At this time, it is at the stage where the plot line has just begun.

In a small alley, Ge Xiaolun is fighting with Liu Chuang and wants to play a heroic rescue game, but because Liu Chuang himself is a small gangster, he often fights on the street.

Therefore, Ge Xiaolun was not his opponent at all, and was directly punched to the ground by him.

And it was with this opportunity that he successfully awakened his super genetic system, that is, the power of the galaxy.

In an unknown space, Ge Xiaolun looked at everything around him with a bewildered expression.

"Welcome to the Divine Genetic System."

"The sun's light has descended on Earth, and its light radiation has activated the invincible cave in your body and provided you with emergency protection."

A mechanical voice sounded, and Ge Xiaolun's whole person was stunned.

"Emergency protection?"

"You have just suffered a blow, a hard object hitting your temple and posing a ~ threat to your life."

At this time, after this short buffer, Ge Xiaolun also slowly calmed down.

"Where is it?"

"I... What is this on me? "

At this time, in this space, Ge Xiaolun found that pieces of metal armor from under his feet seemed to be constantly being formed.

"I'm Invincible Kongeva?"

"You're in your dark plane genetic system."

"Tease Daddy."

Listening to the mechanical voice in his ears, some words that he couldn't understand kept popping out of his mouth, Ge Xiaolun couldn't help but be even more dazed.

But the next moment, after the supergod gene system absorbed the energy of the sun's light and repaired Ge Xiaolun's injury, it directly kicked him out of the dark plane gene system.

And in reality at the moment.

Ge Xiaolun's face was stunned for a while, and he didn't seem to have broken away from the state he was in just now.

But the next moment, seeing Liu Chuang on the other side, it seemed that his brain had finally caught the string.


Ge Xiaolun blurted out directly.

"Yo he, you kid still has a hard mouth."

Liu Chuang grinned.

"Brother, I'm not playing hooligans, but feelings."

After speaking, he stepped forward to push Ge Xiaolun to the ground, but at this time, Ge Xiaolun had awakened the supergod gene system, and his body had been greatly strengthened, so he subconsciously counterattacked, and did not want to directly kick Liu Chuang several meters away.

But it was this kick that didn't expect Liu Chuang to wake up.

In this way, the awakened Galactic Power and the Norstar God of War pinched each other like hooligans fighting in this alley.

And a camera in the distance faithfully recorded this scene.

In a monitoring room.

Du Qiangwei, who had long red hair and a cold and handsome face, looked coldly at the two figures in the picture who were chaotic like bastards fighting.

"Are the two of them our future comrades-in-arms? Are you kidding! "

Jace, who was dressed as a man in black on the side, seemed very calm.

"It's okay, anyway, after the Super Theological Academy starts, it can still be used to pull them all over to teach, after all, they all have super genes, and they must complete their duties."

Jace said lightly.

At this time, the dispute in the alley was over, not that Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun had divided the victory and defeat, but that the police outside had arrived.

"What are you two doing? Sprinkle it for me! "

A group of police officers rushed up and forcefully pulled Ge Xiaolun and Liu Chuang apart.

Facing the muzzle of the black hole of the police, the two also kept calm rationally.

Eventually, the two were taken to the police station for questioning.

Jace clapped his hands.

"Let's go, it's time for us to play."

Du Qiangwei didn't say a word, but still followed Jace to walk outside.

After being taken to the police station, Liu Chuang is being interrogated by Qilin.

Ge Xiaolun, on the other hand, was salivating and explained to the police officer in front of him that his behavior just now was a righteous act.

At this moment, Jace strode in with Du Rose.

Walking to Ge Xiaolun first, Jace took out a document from his arms and placed it in front of the police.

"Special departments carry out tasks, please cooperate with us, thank you."

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Then the two couldn't help but take Ge Xiaolun away.

Along the way, I also heard Liu Chuang's shouting and shouting.

Originally, in addition to Ge Xiaolun, the two of them wanted to take Liu Chuang away together, but according to the current situation.

In the end, the two agreed.

Let's throw that thing in the police station for a few days.


Just as the plan for a super-theological school on Earth was urgently underway.

I don't know——

At this moment, more than 3,000 light-speed probes in Earth's outer orbit are turning on the mimicry technology obtained from the Noit Zerg, staying there motionless and closely watching all the movements on Earth.

The focus is naturally on the group of super soldiers in the original play.

Looking at the picture transmitted on the screen, Lin Feng thought back slightly.

"It seems that this is just the beginning of the development of the plot."

At this time, the gluttonous civilization has not yet begun to attack, but it is also fast.

And the Empire silently manages the planet they chose as a stronghold.

At this time, they had no intention of rushing up to contact the earth.

After all, the sudden appearance of a stranger in front of others will always cause others to be alert.

Rashly contacting the earth will not only make the empire lose its advantage in the shadows, but also inevitably arouse the vigilance of various countries on the earth, and the gains are not worth the losses.

It's not that he cares much about these opinions.

But the position of the earth in this universe is really special, and a large group of top civilizations are fighting in it.

Angel, demon, gluttony, triangle which is not a ruthless character.

But it didn't bring the earth down, which already sends a lot of information.

It is definitely not wise to make a rash move.

The Empire will not be the first bird before the big melee has even begun.

Let's let the gluttony come, they have a little iron.


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