The sound of the alarm clock was heard, but the alarm clock was turned off.

"Beep... Searching for possible users..."

"? What the hell is this?" Sanyue was full of questions.

"Beep... Detected voiceprint corresponding to biological information - Oh my god, it's an alien!" Chabao, a home finder who looks like the Chewy Corn in the original God, said truthfully.

"Ah? This little thing can recognize that we are aliens?" Sanyue said in disbelief.

Dan Heng explained: "This is obviously not the technology of this planet. Look, there is the logo of the Interstellar Peace Company. Maybe it is an antique left here by interstellar travelers hundreds of years ago."

Cha Bao was immediately furious and said to Dan Heng: "You are the antique, your whole family is antique!"

Aili pulled Sanyue and taught her a lesson: "Stupid Sanyue, as an archer, you must have keen observation. Dan Heng has found it, but you didn't find this detail~♪"

Sanyue was scolded by Ai Li, but what Ai Li said was fine, so Sanyue lowered her head in shame and said: "I'm sorry, Sister Ai Li, I won't be careless next time and will observe carefully. By the way, Sister Ai Li, when did you find out that the technology was not from this world?"

"Just now when Dan Heng said it~♪"

"...I want to strangle you, Sister Ai Li..."

After this farce, they took Cha Bao to the deeper part of the mining area. Suddenly, Xier called to stop everyone, and everyone was confused.

They saw the miners and several wanderers in the mining area facing each other.

"How come you can't stand up in front of Swarovski's minions? Didn't your parents teach you what backbone is?" A female miner stood at the front of the confrontation, pointing at the wanderers on the opposite side and cursing.

The wanderer was not to be outdone, and said to the woman: "You're kidding, why should I fight with those robots? What do I want? Don't pretend to be clean. You dug out such a large piece of earth marrow and hid it. Do you think it's delicious to eat it alone?"

The woman did not back down, and still said firmly: "This mine is our territory. When the mining team was working day and night, I didn't see you put in any effort, not even a liar! You are lazy all day long, and you only know how to take advantage of others. You are so self-righteous, so shameless!"

"Hey!" Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Xier really wanted to go forward to help. The next second, there were pink crystals floating in the sky, and then a strong shock wave knocked the two teams that were about to start fighting away. A pink light ball flashed where they were about to land and caught them steadily.

"Who!" The wanderers and miners were in disbelief. Almost all of them were killed in one blow. If this person had not wanted to attack them, they might have been lying on the ground like cold corpses.

"Hi, hello, I'm Alysia, a beautiful girl who doesn't want you to attack each other~♪" Aly appeared from the dark. The general situation of the matter was already understood, and now it was a fair judgment.

Xier was surprised. This... this person is a bit strong.

The miners and wanderers all had a trace of fear on their faces. Although Antonina, as the leader, was afraid, as the big sister of the miners, she still stood up: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course it's for the fairness of this matter~ Don't worry, I will judge well~♪"

At this time, Xier and everyone also came out from the dark. Antonina saw Xier and was relieved immediately, while the wanderers were trembling at this time, not only because of the powerful strength shown by Ai Li, but also because of the fear of seeing Xier.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ai Li was brought by Xi'er, so they were finished this time.

Ai Li walked forward, squatted down, looked directly at the leader of the wanderers and said gently: "You see, others have obtained their due rewards through labor, but you have done nothing, but want to obtain this vein. This is unfair, so they will send powerful people to maintain this fairness. So this matter is your fault, you must apologize to them~♪"

Ai Li was full of a peaceful atmosphere, which made all the wanderers feel very warm and unconsciously wanted to listen to her.

So in this storm, it was perfectly resolved without any conflict.

The wanderers sincerely apologized to the miners and hoped that they could join the miners to work together. The wanderers sincerely apologized to the miners and hoped that they could join the miners to work together and earn corresponding rewards.


In a place that no one could see, golden feathers were venting towards the ground, and what no one noticed was that Ai Li's eyes were different from her usual pink diamond-shaped eyes. At this moment, her eyes were emitting a faint golden light...

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