The enemy was in chaos, but the enemy was still alive.

Xing knocked out the last group of Silver Mane Iron Guards with a stick, and was already a little out of breath.

"Wow, how many people are there? Why don't we surrender?" Xing said with a wry smile. Although she was talking nonsense, she was really tired.

Sanyue said with a gruff breath: "You still have the energy to joke, you are so energetic, I am so tired, I must have a good sleep after this is over."

Danheng carefully put the unconscious Silver Mane Iron Guard on the ground, looked at Xiluwa and Ai Li and said: "Is it okay?"

Xiluwa said while working hard: "Right away, hold on for a while. Ai Li, you hold this line first."


Danheng sighed, Xi'er was on guard with a sickle. Although she had experienced a high-intensity battle, she was still very energetic. Sometimes small conflicts often broke out in the lower area. Although it was not difficult to deal with, there were many and scattered conflicts. Xi'er had long been accustomed to such high-intensity combat.

"Look there! Invaders! Let's go." Another team of Silver Mane Iron Guards came to reinforce, and I don't know how many times it was.

Danheng, Sanyue, Xing and Xi'er looked at each other and rushed over.

After a few rounds, the Silver Mane Iron Guards were knocked out, but the speed of knocking out was much slower than before.

Dan Heng was also a little out of breath. He had consumed too much physical strength. Was he going to use that strength?

"Aili, give me the line, it will be ok soon!"

"Here you go~♪"

As Xiluwa turned up the starter of the mechanism energy center, she clapped her hands and said, "Done, everyone, let's go to the rotating bridge!"

"Finally... it's done... I'm really... I'm dying of exhaustion." Sanyue was already out of breath. Ai Li smiled and went forward to pick up Princess Sanyue, "Let's go~♪"

"Hey, hey, hey! Sister Ai Li!" Sanyue was very shy, being picked up by Sister Ai Li!

Xing Xi, who was following on the road, envied her. What kind of physical fitness was he? He was only a little tired after so long. Damn it, I want Ai Li to hold him next time! Sanyue, you got it for free!

Dan Heng was used to it, but Xi'er was a little thoughtful. It turned out that it could be done this way. I'll hug Bronya next time.

Xiluwa teased, "Wow, Ai Li, hug your sister next time too. I haven't experienced it yet~"

Aili didn't care and simply agreed, but Sanyue in her arms refused to do it. Okay, you want to eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot, right? No, I want to collect interest!

Then Sanyue rested her head near Ai Li's slime and sniffed. Hmm... Ai Li's smell...

Aili didn't pay attention. She smiled and ran with Sanyue, chatting with everyone. She didn't notice Sanyue's little movements, but Xing on the side was about to explode. It was agreed that the alliance was exclusive. I am also an outsider. This is how it works, right? I will go to Ai Li's bed after it's over!

Dan Heng, Xi'er, Xiluwa and Xing dealt with the Silver Mane Iron Guards they met on the road. Finally, everyone started the rotating bridge and came to the front line of the Iron Guards.

March was put down by Ai Li. After all, there might be more Silver Mane Guards next, so it's best for everyone to stay alert.

But surprisingly, the Silver Mane Guards here gathered together, as if waiting for their arrival. Xiluwa knew that her brother was about to appear.

As expected, Jeppard didn't show too much surprise when he saw Xiluwa. After all, he had received the news. As a younger brother, he decided to believe that Xiluwa was bewitched by these people, so he said: "Sister, it's really you, why do you do this?"

Before he finished the last sentence, Xiluwa interrupted him and said in an anxious voice: "Wait, Jeppard, listen to me--"

Jepard also interrupted what Xiluwa was going to say next: "When the sentinel reported to me, I was still wondering if there was a misunderstanding. Maybe the intruder held you hostage, or maybe your entry had nothing to do with the alarm, but..." Jeppard paused and looked at the Starry Sky Train behind him that he had hosted before, with a complicated look in his eyes. Then he said, "Leave the invaders and walk slowly behind me, sister, you are different from them."

Shiluwa said in embarrassment, "Uh... Sorry, Jeppard, I said I would stand with them..." Then he looked at Alysia and the others, and they nodded to her.

Jeppard sighed, with a flash of loneliness in his eyes.

Shiluwa said quickly, "Jepard, give me a few minutes, I will explain to you in a few minutes-"

"Stop talking, Shiluwa! You should know where this place is, right? The Landau family is most familiar with this place, it is the defense against the rift world

The front line, the core fortress that protects the peace of Beloberg! The Silver Mane Iron Guards here, everyone here is ready to sacrifice for the people at any time! And you led these criminals to break in here, hurt the Iron Guard brothers, hijacked the energy center... Even now, you are still obsessed... Do you deserve the name of Langdao? "

I can't see Xiluwa's expression, but looking at her trembling shoulders, I know that her heart is definitely not so calm.

Aili gently supported her shoulders to comfort her.

Xiluwa showed gratitude, and then looked at Jeppard firmly and said: "Why do you think we are here? We found a way to dispel the cold wave and seal the rift, which may be the last ray of hope for this world!"

After hearing this, Jeppard said: "If that's the case, why don't you report it to Lady Cocolia? ! Why trespass into the restricted area and create chaos? ! "

Xiluwa continued: "You don't understand, it is Cocolia who prevents us from finding out the truth! "

Jepard still didn't believe it, and said: "You and the four people over there have all seen the Great Guardian. Since she doesn't agree with their claims, how can she act on her own!"

Shiluwa said anxiously: "Listen to me, Jeppard! The birth and spread of the Rift is related to the star core. The meteorite recorded by the City Builder, it-"

Jepard interrupted impatiently and said impatiently: "I know the star core, and I also know that the people behind you came for the star core. The Great Guardian has told me the truth. They have ulterior motives for the star core and want to steal the treasures of the City Builder. ”

Aili: “…” Can’t we just ask the company for that kind of thing? No, let me think about it, what else is worth paying attention to on this planet… Oh! The little bear that even Xiao Ye Lingna can’t refuse, hehe, it seems that I am here to steal the treasure~♪ Hehe, let’s see if they are willing to give it to me later, after all, it’s so cute…

Jepard continued: “The Great Guardian has reminded me that your wild imagination and touching the taboo knowledge will bring disaster to Beloberg! But I believe in you, sister, I believe in your loyalty to the people! But you…” Then he looked at the Silver Mane Iron Guards behind him and said: “Iron Guards, line up, the Rift Monsters may invade at any time, catch them now!”

Shiluwa felt that her brother was really stubborn, and said angrily: “The reason why taboos are taboos is because the truth is in them! Cocolia is afraid that we will master this knowledge and make it public. In order to save the world, we have to go all out! Well, that's all I have to explain. Whether you believe it or not is none of my business. Anyway, I, your sister, have always been so willful. When I encounter people or things I hate, I will stand up and resist. I will insist on what I should insist on to the end! "

Jepard didn't tolerate it, and said: "Explain your explanation to the judge. Now I want to arrest you!"

Ellie looked at the huge shield that Jeppard took off, muttering whether to change weapons...

The battle is about to start!

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