Inside the Taibus, there was silence.

Only Lin Yuan’s voice sounded.

She was still like that, with long pink curly hair and pointed elven ears, innocent and elegant, and incredibly beautiful. ”

“From Vostok to the Moth of Fire, I walked for 13 years. ”

“But now, when I finally saw her, I lost the meaning of moving forward. ”

“yes, it’s been 13 years. ”

“Who else remembers those things from childhood?”

“She is so beautiful, no matter where she is, she is the brightest star. ”

She was in the base, smiling and greeting everyone, and everyone liked her very much. ”

“And I’m just a wanderer. ”

“Hehe, I smiled self-deprecatingly. ”

“Perhaps, after so many years, it’s just my own passion. ”

“Suddenly, I lost all my strength and was instantly knocked back to my prototype like a deflated balloon. ”

I hung my head and walked aimlessly out the door. ”

“That’s good, that’s good, I kept repeating this sentence in my mind. ”

“Kevin stopped me and asked me why?”

Without saying a word, I walked out with a dejected face, like a decrepit child who had been robbed of his beloved toy. ”

“Stop!” Kevin shouted angrily, what are you doing like this!?Escape?Ostrich? What are you afraid of?As long as you cover your head, can you act as if nothing happened!?Can you be a decrepit boy with peace of mind?”

“My best brother, in front of everyone, educate me with what I used to say. ”

“I was red-faced and had almost lost all my dignity. ”

“I know what you say!” I dropped the phrase, quickened my pace, and walked outside. ”

“At that time, I really wished I was dead. ”


When Xiao March heard this, she was already completely immersed in this story.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was silent, she subconsciously asked “Five-Four Zero”:

“And then?”

“Did you leave the Moth of Fire?”

“Or do you know each other?”

On the side, Xing said faintly: “Then it must be a recognition, otherwise why would he call him a “lover”. ”

“Yes, what you said makes sense!”

Little March nodded.


Lin Yuan’s figure was hidden in the mist, and no one could see his expression clearly.

Only clear voices continued to sound.

“Just as I was about to walk out of the base, the light appeared. ”

“She stood in front of me and blocked my way. ”

I looked down and couldn’t make out her expression, but I guessed she was smiling, because I had the impression that little Ellie loved to laugh. ”

“Hmm, do you want to punish me with “say goodbye”? Okay, I’m sorry~! Brother Lin Yuan, don’t be angry, okay?”

I looked up, and sure enough, as I guessed, she was smiling, just like yesterday. ”

“In that instant, all my resentment was gone. ”

“It’s not because of little Ellie’s apology, but because she remembers the agreement between us. ”

“Forgetting is a merciless knife that cuts off the past. ”

“Luckily, I wasn’t forgotten. ”

“But unfortunately, she’s so good. ”

“If she was a star in the sky, I would have been a firefly on the ground at that time. ”

“After that day, I joined the Fire Chaser Moth. ”

“We tacitly didn’t mention the past. ”

“During that time,”

“She would take me to the cafeteria to eat, not minding who I was. ”

“She’ll take me to get acquainted with the structure of the Fire Chaser Moth, and show me everything about it. ”

“She even coaches me to train. When I was slack, he would criticize me harshly. ”

“It’s like… True to family, she never forgot what happened when she was a child. ”

“She still thinks of me as an older brother. ”

However, I understand that the current “she” is the elder brother, and I am the immature “sister”. ”

“After being trained again and again, I trained hard to keep up with her. ”

“After all, how can you let your sister protect your brother?”

“Hehe,” Lin Yuan smiled self-deprecatingly, “Now it seems that what a ridiculous idea this is, how can mortals compare to gods?”

“I knew that if I could only do that, there would be another separation between me and her. ”

“Because in our time, Honkai is a very terrible existence, and ordinary people like me, as long as they are infected, there is no possibility of survival. ”

“So, for my own sake and for Ellie’s sake, I should train hard, even if mortals can’t match the gods. ”

Soon, the fourth collapse broke out. ”

“Young Kosmo, one of the Thirteen Flamechasers, was caught in the storm of the Wind Lawgiver and was rescued by my good brother Kevin and joined the Fire Chaser Moth. ”

“That’s right, I still didn’t play a role in this Honkai disaster. ”

“In the face of true genius, my efforts are still so ridiculous. ”

“Ellie, Kevin too, one of them is my sister and the other is my good brother, and now they both have to take care of my emotions. ”

“I’m not willing to be like this, everyone wants to be a hero, and so do I. ”

“I trained with the new boy, Kosmo, but sadly, he quickly surpassed me. ”

“Day after day of training, the fifth Honkai broke out. ”

“A thousand calamities fell from the sky and tore apart the Law of Ice in an instant. Later, when he fled to Dusk Street, he was taken in by Aponia. ”

There, Aponia set up a sanatorium for the children infected by the Honkai and sent Chiki to work as a porter there. ”

Later, Kevin shows up and takes them with him. ”

“I saw it with my own eyes, but I didn’t get a part of it. ”

Then, the sixth Honkai broke out. ”

Kevin confronts the Death Lawgiver only to discover that she still has human consciousness, and he lets her go, only to cause an even greater disaster. ”

“This incident hit him very hard, and during that time, my role was to enlighten him with Sue so that he could come out as soon as possible. ”

“Since then, no one has let down their guard against the lawyer, the lawgiver is the lawyer, and the Honkai must be destroyed!


“I think everyone should know the story after that. ”

“That’s right, I shared it on the Elysia website. ”

“In the Seventh Honkai, Hana’s captain Himiko became the Lawgiver of Fire in front of Hua. In that station, Hua survived and did not die. ”

“But there was one man who lost everything. ”

“That was the big star who was popular all over the world at that time, Eden. ”

“The Lawgiver of Fire destroyed everything, and at the same time destroyed her dreams, her life. ”

“If it weren’t for Hua just in time, Eden, one of the thirteen heroes of the future fire, would have fallen there. ”

Afterwards, Eden was brought into the Fire Chaser Moth for psychotherapy. ”

But from that day on, she stopped singing. ”

“In order to fight the Lawgiver of Fire, May proposed the Fusion Warrior Project. ”

Kevin was the first to participate in the project, and fused with Pavanti’s genes to gain the power to control ice and snow, and successfully defeated the Lawgiver of Fire. ”

But at the cost of his lifetime, he had to endure loneliness and never be able to hug the person he loved the most. ”

“Watching his mood go down day by day, we all felt bad, but there was nothing we could do. ”

“Because, this is Honkai. ”


After hearing the secrets of that era, everyone present fell silent.

It was also the first time that they felt the power of the word “Honkai”.

It was a time of involuntarism, a time of tragedy.

And the man in front of him, he has lived for 50,000 years, how much trauma should he have suffered in his heart?

[Kevin’s little fan]: Teary-eyed, I didn’t expect Boss Kevin to have such a past.

[A certain Ellie fan]: I now understand what Boss Kevin said: You don’t know anything about Honkai after all!

[Passerby 1]: Every sentence that seems light contains endless sorrow.

[Passerby 2]: I gained strength, but the price was that I couldn’t hug you!

Boss Kevin: In this story, which was destined to be tragic from the beginning, no one has ever hesitated or wavered about it!


“Gain strength, but at the cost of never being able to hug the person you love…”

Little March muttered.

A scene came to her mind.

In what is destined to be a tragedy, Kevin silently walks to the laboratory, where humanity must make sacrifices in order to defeat the Lawgiver of Fire!

And he is the first!

Fusion Warrior’s surgery, she couldn’t imagine how painful it would be!

She couldn’t imagine what Kevin was thinking in his head when he had the surgery.

Is it May?

Are you still imagining what it looks like to cut through the body of the lawyer? (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

In that operation,

Whether it is the physical scar that hurts more, or the pain of “not being able to hug your lover” is worse.

50,000 years is too long, so long that all this has become the dust of history.

Fifty thousand years was too short, so short that the man had been enduring the questioning of ghosts from the past.


What is Honkai?

Little March couldn’t help but ask.

Is it Kevin, who chose to undergo surgery because he was going to defeat the lawyer and turn his back on his lover?

Was it Eden, who lost everything in that fire?

Or, the angry roar of a thousand eons, the sorrow of those who tear the law alive is not enough to relieve hatred.

Behind the shining stars of mankind is endless pain.

“Because, this is Honkai. ”

In the end, Little March came up with the answer.

There is no why, because, that’s Honkai.


Lin Yuan continued to tell the story of 50,000 years ago, which also belonged to him and Ellie’s era.

“After great sacrifices, humanity defeated the Lawgiver of Fire. ”

After that, Ellie, Mebius, Sakura, Kosmo, Scar, and Destobia became the first fusion warriors. ”

“I would love to qualify, but Mebius brushed me off because I wasn’t up to par physically. ”


“The Eighth Honkai Outbreak ……..”

“Sue’s spirit connects to the space of the Lawgiver of Knowledge, and successfully locates the kill. ”

In this incident, Scar’s wife Blanca died, and her daughter Grexiu was seriously injured. ”

“Instead, only the Fusion Warrior surgery could save her, and luckily, Grexiu’s surgery was successful. ”

“For the ninth collapse, the Lawgiver of Rock destroyed the structure of the continent and sank the continent to the bottom of the sea. Scar and Destobia died in the incident. ”

“For the tenth time of the collapse, the Thousand Lawyers appeared, and Mebius’s assistant Klein was chosen by the Lawgivers, and Mebius unconsciously devoured Klein in his form of collapse. In the end, Mei designs, kills the other half of the Qianyu, but is also eroded herself. ”

“The eleventh collapse, the tragedy of the Laws of Restraint. In this incident, the Fusion Warrior Force suffered an unprecedented heavy blow, and in the end, only thirteen people remained, and under the leadership of Ellie, the Thirteen Heroes of Fire Chaser were formed, although the proposal has not been passed, but everyone has acquiesced to this identity. ”

“The twelfth Honkai, Sakura’s sister Suzu was detected as a lawyer, and at the end of this incident, Suzu was killed, and the nuclear bomb destroyed the last three cities of the human race, and Sakura was seriously injured and died. Before dying, she asks Kevin to bury her under the cherry blossom tree in her hometown, however, when Kevin arrives at Sakura’s hometown, he can’t see a single cherry blossom tree. ”

This is also a well-known sentence that Kevin said. ”

“Actually, that’s for Sakura. ”

“On the burned earth, I made a promise to her, to everyone. ”

“No matter what the cost, humanity will definitely defeat Honkai!”


These stories, the audience in the live broadcast room had more or less known about Elysia’s website before.

However, today, under the oral narration of those who witnessed the story, they feel the cruelty of that era even more.

At this moment, everyone may be able to understand what this man’s purpose is.


“Twelve collapses, twelve tragedies. ”

“The people finally realized that humanity can only be united in the face of destruction. ”

But I didn’t expect that in the end, it was she who exchanged her sacrifice for all this and hope for the future. ”

“That day, at that banquet. ”

Elysia confessed her identity to the heroes who came to the table. ”

She called herself the Thirteenth Lawgiver. ”

And this banquet was the last banquet she had prepared for herself—it would end with the victorious crusade of mankind against the law, known to the world and immortalized in history. ”

And she will go behind the scenes that no one knows, and present the real ending of this performance. ”

“If the lawgiver no longer means goodbye, if every lawgiver has the possibility of regaining humanity…”

“People don’t have to make such difficult choices. Mankind…… There will be opportunities to find hope. ”

That’s her vision. ”

It is also her power as the lawgiver of men, and her great love. ”

“Looking at the girl who shines like a flying flower, looking at the tears in the corners of her eyes…”

“And the ideals, the future, the hopes…”

The heroes were silent. ”

“They refused to crusade against Elysia. ”

“Because, here, there is no lawyer, only the second of the Fire Chasers, the 0.4 seal of the warrior of the true self, Elysia. ”

“She’s a warrior against Honkai, not a lawyer. ”

But, just like the choice Kevin once faced, Elysia also chose to save the world in her own way. ”

That night, Eden revealed her man-made avalanche for Ellie, and they swam together in the starry sky. ”

“So beautiful, so dreamy. ”

“It’s a pity, that’s the last beauty, it’s the beauty that belongs to Elysia. ”

“After that, when the news reached my ears, I could hardly believe it. ”

“Kevin told me personally: Elysia is dead. ”

“She chose to save the humanity she loved, and this beautiful world, in her own way. ”

“If they can’t defeat Honkai, leave it to the people of the next generation!”

“There’s always some hope, don’t you?”

In front of my eyes, Ellie’s beautiful smile came to mind. ”

I slammed my fist against the wall, venting my emotions. ”

Kevin looked at me silently, and this time, he didn’t stop me, and let me vent my emotions. ”

“Just like many years ago, when I comforted him. ”

“I don’t know how long it took, Kevin handed me a tissue. ”

“This big boy who has not been smiling since he had the fusion warrior surgery still has the warmth of his youth in his heart. ”

“Lin Yuan, wipe away your tears, I hope this is your last tears. ”

“He looked at me so seriously and said,”

“We all know that Ellie is your sister, and we all know the pact between her and you. ”

“We also know that when Ellie died, the saddest thing was actually you. ”

“But stop crying, okay?”

“Pick up my brother’s look!”

“Ellie, she’s been watching you!”

“Let’s go, if you’re still a man, let’s do it together!”.

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