Soon the two sides began to fight.

First of all, the empire took the lead, but they did not choose to attack directly, but chose to put space anchors and completely block the space here.

After the space is blocked, all the techniques such as space transition and wormhole handling cannot be applied here.

Sensing the movements of the imperial fleet, the devouring badger couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"What is this empire doing? What is the blockade of space for no reason? "

It does not quite understand this behavior of the empire.

After all, if they do this, although they can't use space technology, the empire can't use it either.

So what's the point of doing that? Bind your opponent and bind yourself too?

The reason why the empire did this is naturally not to eat and have nothing to do.

After all, in any case, the number of gluttonous civilization fleets is much more than them, this is a fact, although it may not be comparable to them in terms of fleet quality, but the phrase ant bites to death is not for nothing.

Once the opponent rushes to them through spatial leaps and other means, the formation is chaotic, and one careless person risks being scattered by the other party, and it is easy to be broken one by one.

This is very dangerous.

Therefore, it is better to simply order and directly ban this ability, and everyone should not use it.

This is much fairer and more reasonable, and, needless to say, this method of warfare is actually beneficial to the empire.

Due to the application of directional energy technology, imperial warships are far superior to ordinary warships in terms of range and accuracy, they can attack at a longer distance, and they can hit enemy warships more accurately.

And this is the first opportunity of the battlefield, through this kind of opportunity, as long as the guerrilla tactics are properly played, then the imperial fleet can even eat away at the entire gluttonous civilization fleet step by step without the slightest bit of waste.

Beautiful fight to win this battle.

War, isn't that how it is, fighting the inferior with the good, and holding the weak with the strong.

Even the so-called classic battles in history in which the weak defeat the strong are only through superb stratagem, creating an advantageous situation for the soldiers below to fight more and fight less, and then achieve victory.

The same goes for interstellar warfare, creating advantages for yourself and disadvantages for your enemies.

After arranging the space anchor and blocking the space, the imperial fleet directly launched a fierce attack.

The high-energy pulsed laser cannon, which had the longest range, was the first to fire.

The thick pillar of blazing white light blasted towards the gluttonous civilization fleet like a meteor shower.

Many gluttonous warships could not dodge, and were directly bombarded on the shield on the surface by the laser column, and then the shield was overloaded, directly bursting, and turned into brilliant fireworks.

The Devouring Badger stood up suddenly, and although its head had been completely replaced by the mecha, it could still be seen with the naked eye that it was dignified.

"Good attack distance."

At this moment, it seemed to suddenly realize why the empire blocked space.

"Want to take advantage of the long attack range to constantly pull and consume us."

Thinking of this in his mind, Devouring Badger said to his subordinates.

"Do your best to break the opponent's space blockade, and then order each ship to use the space jump device to jump directly into the opponent's fleet formation, disrupt their formation, and break it one by one."


The gluttonous soldier led the way, and then began to operate.

And the Empire quickly noticed this.

"Alert! Unknown traffic has been detected flooding into the database and is attempting self-test... The self-test is complete. "

"Logic error..."

"Try to reconnect..."

"Counterattack procedures are being carried out ..."

Messages keep popping up on the control platform of the space anchors, and it is clear that they are under attack.

Seeing this, the empire naturally could not sit still, so it also immediately fought back.

In this way, the two sides wrestled in the real universe on the one hand, and confronted each other in the dark plane on the other, and at the same time they actually stalemated each other.

But soon, with the commander of the imperial fleet applying for the entry of the "Xingwu" star-level celestial computer, this impasse was quickly broken.

"Xingwu", as a star-level celestial computer created by the empire's imitation of the big clock and the sacred Kesha knowledge base, although slightly inferior in ability compared to the first two, is definitely not much worse, at least for gluttonous civilizations, it is absolutely impossible for them to compete.

Therefore, soon the dark plane attack of the gluttonous civilization was declared a failure, and it was even pushed back, resulting in the communication of the gluttonous civilization fleet being damaged, and even some warships lost control.

The empire naturally could not give up this opportunity, so it immediately took another onslaught, and took advantage of the situation to knock out a lot of gluttonous civilized warships.

"Damn the empire!"

Looking at this scene, Jing Yude felt that his U fever seemed to be a little insufficient. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Who would have thought that the empire could still have such a big killing weapon, if they knew this, they would definitely not take the initiative to launch a dark plane attack and leave an obvious port, which was directly invaded by the other party.

But it's too late to say anything at this point.

With the blessing of the "Xingwu" star-level celestial computer, the empire can be said to have directly smashed in the gluttonous dark plane system, making it chaotic.

And the chaos of the dark plane has led to the chaos of the gluttonous fleet in the real universe.

Under this series of chain reactions, the gluttonous civilization fleet not only did not even hit a hair of the imperial fleet, but also suffered heavy losses.

Seeing this scene, Snow, who had been hiding in the shadows, finally couldn't stand it.

"A bunch of pig brains."

I saw him come out of the shadows, and then came to the Gluttonous King Devouring Badger.

Seeing Snow, the devourer was obviously stunned.

"'Snow? What are you doing here? "

"Hehe, I don't want to come again, I'm afraid that if I hit to the end, you won't even hit a hair of the other party, and you will have to be annihilated."

Snow sneered mercilessly, and then finally slowly took out a golden diamond-shaped device from his arms.

And opened his mouth to explain.

"This is the great technology provided by my god Karl, through which you can forcibly break through this space blockade in a short period of time and send several special elite troops to the enemy's flagship to perform decapitation missions."

"Decapitation mission..."

In the face of Snow's ridicule, the face of the devouring badger was a little ugly, after all, the other party did not leave him a little face at all, but I have to say that he still approved of this proposal made by the other party.

According to the intelligence transmitted from Earth by their advance troops and Karl's deduction, it seems that there is no particularly top-notch existence in the empire, purely relying on the strength of the powerful fleet to push all enemies.

And the devouring lion has already installed the most advanced void engine with the help of Karl, and his strength has long been transformed, and he is not in the eyes of (Li Nuozhao) at all for the average third-level divine body warrior

Therefore, if it can personally lead the troops to teleport over through this device and directly paralyze the opponent's command system, then it will cause the empire to fall into a leaderless situation, and the overall situation can be reversed in an instant.

Soon, the Devouring Badger selected a large number of gluttonous elite warriors.

The whole body was covered in blue-white mechs, equipped with second-generation divine body technology, and the devouring badge stood in front of them, and it turned to Snow and nodded.

"Let's go, Yang."

Seeing that they were ready, Snow did not hesitate and directly turned on the golden diamond-shaped device in his hand.

I saw a dazzling light suddenly appear.

The Devourer and his selected warriors were teleported directly to the Imperial warship.

But before the devouring badger could see the environment clearly, he felt a sudden movement behind him.

It looks straight back.

In an instant——

Its gaze collided directly with the sight of the Imperial Blade warriors who hurriedly arrived.


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