“Fake Sambo is Elio?”.

March Seven and Star feel that their brains are not enough.

How does it feel… Things are going in strange directions….

“That’s right, let’s take a look at the cause and effect of this. ”

Jing Yuan said his analysis:

“First, let’s rewind the timeline to the day when Fake Sambo made his point at the panel. ”

On that day, the rumor that the “Junmei Star God” had not fallen appeared on the fairy boat for the first time, and at this point, people had expectations for the girl named “Elysia”. ”

Immediately afterwards, a website called “Elysia” gradually became popular around the world with this incident, and many people paid attention to it. ”

In the face of people’s doubts, the “fake Sambo”, also known as Elio, left a three-question covenant that once again attracted the audience’s expectations. ”

So, he started a new round of layout, compiled a new history, and erased people’s fixed impressions. ”

Finally, when the time came to the “Three Questions”, in the Taibu Division, in the Poor Viewing Array, with the help of the three major elements of the right time, place and people, the “Fake Sambo” completely completed the rumors this time. ”

“Let the idea that the pure star god is Elysia deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. ”

And here, he threw out a prophecy: “My Lord” will appear in Xianzhou in the near future! He will save Xianzhou in crisis and expel the minions and sins of the “Ancestor of Longevity and Plague” and “Ember Ancestor”!”.

“Because of the coincidence of many factors, people are convinced of this. ”

And those three characteristics: pink hair, bow and arrows, and loss of memory, add a qualifier to this big lie. ”

“People are beginning to believe that a girl with such characteristics is a pure star god!”.

Finally, after the accident of the Star Core Hunter, a girl named “March 7″ came to the fairy boat: Luofu. ”

Her characteristics are exactly the same as in the description, and in this way, the prophecy is in line with it. ”

Everything went according to his prophecy. ”

Or rather, “script”. ”


March 7 asked, “But what is his purpose? just to make me a star god, and what good is it to him?”

Jing Yuan shook his head, he was also confused about this.

As we all know

Aside from their deeds, the Star Core Hunters are unknown to outsiders: who are the Star Gods they believe in, and what is the purpose of seizing the Star Core?

And the founder and leader of the Star Core Hunter, “Elio”,

It is the most mysterious of them.

No one knows if he is male or female, human or beast, or something of some kind.

He called himself a “slave of fate”.

He has the ability to see through all the possibilities of the future, and has created one “script” after another in order to achieve the desired possibilities.


It is rumored that “Elysia is a pure star god, and she has pushed it to March 7th”.

Is it possible that it is also one of his “scripts”?

Or rather,

Many of their current reactions have also been written into the “script” by “Elio”?

No one knows.


At this time, after listening to the analysis of all this, Xing reacted.

“Whew… I see!”.

“This “fake Sambo” is actually the same “Elysia” website, and the up “Last King” who secretly filmed Little March and posted it on the Internet is actually a person!”.

“And the “Last King” is the breakthrough of all this!”.

“A creature who goes against the clock, a star god who presides over the “end” destiny. This does have to do with “prophecy.” ”

Therefore, it can be deduced from this that the real identity of the “fake Sambo” is actually “Elio”!”.

On March 7, it also dawned on me.

“I see, and now it seems that the biggest possibility is—”.

“This mysterious Elio is actually a follower of the Last Star God: The Last King!”.

“And the Star Core Hunter has only one purpose!”

“After seeing “fate”, and trying to “influence fate” to achieve the best result!”.

Xing nodded and said appreciatively, “March, you have become smarter. ”

Xiao March smiled, “Hehe, I think so too.” ”


“If that’s how you analyze it… There is indeed some truth to it. Valt nodded, and he continued, “However, I don’t think it’s going to be that simple. ”

“Eh, does Uncle Yang have any other opinions?” asked March 7.

Everyone looked at it, hoping to get some new ideas from Walter.

“Hmm… My gut tells me that it’s not that simple. ”

What he didn’t tell the crowd was,

In fact, none of the previous analyses hold water.

Unless Elio is from the same world as him and is aware of Elysia’s existence.


He wouldn’t believe that Fake Sambo was Elio.

However, he couldn’t say these things about “Elysia” and “Kevin”.

At least, not at this point in time.

The purpose of this “rumor-monger” hidden in the darkness is unknown, and he needs to be vigilant until then.

“What, it’s just intuition,” Little March complained.


“Well, Mr. Walter has some truth in what he said. ”

Jing Yuan nodded and continued:

“Until the truth comes out, these are just speculations and speculations. ”

“But right now, this happens to be related to what I’m asking you for help with. ”

“The Plague of the Star Core. Xianzhou does have a solution. But it will take time to quell the disaster, and it will take the main force of the Cloud Cavalry Army to succeed. ”

“But this Kafka is hidden on the fairy boat, and it is a disaster after all, and it has to be guarded against. ”

“Since the Star Core Hunter deliberately lured you to Luofu, you and I are really good at pushing the boat. As a general, I give you the authority to act cheaply in Xianzhou, and lure out the missing Kafka and arrest him in one fell swoop. ”

“In this way, we will wash away the sewage that you have been splashed by the Star Core Hunters, and second, we will know the purpose and plan of the Star Core Hunters!”

At that time, whether it is the “Star Core Crisis” or the true identity of the “fake Sambo”, it will be revealed. ”

“Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think?”


The three members of the train group looked at each other, then nodded.

And then,

After determining the new mission objectives, the three members of the train crew temporarily retired.

Outside the Tianbo Division, after finding a quiet place,

“I was thinking that I would finally be able to enjoy the VIP treatment on this “Pioneering Trip”…”

“But I didn’t expect that I still have to work!”.

“Perhaps, we are born to work hard!”.

Xing looked at Little March and said, “No, there is a difference. We’re not wanted this time. ”

“Uh… That’s a small step forward, indeed. ”

“However, not being wanted is more uncomfortable than being wanted!”

“When I came from the Tenbo Division just now, I saw that many people looked at me with something wrong with their eyes!”.

“It’s like… I saw something monster-like. ”

“It’s annoying. ”

Xing comforted Little March: “It’s okay, maybe they haven’t seen a big beauty like you in March!”.

“I love to hear that. March Seven grinned.

“Alright, March, Star. Walter looked at the two of them and said, “It’s time for us to analyze the information we just got from Jing Yuan.” ”

And then,

The pioneer team began to analyze the current situation.

Finally, after analyzing the pros and cons, a conclusion was drawn.

In terms of the current situation in Luofu, the best solution is to find the missing Kafka first.

Only by meeting Kafka can you learn about the plans of the Star Core Hunters, and their purpose.


And on the other side,

Chang Lotte, a certain inn.

Lin Yuan didn’t know that in order to guess who “he” was, these people had already thought of “Elio”.

In a sense, though, their guess was half right.

Because, he took the ID as the “Last King”, and it was for “Elio” that he came.

This person who is more “mysterious” than him is very interested in him, the “envoy of the mysterious star god”.

Since Elio calls himself a “slave of fate”, he must call himself the “Last King”, which means “master of fate”.


ps: The recent update is more underworld, mainly because the schedule is a little chaotic.

Another point is that when I sent out this theme, I didn’t think that anyone would read it.

Therefore, subsequent updates are also relatively slow.

is also afraid of collapsing the plot.

Here, thank you for voting me flowers, evaluation votes, monthly passes, rewards, as well as comments and silently chasing the brothers who don’t speak.

Without you, there would be no book.


But what I’m more curious about is why the comment area is occupied by “Fun People”, what about our “Riddle Man”!


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