"Report my lord! A large group of unknown warships is detected in the rear towards us, and it is not yet known which civilization the other side is. "

Inside a gluttonous and civilized battleship.

The gluttonous soldier in blue and white armor rushed to the battleship's main control room and reported to the gluttonous captain inside.

At the same time, there was a look of horror on his face.

It is sure that it has never seen so many warships attack in its life.

It can almost be said that it is overwhelming, and there are enemy warships as far as the eye can see.

You know, due to the development of the dark plane in the supergod universe, whether it is the Shenhe civilization or the angel civilization gluttonous civilization, etc., they are basically based on gene warriors, pay attention to the formation of ships in the flesh, and dominate the universe with strong single strength.

Therefore, there is not much attention to the research and development of warships, although all major civilizations have their own warships, but the number is not much, mainly quality.

Where have you ever seen a war method like the Empire that hula-la-a a large group of warships popping up and directly bursting out of the face.

This is completely inconsistent with their stereotypes of civilized war.


Hearing this, the gluttonous captain was also a little unable to sit still, and quickly brought up the picture to check it.

A moment later, the information retrieval was completed, and I saw that the large screen in front of it showed the picture of the imperial warships in the rear, and a large number of warships were densely packed and almost occupied the entire screen.

"My god Karl, how can there be so many warships!"

The gluttonous captain let out an exclamation.

The number of warships on the other side is almost twice the total number of warships they use to invade Earth.

"Could it be that this is the entire army of which civilization?"

Everyone present couldn't help but have such an idea in their minds.

After all, they had never seen so many warships at once before.

But unfortunately, what they don't know is actually just a small fleet used by the Empire to conquer the earth, but even so, it is still enough to make them tremble.

Soon, the imperial warships had arrived in front of the gluttonous civilization fleet.

Looking at the current situation, this gluttonous civilization fleet should have been storming the city below, and there were several angelic civilization warriors floating in midair.

And there are also a large number of human armies deployed in the cities below.

Everywhere were ruins of the city and blackened craters, and the thick smell of gunsmoke filled the battlefield, and it was clear that the previous fighting was very fierce.

At this moment, with the arrival of the imperial fleet, the hot battlefield that was still fighting was inexplicably quiet.

The gluttonous civilization temporarily stopped its offensive operations, and the humans and angels on the ground also slowly contracted and tightened their battle lines, nervously watching the gluttonous fleet in the sky and the imperial fleet in the distance.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, held his chin and thought about what he should do in this situation.

"Hmm... Let's destroy the fleet of gluttonous civilization first, I don't want to see these things~. "

Personally, he doesn't like to eat these strange-looking alien civilizations.

Moreover, the purpose of the gluttonous civilization is still to completely occupy the earth, which conflicts with his purpose, then he is even more unlikely to leave the other party.

received His Majesty's order.

All the battleships did not have the slightest nonsense and directly began to charge the battleships.

All the laser cannon ports began to emit bright light, and the electromagnetic cannon also slowly started.

The movements of this group of Imperial warships were detected.

"It's not good, this is coming at us on the other side!"

All the Gluttonous Civilization warships immediately turned on their defensive stance, they turned on their energy shields, and activated the battleships to evade.

But before they could make any moves, they saw the blows of the imperial warships in the distance burst out.

The blazing white high-energy laser slammed into their energy shield, stirring up ripples, but unfortunately, it only lasted for a moment before the energy shield was completely shattered, and the terrifying laser pillar instantly moved through the body of the gluttonous battleship and penetrated backwards.

The special metal projectile smashed on the gluttonous civilization battleship at a terrifying speed, and the furious power instantly exploded the entire hull.

The imperial fleet was just a round of attacks, and this originally arrogant and arrogant gluttonous civilization fleet was immediately hit hard, and the number of remaining warships was not one in ten.

This was based on the fact that there were a large number of warships ahead to block their guns. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The entire battlefield fell completely silent.

All the human soldiers looked at this scene in a daze, originally these gluttonous civilization fleets still beat them so that they couldn't raise their heads, but they didn't expect that they would be directly destroyed in such a short time.

At this time, the imperial fleet wanted to launch a second attack.

Frightened, the remaining gluttonous civilization warships immediately contacted the Empire.

"Let us go, we are a gluttonous civilization, and our Lord God is Karl, the God of Death!"


But before it could finish speaking, the next moment the attack of the empire had already descended on them.

So just like that, the remaining gluttonous battleships were also burst and turned into scattered dust.

After solving the gluttonous civilization battleship.

The Imperial warship began to head towards the city below.

Frightened, all the human soldiers came back from their stunned and stared nervously at the huge fleet that was coming towards them.


There must be some, after all, even the previous powerful gluttonous civilization fleet was solved in front of this fleet, what did they count?

But none of them wanted to back down.

At their feet is their home, and they have no room to take them half a step back.

Therefore, when danger comes, they have no choice but to move forward.

In order to protect the homeland, even if you die for it, it is not a pity (Wang Zhao's)!

But fortunately, the imperial fleet did not launch an attack on them.

Instead, a large group of imperial soldiers was cast.

On the ground, the human army watched the large vote cast by the other side, like mecha warriors in science fiction movies, walking towards them.

I couldn't help but look at each other.

Ge Xiaolun, who had already come here to provide support, looked solemn.

I saw him take a deep breath and take out his big sword.

"Everyone, get ready for battle."

Even the angels in the sky raised the Sword of the Flaming Sun with a nervous face, looking at the group of imperial soldiers below.

At the same time, they wanted to search the information of the fleet in front of them through their own database, but they searched every inch of the database and came to only one conclusion.



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