The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

"Uh... well, if I say I don't know the whereabouts of that Commander Bronya, would you believe me?" Alysia was looking at Cocolia, who was interrogating her personally, with a pair of innocent big eyes.

Time goes back to when Jeppard brought everyone on the Star Train to Beloberg.

"This is Beloberg, the last bastion of mankind." Due to the curiosity of March, Alysia and Xing, our guard captain Jeppard took on the job of tour guide to answer the curiosity of people from outer space.

Jeppard didn't know why, but he always felt kind to the girl named Ai Li. Even when he knew that Sangbo was with everyone, if she hadn't spoken, he would have thought that Ai Li was kidnapped by Sangbo...

Jepard glanced at Ai Lixia unconsciously again. What was this feeling? It was hard to explain, but he definitely couldn't let his sister know...

March stepped forward to block Jeppard's sight, and said with a fake smile: "The last fortress?" The word "fortress" was obviously emphasized, as if she was dissatisfied with Jeppard's secret look at Ai Li.

Jeppard panicked and thought to himself: Strange, how did she find out that I was looking at that girl?

Little did he know that he and Ai Li had opened up so many worlds, and March Xi... was not just one or two days. Because of Ai Li's identity, March Qi could immediately know everything about Ai Li's eyes under her gaze, so Jeppard's sneak look at Ai Li just now was naturally easily seen by her, Ai Li's fan (proudly akimbo).

Jeppard calmed down, but suddenly Ellie's eyes fell on him, which made him straighten his back a little more, although it was already straight enough...

"Okay~ Can you tell Ellie and her friends why Beloberg is called the last bastion of mankind? Please~♪" Ellie stuck out her tongue playfully, one eye was closed, and she clasped her hands together.

Looking at Ellie's appearance, Jeppard didn't know why his heart beat so fast, but he suppressed the feeling that he had never felt before, and thought to himself: Am I...sick?

But on the surface, he organized his words and said in a serious manner: "Seven hundred years ago, a monster from outer space ignited the planet, and the earth at that time became..." (Xingtie's original plot)

Listening to Jeppard's serious explanation, Sanyueqi said to Ai Li in what he thought was a very quiet voice: "He speaks so strangely."

Aili smiled and said: "Maybe he is using the classics~♪"

Sanyue looked as if he had suddenly realized something, but then asked in confusion: "Then why did he tell us all this?"

Before Ai Li spoke, Jeppard said first: "Because you asked."

After hearing this, Sanyue looked embarrassed. It turned out that the person involved heard it... I thought he didn't hear it...

Xing seemed to see through what Sanyue was thinking, and complained: "Sanyue, your voice is so loud, it would be strange if people didn't hear it."

After hearing this, Sanyue was even more embarrassed, Jeppard seemed to be indifferent, Danheng helplessly held his forehead, Xing shook his head, and Ai Li smiled coquettishly.

Fortunately, Ai Li didn't laugh for long. Maybe it was because of the outsiders? After all, Ai Li is socially anxious, and she might say a few words to the dogs passing by...

The group officially entered Beloberg.

"Wow! Look at March, Xing, there is a huge crystal standing in that square~♪" Ai Li pointed to the huge object in front of her that was regarded as a symbol of preservation by Beloberg.

"That is the landmark building of our Beloberg - the Eternal Winter Nameplate, which is a symbol of our faithful belief in preservation." Jeppard said proudly.

"Huh, it's true, it feels unexpectedly in tune with this city." March agreed with what Ai Li said.

Xing was also staring at the magnificent building curiously. Dan Heng knew that Ai Li was very sensitive to things like crystals, so when she said it was made of crystal, he naturally didn't say anything, and just watched silently.

Jeppard interrupted everyone at an inopportune time and said, "Sorry to bother you. Now let's focus on meeting the Great Guardian."

"Great Guardian?" March asked with a puzzled look on her face. She wanted to ask at that time, but because Ai Li was being watched by too many people, she was eager to protect Ai Li and didn't ask what this position was for. Now that she remembered it, she hurriedly asked.

"The Great Guardian is the leader of Beloberg appointed by the City Builders. They have watched over the city for generations and provided shelter for the people. The City Builders built tall walls to resist the cold wave." Jeppard talked freely, "and

The current Great Guardian is Cocolia Rand, and all major decisions in the city are made by her. "

"From your tone, you seem to respect the Great Guardian very much." March Seven said.

Jeppad nodded slightly, and then said: "I will take you to see Lady Cocolia. By the way, her time is precious, I hope you can organize your words in advance."

"Huh? ! How can I dress like this to meet such an important person? Can I find a place to wash up first?" March Seven said in a panic.

"Yeah, I think so too~ No matter what big shot you are facing in public, your appearance is very important~♪" Ellie said in agreement.

Xing said concisely: "Take me with you." "

Danheng didn't say anything, and didn't want to participate.

Jepard wanted to say something, but seeing the determined look in Ai Li's eyes, he didn't say anything else, just told them to hurry up.

After a while, March, Ai Li and Xing came back again. Xing only felt whiter and her mouth was more rosy. March tied her hair into a bun (like March's new destiny), and the rest was the same as Xing.

Aili was wearing high heels and made a hair accessory with pink crystals, like a flower, pinned on her hair near her left forehead. Her clothes changed from the original pink fairy lady♪ to an evening dress similar to Ji Zi, but it was pink. She held a very exquisite crystal box in her hand, but you couldn't see what was inside.

"Okay, let's go!" Looking at the appearance of the three people, Danheng had an expression that I knew, and helplessly held his forehead and said: "Aili..."

"Well, how about my appearance dressed up? "Ellie said with a smile.

"Ahem... then... that, it's almost time to go in and see the Great Guardian." Jeppard coughed, his cheeks slightly red. The pedestrians on the street looked at Ellie, revealing that this girl was so cute. A man was busy looking at Ellie, and ended up bumping into a street lamp. He stepped back with a headache, but he stepped back too hard and fell into the trash can.

Xing said, I also want to go into the trash can (manually funny).

So everyone finally met Cocolia Rand. As in the original plot, Cocolia ended the topic with Bronya saying that a guest had come and asked her to leave.

Bronya looked at everyone on the Star Train unwillingly, and then left as ordered.

"Hello, respected Great Guardian, we are visitors from outer space. It's our first meeting. This is a small gift from our Star Train. Please be sure to accept it. "Ailishia said in a very gentle voice, neither humble nor arrogant, leaning forward slightly to show respect for the great guardian.

Looking at the pink crystal box handed over by Alishia, Cocolia did not take it, but just signaled Jeppard to take it with her eyes and let him put it on the desk.

After Jeppard finished, Cocolia asked Jeppard to go out, she wanted to talk to someone from outer space...

"Well, I'm so tired, chatting with such a big shot is tiring, Sister Ai Li, I'm a little hungry." March pointed to her stomach. Although it was basically Ai Li and Dan Heng who were explaining, Xing and herself were just slacking off and occasionally saying a few words, but it was still very tiring.

Aili smiled and said, "Then let's go back to the hotel first, have dinner there, and then come back to shop, how about it~♪"

Dan Heng looked solemn, after all, this time it was too smooth.

"Dan Heng? ♪" Ai Li looked at Dan Heng with a smile, Dan Heng came back to his senses and looked at Ai Li and San Yue who was grinning beside him, while Xing looked at the trash can curiously, not knowing what he was thinking.

Looking at the tranquility in front of him, Dan Heng was silent for a while and said, "Nothing, let's go."

"Oh! Let's go!" San Yue rushed towards the hotel.

Everyone smiled at each other and followed.

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