It is said that after many days of searching, finally, in a remote place in the Styx galaxy, the imperial fleet successfully found the Dead Song Academy.

"I wonder why the Empire came to my Dead Song Academy?"

Karl was wearing a purple robe and looked at the large group of imperial soldiers in front of him indifferently and said.

At this moment, a large group of imperial soldiers landed in the Death Song Academy, and at the same time, there were hundreds of Abyssal Fireships and large war fortresses in outer space that were aiming their guns ~ here.

As soon as any disturbance occurs, they can react immediately.

"It's not a matter, we are just on the order of His Majesty to supervise the dangerous elements."

One of the Imperial Blade captains at the head said, his voice low and unmixed with the slightest emotion.

"Me? Dangerous elements? "

Carl's face froze.

Although the other side did not explicitly say who the dangerous person was, it was clearly referring to him.

Unexpectedly, this empire was so ruthless, and directly defined him as a dangerous element.

"What do you mean by that? Want to run and make trouble, right? "

On the side, Snow, who was Carl's loyal subordinate, couldn't stand it, and directly came up and pointed at the Imperial Blade captain and scolded.

"Our Death Song Academy has no grievances or enmity with your empire, and we haven't even had contact at all."

"The only thing is just the conflict between the gluttonous civilization and you, but that is completely their autonomous behavior, and they have not been destroyed by you, have they?"

"Oh? Autonomous behavior? "

For Snow's words, the captain did not believe half a word.

Who in the entire supergod universe doesn't know that the gluttonous civilization is the number one horse boy under your Death Song Academy, without Carl's order, the gluttonous civilization ran all the way to the earth?

Moreover, the space wormhole released at the last moment of the gluttonous civilization is obviously also Karl's handiwork.

Say it's an autonomous act, funny.

Of course, the empire did not come here to make sense this time.

"We don't care whether the gluttonous civilization is an autonomous act, we just came to strictly monitor Karl on the order of His Majesty."

"During the time we are watching, I hope Carl you don't go anywhere."

The captain of the Imperial Blade said quite domineeringly, and the group of imperial soldiers behind him also raised their weapons at the right time, and the threat was fully revealed.

The smile on Carl's face suddenly narrowed and became indifferent.

"Can you tell me why you did this? I don't seem to have directly offended you, did I? "

"You don't need to know."

The captain said toughly.

"Hehe, it looks like you have to force me to do it."

Karl sneered indifferently, and then saw him raise his hand and wave gently, and the powerful Void Engine instantly invaded the dark plane system of the group of Imperial Blade warriors in front of him.

"Alert! Void data intrusion detected! Automatically start Anti-Void Engine Defense! "

When Karl's Void Engine invaded the dark plane of this group of Imperial Blade warriors, it immediately caused an automatic counterattack from their dark plane system.

Feeling this resistance coming from in front of him, Karl raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"They are all equipped with anti-void engines?"

But then he seemed to think of something, and he was relieved.

"It seems that it should have been obtained from the power of the galaxy, after all, the power of the galaxy seems to have been annexed to the empire."

However, this is a little troublesome, hundreds of Imperial Blade warriors are all equipped with anti-void engines, and they are supported by an unknown star-level celestial computer behind them, which is enough to resist him.

It's too late, it's too soon.

I saw that the captain of the Imperial Blade standing in the nearest place had the spare power to raise his weapon and rush forward when his anti-void engine was confronting the void power.

He directly carried the silver-white giant blade in his hand and quickly rushed towards Karl.

Halfway through, Snow tried to block, but with his strength, he could be an opponent of the Imperial Blade.

Directly overturned by the captain, and then stepped on the foot to have an intimate encounter with the hard ground.

Carl's brow furrowed.

In the next second, the captain had already rushed to his front and slashed towards Karl.

The sharp silver-white giant blade cut Karl's body without hindrance, but in the blink of an eye, this injury was quickly healed.

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At this time, Karl had transformed his body into a phantom body, which was different from the current mainstream divine body form.

The phantom body has essentially abandoned its original physical body and has instead existed in the form of a sub-living being.

At present, there is no effective means of restraint for the major civilizations of the phantom body, and even the measures originally taken by Divine Kesha are only restrictions.

It can be seen that even with her technical means, there is no way to deal with the phantom body for the time being.

This is true of the indigenous people, not to mention the empire, an alien who has only developed in this world for a few decades.

"You can't deal with me, so save more effort."

Seeing that the captain of the Imperial Blade was still holding a weapon and doing useless work on himself, Karl couldn't help but remind him.

"Of course I know."

The captain retorted coldly, so the purpose of our coming here this time is just to restrict you so as not to let you run around. "

More and more Imperial Blade warriors arrived here, and they all suppressed Karl's unleashed anti-void engine.

In the end, a full 523 Imperial Blade warriors arrived, and the so-called quantitative change caused a qualitative change.

With such a number of anti-void engine devices pressed down together, Karl was alone after all, and was confined to the Dead Song Academy by death.

In the outside world, a large number of imperial warships also surrounded the planet where the Dead Song Academy was located, and at the same time set up an interception net.

Make sure not even a single microbe can escape from it.

This guy Karl will probably be under house arrest here forever before the Empire finds a way to effectively restrain him.

The Second Expeditionary Force will be stuck like a nail in the Styx galaxy to take on the task of guarding.

Using an entire expeditionary army to defend Karl shows how much Lin Feng attaches importance to him.

After all, it is the ultimate boss in the supergod universe, who wants to destroy all the creatures in the main universe with his own power and open the dangerous elements of the Void Age.

You can't be too careful.


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