Under the rapid development of these 10 years, the comprehensive national strength of the empire has increased significantly.

And in a follow-up interstellar exploration operation, a team of interstellar treasure hunters accidentally discovered a crystal mineral.

This crystalline mineral releases a large amount of energy under the optical reaction of sunlight, and after research, the energy released by the optical reaction is close to 99.9% compared to the energy of the solar radiation itself!

Infinitely close to 100% conversion!

Therefore, this crystal was named solar crystal, and it was applied to the high-efficiency solar conversion device, so that the conversion efficiency of the solar conversion device was improved


It can efficiently convert solar energy in an area into energy for use by the empire.

So a crazy plan called the Dyson ball was put on the agenda.

The specific content is to create enough new solar conversion devices to spread them on the surface of the star, and then successfully use all the 01 energy emitted by the star, so that the empire can completely achieve energy freedom.

The plan was well supported.

Recently, after spending a lot of manpower and material resources, the empire finally successfully launched 3896552 new solar converters to completely cover the experimental stars.

From a distance, countless black dots surround a huge star, and all the solar converters open the crystal plates behind them.

And successfully intercepted all the energy released by this star, and continuously made energy blocks to be transported to the empire.

Although the star is still shining, it can no longer provide the slightest heat to the surrounding planets, and the endless cold will engulf all the planets in this star system, and eventually completely lose life and turn into death stars.

And all these sacrifices will be forged into the greatness of the empire.

"Now that the empire has met the conditions in terms of both resource reserves and energy supply, it is time to start building super-large industrial shipbuilding ships."

Lin Feng waved the carbon pen in his hand and secretly said in his heart.

Although the drawings of super-large industrial shipbuilding ships had been thrown in the corner for resource reasons, he had not forgotten them in the slightest.

After all, this thing is the guarantee of the empire's future hegemony.

Extremely fast maintenance and replenishment speed, huge interstellar fortress-like hull, a giant laser cannon that can turn a planet into cosmic dust with one shot.

As soon as this ship came out, the empire was already invincible among the second-level civilizations, and even if there were enough of them, it could even touch the third-level civilizations.

It can be described as a real heavy weapon of the country, so he can't help but pay attention.

Of course, he has one more very important thing to do before that.

I saw Lin Feng put his head on the chair behind him, with a relaxed face.

"In other words, I haven't drawn a prize in a long time."

Previously, due to the need for safe development, Lin Feng has always saved the scientific and technological points obtained every year without a lottery, after all, their scientific research projects are full.

The civilization bequest of the Jade Protection Civilization, the material transformation technology of the Noit Zerg, the decomposition stance, the ability to mimic, the in-depth study of vacuum bombs............

and a series of other things, I really can't take extra mental energy to do other things.

However, now that the empire has been promoted to a second-level civilization, the original large number of scientific research projects are almost coming to an end.

And due to the emergence of the fluctuation learning device, the current speed of talent training in the empire has been greatly improved, calculating the time, the first batch of scientific researchers is almost out of the mountain, just to find something for them to do.

"Then let's draw a wave of prizes today."

Making up his mind, Lin Feng summoned his system panel.

"Host: Lin Feng"

"Race: Human"

"Faction: Star Martial Empire"

"Civilization Level: Level 2"

"Science and Technology Point: 52586"

"Open World Channel: None"

"The system is extracted according to the use of 30,000 technology points at a time and 20,000 science and technology points at a time."

Lin Feng said straightforwardly.

"Ding~, extracting..."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining technology - light particle strike technology!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining technology - quantum communication technology!"

Two new technologies came out, and Lin Feng immediately checked them through the system panel.

"Light particle strike technology, select a microscopic quantum state as a light particle, and then through the quantum tunneling effect to make the light particle continuously vacuum to break through the potential barrier to obtain energy, and finally after some accurate calculation, the light particle is about to reach the star to hit the vacuum to borrow enough energy, so as to break away from the quantum state, obtain mass, and form a huge gravitational field in an instant, induce the star to cause a supernova explosion, thereby achieving the purpose of destroying the star."

"Quantum communication technology, through the principle of quantum entanglement to synchronize two different quanta, when the influence of one quantum is applied, the other quantum will also change synchronously, so as to achieve the purpose of quantum transmission information."

Light particle strike 290! Quantum communication!

Lin Feng's face couldn't help but show a look of joy.

These two things were famous in their past lives.

The former is a kind of terrorist weapon belonging to the three-body novel, which is a super technology that can directly strike at a star system, and ordinary second-level civilizations cannot be stopped at all, and can only rely on faster-than-light flight to set up a black domain to barely block.

As for the latter, it is also crucial for the development of the empire, and now the empire is already in a dilemma where the communication speed is not as fast as the fleet's flight speed, but now with this quantum communication technology, none of this is a problem.

"It's all good stuff."

Lin Feng's face was full of smiles, the addition of these two super technologies meant that the strength of the empire would rise rapidly in the next period of time.

At that time, there will be light particle strikes in the distance, and super-large industrial shipbuilding ships in the near future, and the strength of the empire in the second-level civilization can be called truly invincible under the blessing of the two.

However, this was a plaguing group of scientists in the scientific research department, and it was difficult to finish the project at hand, and before they could rest for a while, they sent two large-scale scientific research projects.

It can really be said that even the donkeys of the production team have to shout bitterly when they see it.


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