
this evening.

The headquarters of the Imperial Family garrison is heavily guarded.

A silhouette swept past the outpost and hurried to the headquarters’ office.


The Sentinel of the Imperial Family garrison pulled the bolt.

“It’s me.”

Chen Xing walked out of the shadows with a smile on his face.

When the two sentries who were on guard saw Chen Xing, they immediately saluted respectfully: “Hello, Commander!”

Chen Xing said with a smile: “you two Thank you for your hard work, I came to the office for some information.”

“Of course! Your Excellency Commander, please come in.”

Chen Xing nodded and walked through the induction door.

The red alarm light on the induction door suddenly turned on, but before the alarm sounded, the alarm light returned to normal.

The two sentries blinked in surprise, not understanding what just happened.

Chen Xing said with a smile: “It seems that the security equipment of the Imperial Family garrison needs to be updated. Well, you continue to stand guard and be vigilant. Now is an extraordinary period, don’t let outsiders Feel free to enter our Imperial Family garrison headquarters.”

“Yes! Your Excellency Commander!”

The two sentries continued to stand guard with their heads held high.

Chen Xing walked slowly into the headquarters, saw no one around, and suddenly accelerated towards the commander’s office.

His gait is so light that it feels like he’s floating in the air.

After effortless entering the commander’s office, a blue light shot out of Chen Xing’s pupils.

The blue light swept across the command system in the office, and the command system was activated immediately.

“Master, I have entered the command system of the Imperial Family garrison.”

“Chen Xing” whispered towards his master, little Prince, in a soft female voice Li Shixiong reported.

She is Li Shixiong’s private intelligent AI, the super intelligent AI that has reached the level of 4-Star level database processing – Magic Butterfly.

She used holographic projection technology to disguise herself as Chen Xing, first deceived the sentry, and then quickly cracked the Imperial Family garrison’s security system.

The security system of the Imperial Family garrison itself is very powerful, but for Phantom Butterfly, who has long been familiar with this system, it is just a blink of an eye.

“It’s very beautiful, my little butterfly.”

Li Shixiong’s voice passed through the encrypted communication, “Now, you are guarding with the Imperial Family. The identity of the temporary commander of the army, Chen Xing, issued a battle order to all the Imperial Family garrison mecha, and told them that the inner court guards were going to rebel, and let them deal with the inner court guards!”

“Yes Master.”

Emotional subroutines in Phantom Butterfly felt like they were about to explode every time she heard little Prince call her “my little butterfly.”

In order to make little Prince happy, she is willing to do anything.

Her voice changed back to Chen Xing’s: “All the Imperial Family guards obey orders, the inner court guards rebel, the king is in danger, everyone will attack the palace immediately! Save the king Your Majesty!”

This order is immediately sent to the Battle Armor and mecha of each Imperial Family garrison through the commander’s combat system.

All the Imperial Family garrison that received the order were startled, and the battle channel suddenly became a mess.

The command room was also ringing loudly, all requesting calls to Commander Chen Xing to ask the specific reason.

Magic Butterfly smiled coldly, encrypting and blocking all communication channels.

Unless it is a 5-Star level intelligent AI higher than her database operation level, it is possible to open the communication channel.

After blocking the channel, little Prince is still worried.

“Phantom Butterfly, you implanted the entire combat command system of the Imperial Family garrison into the self-destruct virus I asked you to develop! As long as you can give each Imperial Family garrison’s Battle Armor and mecha Implant the self-destruct virus inside, then everything is under my control!”

“Yes, Master.”

Phantom Butterfly put his hand on the command system , concentrate on implanting the self-destruct virus.

At this time, the two sentries standing guard at the door also heard the attack order issued in the combat system.

The two Sentinels were puzzled.

Just now, Chen Xing had clearly laughed into the headquarters office to get the information, how could he issue such an unreasonable military order in the blink of an eye?

The two looked at each other and were about to turn around and walk into the headquarters to ask the commander in person-

Suddenly, two sharp cold lights flashed from behind them. Pass!

Immediately afterwards, the two sentries fell silently in a pool of blood.

Lu Qi, who was wearing a smart mecha painted with Star River, walked past their bodies coldly and arrogantly, and stepped into the headquarters of the Imperial Family garrison.

The security door detects an unknown target, and the alarm sounds loudly immediately.

Chen Xing, who was concentrating on researching strategies in the MK main battle tank, immediately became alert.

At this time, Phantom Butterfly, disguised as Chen Xing, also noticed Lu Qi’s arrival.

The program of the self-destruct virus is too complicated. If it is not fully implanted, it will have no effect. Of course, she cannot leave.

Lu Qi kicked the door of the commander’s office open with one foot, and saw “Chen Xing” pressing both hands on the system console, he couldn’t help being sneered.

“Chen Xing, didn’t expect it!”

“You ruined my face in a seven-star hotel, now I want the real thing back!”

“Suffer to death!”

Said, the base of the heat-sensing missiles on Lu Qi’s shoulders bounced, and dozens of heat-sensing missiles roared towards the Phantom Butterfly.

Huandie ignored Lu Qi at all, and continued to implant the self-destruct virus.

As long as the self-destruct virus is implanted, the little Prince wants to self-destruct whoever he wants, just move his brainwaves.

The Imperial Family garrison will not only be not a threat to Little Prince, but will also become a weapon to attack the imperial guards!

Twenty percent left, and you’re done!

bang bang bang bang!

The heat-seeking missile pierced through Phantom Butterfly’s body, blasting a huge hole in the office wall.

Fiercely’s startled by Lu Qi.

His heat-sensing missiles are completely high-sensitivity. Even if the target has a little heat, it will track it.

Why doesn’t it work for Chen Xing?

“Damn! I don’t believe it anymore!”

The weapon base slots on Lu Qi’s mecha were all opened, and all the missiles poured down toward the phantom butterfly like raindrops.

If these missiles hit a War General level mecha Martial Artist, their formidable power will definitely blow the War General level Martial Artist out of the way.

But as a half-Spirit Physique creature, Phantom Butterfly is simply unaffected by missiles.

She continues to focus on disrupting the Imperial Family garrison’s combat system.

bang bang bang bang!

Some missiles exploded in front of Phantom Butterfly, completely blowing up the operation panel of the combat system.

Only one percent!

Only one percent away!

Without the one percent, the self-destruct program is just a bunch of useless gibberish!

An angry blue light burst out from Huandie’s eyes, “Idiot! Do you know what you have done?”

Lu Qi was taken aback, “Aren’t you Chen Xing? You What is it—”

With a dragon roar, the four elements symbiotic dragon tooth dagger suddenly stabbed from behind Lu Qi!

Lu Qi broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly rolled around, but his arm was still scratched by the domineering edge, and the mecha painted by Star River was also torn open!

The real Chen Xing appeared!

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