You can't see what you can.

The Zerg fleet simply did not pretend, and directly lifted the mimicry and launched an attack to smash all these meteorite blocks in front.

It was then dragged over by the Great Devourer in the rear to absorb it.

And the moment they appeared, the Imperial Detection System scattered throughout the territory immediately discovered their traces and alerted them.

"Warning! Warn! The Zerg fleet signal has been detected, please pay attention to all units! "

"Warning! Warn! The Zerg fleet signal has been detected, please pay attention to all units! "

"Warning! Warn! The Zerg fleet signal has been detected, please pay attention to all units! "


A shrill alarm sounded in the base, instantly alerting all the imperial soldiers in the base.

Lin Feng looked at the alarm signal that suddenly popped up in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"I didn't expect it to actually call."

Originally, he thought that the main force of the Nott Zerg was fighting with the fleet, and he should not run over in a short time.

But I didn't expect that it was only a few months before I came to the door.

At this time, the meteorite belt in the periphery has been gnawed out of a gap by the Great Devourer of the Zerg.

A large number of Zerg fleets swarmed through that gap and invaded the empire's territory.

But the next moment.

I saw countless high-energy lasers firing towards them, and the group of mushroom-like warships rushing to the front violently opened their umbrellas, intertwining into a huge shield to protect the entire Zerg fleet behind them.

Countless laser beams hit it fiercely, and in just a moment, the biological shield of the Zerg fleet was shattered due to overload, you must know that there are more than 2,000 combat platforms nearby.

They attacked in unison, and the combined firepower was extremely terrifying.

With this blow, the entire Zerg fleet was stunned in place as if it had been blinded.

But just as they were stunned, countless attacks followed.

Countless fusion missiles struck them in the face and exploded violently.

The ferocious fire tore the flesh and blood of the Zerg battleship, and countless Zerg were killed and injured under this blow.

But this is not over, at this time, the small plasma cannons on the interstellar combat platform have also been charged, although their power is not as powerful as the main cannon of the Abyss, but it cannot be underestimated.

More than 2,000 plasma cannons carried terrifying power and fell into the Zerg fleet and exploded.

Like the last straw that crushed the camel, this huge Zerg fleet completely turned into cosmic dust under just this round of attacks.

Leaving behind, the big devourer who was still working hard to "snor~~" devouring meteorites was stunned in place.

The Great Devourer: ...............

But before it was stunned for long, countless attacks had been concentrated on its body, don't look at the body of the Great Devourer is so huge, but in fact, its defense ability is not very strong.

Therefore, under this round of concentrated fire attacks, it exploded in place very crisply, and there was not even a bit of biological samples left.

Looking at this scene through the screen, the corners of Lin Feng's eyebrows furrowed.

"Just such a small fleet?"

More than 100,000 biological warships, plus some other Zerg troops, can really only be regarded as a small force for the entire Not Zerg.

Lin Feng shook his head.

It seems that this should just be a small force that sneaks out while the chaos is chaotic, which is nothing.

Immediately, he was given the meteorite that had gnawed a gap and repaired it, and he ignored it.

At this time, after this month's accumulation, in addition to the original remaining fleet, the empire rebuilt more than 1,000 warships.

Wrong...... It's not so much about making as it is about fighting.

For ease of maintenance, the empire's warships are basically manufactured modularly.

When which parts of the battleship are damaged, then the damaged parts are directly removed, and then only need to put together the modules prepared in advance, so as to achieve the purpose of quick maintenance.

In advance, the Empire had prepared a large number of battleship modules to prepare to replace damaged modules.

At this time, because a large number of warships are needed to join the battlefield, these modules can also be directly assembled when necessary, and only the approximate framework needs to be produced by the battleship production line.

On this basis, the empire was able to build 1,000 warships in just one month.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the empire has enough warship production lines.

After all, at this time, there are already 6 life planets under the empire, as well as nearly hundreds of resource stars, and under this huge resource supply, the empire's explosive ship speed is barbaric.

Then the more than 1,000 newly spelled warships plus the remaining 600 warships can form a reinforcement force and go to the 458th star area to reinforce the imperial fleet.

As for the question of how to maintain the security of the empire's borders after the fleet has been transferred.

It is only necessary to put a large number of interstellar combat platforms, because the interstellar combat platform is fixed, there is no need to add curvature engines, power systems and other miscellaneous things to it.

It only needs to be equipped with its weapon system, energy transmission system, and shield, so it is still quite fast to build.

In the current situation of the major production lines of the empire with full firepower, hundreds of interstellar combat platforms can be produced every day, which is more than enough to maintain the security of the empire's borders.

So, three days later.

More than 1,600 warships were assembled, and then they rushed towards Star Area 458.

With the terrifying support speed of ten times the speed of light of the curvature engine, it only took one month for the support force to reach Star Area 458.

By this time it had become dilapidated.

The cracked bodies of Zerg creature warships are everywhere, occasionally interspersed with the wreckage of Imperial warships.

But even so, this star region is still in turmoil at this time.

A large number of Zerg fleets were encircled, blocking the imperial fleet in the middle.

The imperial fleet was all gathered together, relying on strong firepower to stubbornly resist the invasion of the zerg fleet.

Every time the Zerg fleet attacked, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of biological warships swooped in, but each time they were beaten back under the stubborn counterattack of the imperial fleet.

But after all, the imperial fleet only had about 1,000 warships left at this time, so it was extremely difficult to resist.

Each enemy attack will overload the shields of some peripheral warships, causing damage, or being directly exploded, turning into cosmic wreckage and floating into the distance.

And every time at this time, there will immediately be follow-up warships to fill the gap.

Although the strength of their warships is much higher than that of the other party, after all, the gap in numbers is too great, if it were not for the high-efficiency solar energy conversion device to supply them with energy at all times, so that they can always maintain a state of abundant energy to fight, I am afraid that they have already been flooded by the surging insect tide.

But at this time, their months of resistance finally paid off.

As soon as the Imperial support forces arrived here, they immediately launched a fierce offensive.

Mighty's terrifying plasma cannon tore through the defenses of the Zerg fleet, and a large number of Zerg died under this blow.

Sensing the attack of the support fleet of the Empire in the rear, countless Zerg turned around and attacked towards the support force.

But it was immediately overwhelmed by raging artillery fire, and this time the imperial fleet came prepared.

Previously, the Imperial Ministry of Scientific Research had conceived of a weapon called a vacuum bomb.

In a previous experiment, Imperial scientists discovered.

In a vacuum environment, there is a mutual attraction force between the two metal disks.

And because this force seems to be generated out of thin air in a vacuum, it is also considered to be a vacuum fluctuation.

After subsequent research, this fluctuation seems to be due to the continuous generation and annihilation of tiny particles in the vacuum in its own space.

The production of particles and antiparticles causes subtle changes in energy.

This energy then leaks out, manifesting itself as a vacuum fluctuation.

Theoretically, a continuously large amount of energy can be stored between two metal plates in a vacuum, and even explode to an infinitely high value.

So relying on this idea, imperial scientists carried out a long period of research.

Only recently did a breakthrough be made, and a special weapon was created from it - vacuum bombs.

But since this weapon is only a new creation, how its power affects it is only a theory, and in fact it has not been tested.

At this time, due to the urgency of the situation, the support force brought three of these vacuum bombs, just relying on this opportunity to test the tongue.

Look at the raging Zerg fleet ahead. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The commander of the support force looked indifferent, deliberately adjusted the direction to avoid the impact of the energy fluctuations when the vacuum bomb exploded on the imperial warship in the Zerg encirclement, and then everything was prepared.

He spit out two words lightly.



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