugged Lu Qi with joy, as kind as he saw his own son: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, didn’t expect you to be more handsome now!”

Lu Qi politely said with a smile: “It’s all my fault that my nephew is busy with official business in Xingshi Empire, and he doesn’t come back often to visit his cousin.”

Having said this, Ma Chengfei sighed heavily, “Ai, if you Come back earlier, your cousin Tianyi won’t be hurt like this by Chen Xing that trashy hillbilly.”

Lu Qi also said with a sad face: “Chen Xing that bastard, sooner or later, I will I want to avenge this for my cousin!”

Ma Chengfei was instantly happy when he heard this, he pulled Lu Qi’s hand and said, “Good nephew, if you are willing to deal with Chen Xing, my uncle is willing to give up. I will try my best to repay you.”

Lu Qi hurriedly said hypocritically: “Uncle, it’s too outrageous for you to say this, we are all family, avenging my cousin is also my cousin. It’s a matter of your own accord, how can you say that you don’t repay it? It’s just that I am now a soldier of the Lion King Empire. Every action of mine represents the Lion King Empire. There may be a huge risk of being punished by the Lion King–“

Who is Ma Chengfei?

He immediately understood Lu Qi’s overtones.

This kid Lu Qi is obviously a sanctimonious hypocrite. He said no, but he wanted a big benefit, and it had to be a huge benefit that Ma Chengfei offered.

Ma Chengfei couldn’t help but despise Lu Qi in his heart, but now he needs Lu Qi to help him get rid of Chen Xing even more, so whether Lu Qi is a hypocrite or not, it is not the most important thing to him.

“He he he, nephew Lu Qi, my uncle knows that you are not someone who wants to repay, and also that you are the deputy commander of the Star River Special Forces of the Lion King Empire, and you can’t take it lightly. However, nephew Ah, look back at Tianyi’s cousin lying on the hospital bed, you see how pitiful he is.”

“Your uncle, I only have one wish now, and that is to avenge Tianyi, if you can If you do, my uncle is willing to give 10 billion star coins to thank you!”

Ma Chengfei raised a finger generously.

Lu Qi’s mouth curled into a sneer.

10 billion star coins, for the ordinary commoner, it is indeed a huge sum of money that can’t be spent in a lifetime.

Even for Lu Qi, it was indeed a very high reward.

But the problem is, for the rich and imposing Ma Family, the money is just the price of a super sports car.

I want to avenge my son, and I want the Lion King to take the blame, can trifling 10 billion star coins kill me Lu Qi?

Do you really think Lu Qi is an idiot?

Lu Qi laughed, “Uncle, my nephew is definitely not the kind of person who is greedy for money. Let’s leave this to someone else.”

Ma Chengfei frowned immediately. , “10 billion star coins are not enough? How about 20 billion? How about 30 billion?”

Lu Qi still smiled and shook his head.

Ma Chengfei’s face became solemn, “Lu Qi, tell me, what am I going to give you, so you are willing to kill Chen Xing for me?”

Lu Qi said with a smile: “How dare I make an offer with my uncle? It’s just that I don’t think the family should talk about money. Otherwise, the relationship between relatives will be useless in the future. If you want me to avenge my cousin, I feel the same way. Very willing, but in case after I kill Chen Xing, the Xingshi Empire wants to hold me accountable, I have to find a way back, right?”

“My teacher, the imperial army of Xingshi Empire The commander-in-chief, Marshal Edgar, can completely protect me, but my teacher likes more expensive gifts–I heard that you have a galaxy necklace in your hand, uncle.”

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