The two of them were very happy.

"Well, that's it~♪" Ellie returned the medal to Bronya and handed Eric a crystal clear earth marrow.

"How could this be..." Bronya looked at the earth marrow in Eric's hand with a dull look. As a person who had the extremely pure earth marrow medal, the earth marrow in Eric's hand was only so pure, and it was almost the same as the earth marrow on her medal.

If she hadn't seen the earth marrow Ellie rubbed out with her own eyes, she would have suspected that Ellie had stolen it from the Great Guardian.

"Oh~ Generally~ Just praise me more~♪" Ellie's arrogant look was in sharp contrast to Bronya's dull look. Seele and Xing couldn't help but laugh.

Hearing the laughter, Bronya came back to her senses, stared at Alicia, and asked, "How did you do it!"

If Ali keeps making such earth marrow, then the high-purity earth marrow will become worthless, which will directly lead to problems such as a decline in residents' income.

"Oh~ I've already said~ my ability~♪" Ali replied playfully.

Bronya was completely numb, there is a cheat! I want to go home!

In the end, under Bronya's strong persuasion, Alicia agreed to her not to summon this kind of earth marrow casually. As for why it was summoned, Bronya believed that Alicia had nothing in her hand but could turn the earth marrow into earth marrow, which must be some kind of summoning. Because she did not feel the power of destiny, it was impossible to summon it from Ali's space.

Although there are a lot of supplies, Seele thinks that since they are here, they should search to see if they can find more supplies. Seeing that it is still early, everyone agreed, and Eric took a batch of supplies to meet Natasha alone.

After many twists and turns, they finally came to the former orphanage located on a high place. Bronya felt that the surrounding environment was familiar until she got the crystal ball she had played with before.

After a long conversation, Bronya and Seele's feelings quickly warmed up and eventually became good friends.

And Xing and Ai Li, who was dragged away by Xing and covered by Xing's mouth, "voluntarily" left to give them space to be alone.

"Well, Xing, what are you doing? I want to go and warm up my relationship with them~♪" Seeing Ai Li's resentful eyes, Xing smiled and explained: "They need a chance to be alone now. If you go, they won't bring up the past. Why don't we go to find supplies together? Finish it early and go back early."

But in her heart: "Haha, I don't know you well? What if I let you go?"

"Hehe, forget it~♪" Ai Li was still in high spirits, jumping in front. Xing smiled unconsciously and hurried to follow.

After a while, Xing and Ai Li searched for a long time, but only found delicious air.

"I can't do it anymore~ There is no efficiency at all in such a headless search~♪" Ai Li squatted and was urged by Xing to take a few steps forward.

"Wait, Ai Li, don't talk yet. Listen, what's the sound?" Xing felt an undetectable sound and couldn't help but stop.

Ai Li was stunned for a second, and also listened to the surrounding environment, "Ah! Pascal, be careful!"

Ai Li's eyes lit up, and she said, "Ah! My little Clara!" Then she stood up suddenly.

"Be careful!" Xing shouted, Ai Li only felt a figure flash by, and when she came to her senses, she saw herself in Xing's arms, with one hand of Xing blocking Ai Li's head and the other hand holding Ai Li.

Because it was very light, Ai Li felt like Xing was touching her head, and she didn't know what happened.

Xing gasped in pain and asked, "Are you okay?"

Ai Li's expression turned back, and finally saw that Xing's hand was pierced by the protruding steel bar.

Ai Li looked a little panicked, "You...are you okay? Xing, give me your hand quickly."

After saying that, he took Xing's hand off Ai Li's head, and a pink light flashed, and Xing's hand returned to normal.

Seeing that Xing was fine, Ai Li said angrily: "Really, you are so old, it wouldn't be serious if you hit your head.♪"

Listening to Ai Li's words, Xing was a little speechless. She wanted to clarify three mistakes. First, my hand was pierced, do you think your head wouldn't bleed and get hurt? It's obvious that the hand is more hurt when the head and hand collide! Second, wasn't it you who almost got hurt? Why are you blaming me for saving her? I give up. Third, this is the most important point, I am not an adult at all, I just turned one month old~

But, look,

Seeing the blush on Ai Li's face, Xing smiled but didn't say anything.

But now Ai Li was suddenly stunned. No, why did Clara appear at this time?

Could it be the butterfly effect caused by her interference?

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