"It has developed to the extent that it can carry out interstellar colonization, but it is similar to the current empire."

But having said that.

Chen Feifan did not have the slightest worry in his heart.

Judging from the data on the data, although this human civilization has colonized many alien planets, it has not fully mastered all the resources of the solar system in which they live.

The level of scientific and technological development can only be said to be decent.

This can be seen from the weapons and equipment of Miles and others.

There are levels, but not much.

But the empire is different, although they are currently only a first-level civilization.

But if we talk about the development of science and technology, plasma shield, deflection position shield, strong plastic memory alloy and other technologies can be mastered by an ordinary first-level civilization?

Especially the curvature engine, even the vast majority of secondary civilizations have not fully mastered.

Therefore, the strength of the empire cannot be divided according to the conventional civilization hierarchy at all.

If you really want to fight, let alone the first-level civilization, even some relatively weak second-level civilizations they dare to go up and touch it.

In addition to the size of the territory and the use of stellar energy, the technological level of the empire is no longer lost to some second-level civilizations.

All the information was copied to the USB flash drive, and then Chen Feifan left with the people and returned to the battleship.

In addition to some internal information about RDA, the database also contains the voyage route of Pandora to Earth.

With this voyage route, then they can directly attack the yellow dragon, take the initiative to attack the human civilization in the Avatar world, and firmly control the initiative of the war in their own hands.

As for why it is necessary to subdue this human civilization by means of war, rather than choosing a more peaceful way like the Pacific Rim.

It's simple.

The so-called peace is given by the high to the low, and the Pacific Rim empire is willing to choose a peaceful way to subdue because the difference between the strength of the Pacific Rim and the empire is too great.

They only need to show their strength to make the other party feel afraid and surrender, so there is no need to take the initiative to provoke an incident, which will only cause losses for nothing.

But the human civilization in the avatar world is different, their level of scientific and technological development is not low, and their strength is stronger.

Therefore, it will not make those in power surrender because of what the empire is currently showing.

Instead, they will choose to resist, for the sake of their power.

Of course, on the bright side, they will call on their people to resist the empire under the banner of human dignity.

In this case, in order to completely subdue them, all the empire has to do is to quickly sweep away all their armed forces with the power of thunder, and clean up all those who dare to resist.

Having lost the armed forces, losing the capital to resist, and the empire is also made up of humans, then according to human nature, the empire only needs to give some small favors afterwards to make them honest.

Although this will definitely leave a lot of hidden dangers, but with the passage of time, these hidden dangers will naturally be found and uprooted by the empire one by one.

So the empire didn't need to worry much at all.


Since the world passage is on the planet Pandora, there will naturally be follow-up personnel to take over, so the stability here does not need Chen Feifan's attention.

So after a brief treatment.

More than 600 imperial warships were all dispatched, carrying a large number of imperial soldiers to outer space, and then the curvature engine started.

With a slight hum when the curvature engine started, more than 600 imperial warships began to sail in the intended direction.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, until it exceeds the speed of light, and it continues to climb.

At this time, if you look outside the battleship, you will find that the space surrounding the battleship has been strangely distorted.

The originally flat object is now curved, and the bizarre picture is enough to make any gaze feel uncomfortable from the depths of their hearts.

However, at this time, all the imperial personnel had entered their dormant capsules to sleep, so no one could enjoy this picture.

At 10 times the speed of light, Pandora's distance of 4.2 light-years from Earth would take them almost 5 months.

In the meantime, they just need to sleep.

Under the dual protection of plasma shield and deflection position shield, all obstacles along the way could not cause the slightest damage to the hull of the battleship.


When they wake up again, it will be the beginning of a war.


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