“Miss March, I think you’ve got the answer you’re looking for. ”

Sue came with her eyes closed.

“Even if you’re still confused, don’t panic, you still have plenty of time to chew on it. ”

“The process of thinking itself is also its meaning~. ”

“You, and you, will eventually find your own path. -”

“Thank you. Sue. “Thank you very much for your generosity. Still, if possible, I’d like to see what you look like when you open your eyes. ”

Su was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and he slowly opened his eyes, revealing those jewel-like pupils.

“It’s so beautiful, like a gem. March 7 praised.

“Well, goodbye. Su smiled slightly, and slowly faded away.


Tianhui’s heroics, Su is gone!

“If it’s sensational, I don’t think I need to say more. “A thousand calamities have come over.

Despite wearing the mask, March Seven saw that he seemed to smile a little, and seemed to be satisfied with the current ending.

“Well, have a good trip, my lord. ”

Chikusa clenched his fists and hammered it on his chest, completing his final knightly salute.

“Thank you, Thousand Tribulations. ”

March 7’s voice was already with a trill, and he held back his tears so that he could not let the tears flow.

“Thank you so much for your continued maintenance. ”

Later, she also learned from Pado that Chikasa is not a good-natured person.

However, in her case, there is always an exception.

The corners of Qianjiao’s mouth raised slightly, and he smiled, turning into light and disappearing into the air.

The glorious annihilation, a thousand calamities are gone!

“Hey, Miss March, how is it, would you like to see a magic show?”

Vervi walked over, “The name of this magic trick is—’My Disappearance’!”

Vervie smiled and turned into a shooting star.

As the greatest magician of the Twilight Era, her departure is so special.

“Thank you, Vilve. March 7 said.

“Bang bang, I’m here again! How could the genius Vilvie disappear so easily?”

“In the days to come, if you suddenly find that you have suddenly comprehended any cooking skills and maintenance skills that you don’t know, don’t doubt it, it will be the genius Velvet has appeared!”


The spiral of the Hero, Vilvi is gone!

“Thank you, Miss March, for bringing so much to the promised land. ”

Eden walked over with a smile.

“We have nothing to repay, only blessings, only prayers. ”

“May civilization continue like a spark. ”

“May this world be as brilliant as gold. ”

“Sister Eden, it’s a pleasure to meet you. March 7 said, “I will always miss those days of cherry blossom viewing.” ”

Eden smiled and turned into a shooting star.

The golden hero, Eden is gone!

“Elysium has ushered in the end I foresaw, destruction and darkness. ”

Apoña walked over, and she smiled gently,

“But I’m glad to see you in this life. ”

“So, please break free from fate, March…”

“You’ve already had this ability. ”

“Aponia… Thank you. March 7 said.

The precepts of the Hero, Aponia’s disappearance!

“You’ve been approved by the Thirteen Heroes, so you have what it takes to gain her power!”

“But we don’t want that past to affect you. ”

“Then, March 7th, please face the future with your own will and your head held high!”

Kevin walked over.

“I will, Kevin. March 7 said.

Kevin smiled and sent all the power away.

The savior of the world, Kevin is gone!

“Qiang Qiang—finally, come back to me!”

Elysia floated like a flying flower.

She just stood there, staring at March 7.

Luofu, countless people looked at this dreamy scene.

In the corners of their eyes, silent tears had already been left.

This is a battle between the stars and gods, and it is also a battle for the girls.

It’s so pure and beautiful, so touching.

“Elysia. ”

The hearts of countless people called for this name, and suddenly, from everyone’s body, clusters of flames flew out.

This is the flame of hope, this is the flame of love!

This is the yearning for a better life that human beings have in the face of desperate situations!

This is the proof that man is a man! It is also the proof that human civilization will never burn!

“Come on, Elysia!”

“Come on, March 7!”

I don’t know who shouted loudly.


The voices of countless people came together, from the creek, to the river, and then to the sea!

“Come on!”

“After all—Elysia once said:”

“Beautiful girl, you can do anything!”


The sound shook the heavens and the earth!

The faith, will, and hope of countless people have shaken the laws of the world!

These sparks, gathered together, gave birth to the most innocent and flawless power!

Elysia’s divine power is condensing and climbing!

Her illusory figure began to freeze.

“-Love Gate!”

The sound like a torrent resounded through Luofu and resounded through the fairy boat!

No one has ever seen such a war!

When destruction comes, there will still be people willing to sing about it!

And this is the pure beauty of man!


“Ellie, do you see that,” March Seven looked at Elysia, the corners of her eyes were already moist, and she couldn’t control her emotions anymore, “This is a human being, this is the human you love so much!”

“Thank you, March. Elysia’s tears turned into gems of love, slowly dripping down to the earth.

The purple dream light shone brightly, and countless people watched this scene in amazement.

It repairs the damaged buildings one by one;

It wiped away all the blood and tears;

It is man’s own choice!

The angry fire can burn the sky and burn the sea of stars, but it cannot burn the hope in people’s hearts.

In the midst of disasters, we yearn for the light even more.


Nanuk was even angrier!

Looking at that little flame of hope, the strongest desire to destroy appeared in his heart!

Is that…… A force that is absolutely not allowed to exist!


All this must be ruined!

The power of destruction has reached the extreme!

Countless pillars of destruction have fallen from the sky!

It’s like trampling a bug to death!


What was a small insect in His eyes burst out with unimaginable power!


“Love Gate!”

“Elysia is invincible today!”

There are all kinds of slogans, and this is hysteria that belongs to humanity alone!

But without exception, the same emotions were expressed!

A flower that only blooms in a desperate situation!


The sparks in the sky have become petals in the sky!

“Uh-huh~ No one told you, don’t disturb the girls’ chat~” Elysia looked at the roaring big guy and smiled slightly, “Because, angry girls are terrible~”


Bright light, shining in the sky!

Behind Elysia, a huge idol phantom appeared!

That’s Ellesia in her divine form!

He stood in the starry sky with Ellie in His arms.


When this big Ellie appeared, countless people were stunned.

At this moment, she is a pure star god!

“Big Ellie!

“That’s the power of your true self!”

“She really lived up to our expectations!”


Countless waves of faith have gathered and become the source of Elysia’s strength!

It also gives her enough strength to show her true self!


Ellie bursts out of Big Ellie’s dreamy light and shadow!

Countless powers converged on her body, forming the armor of the gods!

The wings of light are spreading!

Looking at the giant beyond the galaxy, Elysia pulled her bowstring and shot an arrow!


This arrow, gathering all of Elysia’s divine powers, flew towards Nanuk with his selfless love for humanity!

The crystal arrow of love bursts in Nanuk’s heart!

In an instant, the dots spread into a surface!

A huge purple crystal flower completely sealed Nanuk’s body in it!


Countless people were speechless when they saw this scene.

At that moment, Elysia turned into light!

She put all her love for human beings in it without reservation! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, countless people’s hearts remembered the return of the short film released by the Last King to the flawless person – Elysia True Self Pure Beauty Star God.

That’s a story that happened a long, long time ago…

One day He fell from heaven. People looked up and saw the starry sky.

Xingyue sent the daughter of God, and she wanted to be a companion of man.

The long wind turned into her chariot, and the four seas became her garden. Birds and birds bring the seeds of goodness, and flowers weave an ode to love.

This is how she was born into the world, walked on the earth, grew up with mankind, and sprouted with the world.

Now, the time of the end is near.

Now, the time has come to return.

Say goodbye, beautiful world.

After that, the stars will shine, for I have been here now.

After that, there will be a hundred flowers blooming, because I have never left.

Weave my arrows, my flowers, and my love into a new seed to the withered earth.

Then, let it bloom timeless and flawlessly… The splendor of humanity.

My name is Elysia…

The original lawyer, the lawgiver of men.


In another part of the battlefield, the phantom and the awakened star roar, after seeing this scene, almost exploded on the spot!

Under the divine power of Elysia, they felt fear for the first time!

This is the natural opposite of destruction!

It was not surprising to them that if Elysia’s arrow had been shot at them, they would have been annihilated in an instant!

“Is this Elysia?” the phantom’s eyes were full of fear!

“This is the true power of a star god!” muttered to himself.

When Lord Nanuk was frozen by the crystal flower, it also made their arrogance completely stopped.


The Sea of Stars.

If you want to say that the person with the most complicated emotions at this time, it is undoubtedly Walter.

I thought that after the Star God of Destruction came, they would fall with Luofu.

But I didn’t expect that Elysia, she really appeared!

At this moment,

He thoroughly understood Raiden Mei’s mood.

Shock, only shock!

And an impression that will never be erased!

It was at this time that

Only then did he understand the gold content of the collapse of the previous civilization!

With the strongest warrior – Kevin, and Thirteen Eleven Heroes, and talented scientists like May, as well as Elysia, they all failed to cross the end in the end.

It seems that the man is right, you don’t know anything about Honkai after all!


Walter sighed.

During this time, he has been thinking about those things in the past and those people in the past.

It occurred to him that

At this moment, if Raiden Mei could be here, then she should be very happy!

Seeing Elysia shine again in this world in this form, as a person of that era, his heart can only sigh.


“Praise Elysia!”

Suddenly, the voice of the silver branch sounded.

“Love Gate!”

These pure knights looked at the sky with a reverent face, cherishing every moment of God’s existence.


During the time when Nanuk was sealed by the Crystal Flower.

Ellie looked at March 7, and they both knew that parting had finally come.

Although there are countless believers who have provided countless divine powers, Ellie here is only a memory after all.

Without the existence of the Promised Land, she will dissipate in the morning.

“Ellie. ”

March looked at Ellie reluctantly, she knew that this moment would come, but she was still reluctant.

When I think of those days in the Promised Land, it seems as if years have passed in a trance.

The beach, the sun, Ellie, what a great time.

At that time, it was just ordinary.

“Hey. ”

March Seven sighed.

Unfortunately, in the end, she still failed to fulfill Ellie’s wish.

“Alright… I know, you’re reluctant to give me, aren’t you? Of course I’m the same. ”

Ellie came to March’s side and helped the girl wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

“But it’s okay, haven’t you already carried my all?”

“Hmm. March 7 wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, but the tears flowed out again, “Ellie, I… Will I be able to see you again, will I ever see you again?”

“Absolutely. Ellie smiled, “We’ve always been there for you.” ”

“As long as March you remember us, the story hasn’t gone away. ”

“Ellie, I’ll always remember you!” March said.

“Okay, I’ll be distressed if I cry again. Ellie wiped the girl’s tears again, and then, with the wave of the scepter in her hand, the light, shone again!

“Now, I give you the last inscription of my true self!”

“This name entrusts the origin of all things, all our thoughts and blessings, and one day, it will become your new strength. ”

“We will stay in the past. ”

“And you’re going to go into the future. ”

Then, go and shine your own flawless and beautiful radiance. ”

“After all—”

“Beautiful girl, you can do anything!”

A brilliant mark flew out! This is Elysia’s true self!

March Seven subconsciously reached out and caught it, the light flickered, and the engraving completely merged with her.

“…… Thank you. ”

“Ellie. ”

March 7 took a deep breath and said.

“That’s… Goodbye?”

Elysia’s figure gradually became transparent, and gradually, only a silhouette could be seen.

At this time, countless people watched this scene in amazement, no matter how they prayed, Elysia’s form could not be condensed again.

“Goodbye, Elysia. ”

March 7’s tears flowed from her eyes, and she waved her hand at the place where Ellie had disappeared.

“Goodbye, Thirteen Heroes of Fire. ”

My true hero, Elysia is gone!


In the hearts of countless people, it is like a broken mirror, and something very important has been lost.

And, March 7 inherited the last mark of Elysia!

Finally all the power!

Now she has the power of a true star god!

“Well, let’s get this done!”

March 7 holds the Bow of Ice, and on it, thirteen engraved seals circulate, shining brightly!

“Ellie, Eden, Pardo, Hana, Kevin, Aponia, Chika, Vilvi, Sue, Sakura, Kosmo, Gresiux, Mebius…”

The images of the heroes flashed in her heart one by one, and their strength also responded to her!


March 7 pulled the bowstring and she looked at the place where Ellie had disappeared, and Ellie seemed to be still there smiling at her.

“Follow the footprints under your feet to witness this journey of chasing fire. ”

“Finally, cross the graves of the deceased and create—”

“What we have not been able to meet, the future!”

Shoot an arrow and carry out the universe!


Nanuk’s divine body, which was sealed by a purple crystal flower, was completely cracked!

Just like that, disappear from the ordinary!

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