The train crew was disappointed that they did not have good luck and did not see the so-called open-air performance.

" seems there is no open-air performance..." Sanyue's tone was full of disappointment.

Aili blinked her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking, while Xing did not care. After all, compared with the open-air performance, she still felt that the trash can attracted her more.

It was a pity that she was embarrassed to look through it.

After all, Ai Li was still there!

Ai Li then said, "March, it's still early, why don't we go to the mechanical room? Although there are no outdoor performances, we can see Yalilo's technology~♪"

Hearing Ai Li say this, some of the disappointment in March's heart also dissipated.

"Well, let's go, let me see what high-tech they have!"

Seeing March regain his spirits, everyone also smiled, except Dan Heng.

Just as they knocked on the door of the mechanical room, everyone did not notice Cocolia's gaze. When everyone walked in completely, Ai Li looked here with a sense of feeling, but did not notice anything.

Dan Heng asked with a strange look on his face: "Aili, did you notice it too?"

Aili nodded, but smiled, leaned close to Dan Heng's ear and whispered: "Tell Sanyue and the others to pay attention, of course, this is after playing~♪"

Feeling the constant heat coming from his ears, Dan Heng's heart beat very fast for some reason, but then Ai Li went in, because Sanyue was urging: "Sister Ai Li, come quickly!"

"Okay, okay, I'm here~♪"

Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, Dan Heng put aside his doubts and murmured: "I hope we sensed it wrong..."

[Perpetual Motion] In the mechanical house, a relatively cool older sister who was mostly golden and partly blue was working inside.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Xiluwa said without looking up: "Come in."

As the door creaked open, before the people on the Starry Sky Train spoke, Xiluwa said without looking up: "Are you looking to buy anything? Or do you want to repair anything?"

March scratched his head and said: "Uh... neither, we are here to visit."

Xiluwa raised his head in surprise and looked at everyone, but after staring for a while, he said: "Well, you can, but you can't damage it. By the way, I am Xiluwa, the owner of this machinery shop."

"Okay, we know. I am March 7, you can call me March, and he is Dan Heng , she is a star, she..." When March introduced Ai Li, Ai Li interrupted: "Hi~ This is my opening statement, hello, I am Ai Lishiya, as you can see, I am a beautiful girl~♪"

Aili winked, Xiluwa laughed and said: "Okay, I remember, come to the mechanical room to play when I am free next time, anyway, no one comes usually."

Seeing that others have begun to observe the mechanical room, Ai Li also noticed that Xiluwa was installing a pocket watch at this time. Ai Li smiled and said: "Then I won't disturb you from work~♪"

Xiluwa smiled and nodded, and continued the work in his hands.

After a while, Sanyue suddenly shouted in surprise: "Wow! It's the same heater as outside!"

Everyone's attention was attracted, and Xiluwa also stopped her work and looked at Sanyue. Seeing that they were all interested in the heater they mentioned, Xiluwa said nonchalantly: "Hey, isn't this the earth marrow heater that can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys? Is it so rare~"

Xing said at this time: "It's not strange for locals, but we are new here."

Xiluwa was stunned, and then said thoughtfully: "Oh, I heard from a silver-maned iron guard who was not strict that an outsider went to meet the Great Guardian. I didn't expect it to be you!"

Looking at Xiluwa who suddenly became enthusiastic, no one except Ellie could resist.

She put down the things she was repairing, got up and walked to them, and then explained to them the function of the earth marrow heater.

Then, under the inquiry of everyone, they also learned some information about Beloberg.

After asking, everyone expressed their gratitude to her. Ai Li used her ability to synthesize a beautiful hairpin in front of Xiluwa.

"Wow! So magical, and so beautifully made! Wow! Can you teach me? Who would want to repair things after learning this~" Xiluwa said with a smile, happily accepting

In front of so many people, Ai Li only said a few words to make her accept the gift. Her original words were: "Accept it. The gift from the aliens symbolizes our friendship. You can't refuse it, otherwise I will cry~♪"

At the end, she made an expression that said if you don't accept it, I will really cry.

While happy, she also felt a little helpless. How can you force a gift?

But she really liked this gift.

Suddenly seeing that it was getting late, Xiluwa apologized and said, "Sorry, I still have work to do. You are welcome to come here and take a look. Of course, you are also welcome to spend money here."

The people on the Star Dome Train said goodbye. There was an episode during the period. Ai Li wanted to hug Xiluwa on the pretext of saying goodbye, but was held tightly by Sanyue and Xing. In the end, she succeeded~

Seeing that it was getting late, everyone was not ready to go out again and planned to go back to the hotel.

On the way back, they saw two silver-maned iron guards stopping an uncle who wanted to rush into the rift.

Everyone also realized that the erosion of the rift was already very serious, and it was urgent to seal the star core.

Everyone came to the hotel with heavy hearts. When everyone was about to go back to their rooms, Dan Heng discussed with everyone about some abnormalities when meeting the Great Guardian today.

Everyone was a little wary, of course, Ai Li said heartlessly: "Ah! Dan Heng is so powerful, I didn't even notice it~♪"

Everyone smiled, chatted for a while, and then went back to their rooms.

Ai Li closed the door, smiled, walked to the window, looked at the Great Guardian's residence, and murmured: "I won't leave any regrets this time~♪"

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