"I think she doesn't look bad!"

Cheng Yu continued to use his identity as a little boy to inquire about Huang Quan's more news.

He wanted to explain something for Huang Quan, but Ester's eyes revealed a certain gloom and deep coldness.

Seeing this, Cheng Yu didn't dare to go deeper. He didn't know which of the truths of the story was true or false.

"Okay, go see Ruan Mei. If she runs away, it will be a bit troublesome."

Ester felt that it was too rash to say this to a child.

Cheng Yu also felt that it was enough. Huang Quan was not visible now. This was inevitable. Let's wait for the next simulation.

If Huang Quan really did something to her father, he would try to change the ending of the story in the simulation as much as possible.

As for Ruan Mei, he would observe it again.

As for Kakawa Qiu, he really wanted to see her once. He didn't know whether Ruan Mei and Kakawa Qiu were together.

Looking for Ruan Mei was equivalent to looking for Kakawa Qiu.

Unfortunately, there is only one person who showed up today, and that is Ruan Mei.

Where Kakawaqiu is is still unknown, after all, her personality is relatively stable.

"Thank you, Ester!" Cheng Yu broke free from Ester's arms and carefully observed Ruan Mei's changes.

Ester: "????"

Looking at Cheng Yu who was peeking at Ruan Mei's body like a pervert, Ester was almost a little dizzy by these riddlers.

Ruan Mei, who saw through it but didn't tell her, and Cheng Yu, who was sneaky and couldn't see through it.

It was a bit confusing, but she was too lazy to pay attention to the strange story of the two, and returned to her post to concentrate on managing her work.

"What is she doing?"

Cheng Yu stood in the corner and observed Ruan Mei's every move.

Sitting elegantly at the table and playing with the authority of the Black Tower Space Tower, Cheng Yu, who was ten meters away from her, couldn't see clearly what the content of the panel was.

"Go directly to her, or..."

Now he has seen Ruan Mei, but he can't tell directly whether Ruan Mei is a yandere.

If they meet directly, if something goes wrong, there will be no way back.

If she is not a yandere, then there is only Huang Quan left to solve.


He looked at the system's favorite prop mall.

[Props: Deducing the Future]

[Introduction: A skill from a legendary figure in a parallel world. If he didn't have this skill, he would have died many times at the hands of a yandere. ]

[Can deduce the whole process of what will happen in the next day, cooldown CD: once every three days. ]

[Consumption: 70,000 simulation points. ]

"It's expensive!"

Cheng Yu looked straight at the new skill in front of him, and to be honest, he was a little tempted.

If he could deduce the future directly, then he knew what would happen if he went directly to Ruan Mei.

Imprisoned, or moved by his sincerity.

There is no way to know this, either ask yourself, or buy the skill of deducing the future to use.

But once these simulation points are used up, the next 500,000 simulation points will be a pain for him.

He didn't dare to fight this rich war directly.

"Use this first!"

Cheng Yu didn't plan to use his best, but used some relatively cheap system props.

[You bought the inner reading card]

[Introduction: You can simply read the other party's inner activities. ]

[Time limit: five minutes. ]

[Consumption: one thousand simulation points. ]

"Just use it and see what Ruan Mei is thinking about now."

[You use the inner reading card on Ruan Mei. ]

[Begin to analyze Ruan Mei's inner activities]

[Ruan Mei's inner content: Cheng Yu Cheng Yu Cheng Yu Cheng Yu..............]

The two words densely occupied the border of Cheng Yu's system.

"Is the system broken?"

Cheng Yu was depressed.

How could Ruan Mei's mind only contain these two words?

"Who is this...?"

At the same time, Ruan Mei noticed Cheng Yu, the boy who left with Gui Naifen, in the past surveillance.

"Maybe, is there a possibility that he came to see me when he was still a child?"

She was wrong, she made a wrong prediction.

Cheng Yu was not someone who came to find her after he became an adult.

If he came to find her only in his childhood, then everything would be explained if he couldn't find Cheng Yu.

And Cheng Yu was the boy.

"So that's it, he came to me at such a young age, he really loves me too much."

"Cheng Yu, are you so eager to see me?"

"It doesn't matter, I will give you true happiness."

Ruan Mei was self-conquering, tears of love dripping from the corners of her eyes.

Cheng Yu was confused: "Why is she crying?"

[Ruan Mei's inner thoughts: He loves me so much, he loves me so much, he loves me so much...........】

Cheng Yu: ".........."

"What the hell, is it a system problem? Or Ruan Mei........."

"It's a bit crazy, or should I give up?"

Cheng Yu was a little scared.

Ruan Mei is a little unstable now, and she will definitely not leave him a single drop of pants if he goes to find her now.

"Kakawaqiu, is she normal too?"

Cheng Yu couldn't guess this.

Ruan Mei didn't bring Kakawaqiu with her, so she didn't know what happened during this period.

"Forget it, let's leave!"

He roughly guessed Ruan Mei's true inner world.

The conclusion can be drawn from Ruan Mei's weird inner activities.

It's a bit dangerous, so it's better not to contact directly.

Fortunately, his disguise is perfect now, and Ruan Mei couldn't find him, which is completely beneficial to him.

When he gets to a safe place, he can simulate it again, and he can change the tragic fate of the three people.

"Wait...what is this...?"

Ruan Mei was shocked again.

After locking Cheng Yu's position, she observed something incredible using the surveillance playback.

Cheng Yu, peeking at her in the corner.

"Is he looking at me?"

As if she had awakened a strange habit, the feeling of being watched was indescribable joy.

However, she did not turn her head to look at Cheng Yu, and tried to adjust her posture so that Cheng Yu could see enough.

"What is she doing?"

Cheng Yu was a little confused looking at Ruan Mei's elegant sitting posture.

She was quite serious just now, why did she suddenly switch to a different style.

There was a bit of a chilly charm, and the colors inside seemed to be...visible.

[Ruan Mei's inner activities: happiness, happiness, happiness..........]

Cheng Yu: "........."

"What's going on, is the system crazy?"

Cheng Yu rolled his eyes and looked back.

Ruan Mei and he looked at each other, and a charming smile appeared on her face: "Cheng Yu, are you peeking at me?"

At this moment, Cheng Yu... was shocked.

"Just now, did she see me?"

He hid in the corner and trembled, and after another look, he didn't see Ruan Mei.

"Where is she?"

"Where did she go?"

Cheng Yu looked around in confusion.

Unable to find Ruan Mei, Cheng Yu, who was vaguely afraid, chose to go back to Gui Naifen to be safe.

"Forget it, forget it, it's easy to get into trouble if you follow me."

Turning around and about to leave, he bumped into Man Huai and fell to the ground: "Who doesn't have eyes! It's easy to get into trouble if you stand in front of me."

[Ruan Mei's heart: I found you, Cheng Yu! ]

Cheng Yu: "What?"

Unable to react, Cheng Yu lay on the ground, looking up at Ruan Mei who was looking at him.

The sick peach eyes appeared again, and a hundred years later, the sick charming smile appeared in front of Cheng Yu: "Long time no see, dear."

Cheng Yu: "It's over!"

Cheng Yu——"Dead"


[No inspiration, it's a bit watery to read something, the author will update three times today, and plans to start a new book to keep his inspiration from running out. ]

[Maybe write about Juequ Zero and other two-dimensional stories {maybe write Juequ Zero}, after all, this book has a little less traffic. ]

[More five-star reviews, five stars, and recommend the book, thank you for your support. ]

[2200 to urge one more update, 20 gifts plus one update, 40 gifts plus one update. ]

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