"Jingliu...what are you doing!"

Cheng Yu's pupils shrank, staring at Huang Quan's cut head, his brain was completely blank.

Is this a sweet dream?

No, this is a nightmare. He must be under too much mental pressure, which has produced a sick Jingliu.

The blood splashed on his face, which was too real and too scary.

He began to try to wake himself up, but it seemed that he was cut off from reality and was forever trapped in a dream.

"Who are you!"

Ruan Mei sensed the other party's murderous intention. She cut Huang Quan's head so neatly. She must be an extremely dangerous woman.

"I'm protecting you! Cheng Yu."

Jingliu smiled vaguely, but it was hard to see through. He stroked and comforted her.

"Protect me?"

Cheng Yu's thoughts froze for several seconds, and he has not recovered from the shock until now.

Fortunately, all this is just a dream.

Jingliu can't get close to the real Huang Quan at all. He has seen Huang Quan's power.

It was just that Huang Quan was greatly weakened in the dream, making her temporarily the only T0 heroine.

However, he did not accept this chaotic dream.

He did not accept that his woman had become like this. What had Jing Liu done wrong? How could she become like this?

"That's right. If you died three times in their lives and they were unable to protect you."

"Next, let me protect you in this life."

The coldness on Jing Liu's body rose again, and Huang Quan's head was wrapped in zero degrees and turned into broken ice.

She didn't care about her behavior. What she cared about was Cheng Yu.

"Jing Liu, calm down!"

Fortunately, Cheng Yu's thoughts were controlled by reason. He pushed away Jing Liu, who had already fallen, and tried to explain his thoughts.

"My wish is just to make your previous life peaceful. Now seeing you become the Luofu Sword Master is enough."

"The forced melon is really not sweet. I really don't have any other thoughts about you."

The next second, Cheng Yu was kissed again.

Without giving him any chance to explain: "Don't talk, although it's a dream, I will make it come true."

"Since you gave me a new life, I have been ready to repay you."

"Since you reappeared in front of me, I will not let go."

"On the first day I saw you, that day was my birthday, and it was also the best gift from God."

Her eyes were sometimes crazy, sometimes fanatical, and the expression on her face quickly switched between gentleness and hideousness, as if her soul was torn apart by two extreme emotions.

Cheng Yu was offline for a few seconds. Facing the bloody and decisive Jing Liu, endless doubts filled his inner world.

"Is this really what you and I want?"

He didn't understand, didn't understand the intentions of these women.

Even if it was a dream, he could feel the real people meeting from Jing Liu's eyes.

Real dream, or fake.

He couldn't tell, really couldn't tell.

He wanted to wake up, but why couldn't he wake up.

"I know that our relationship needs to be slowly built up. In this life, I am willing to slowly wait for your change."

"And this is what I want. My beauty is not inferior to theirs, and my figure will always be your shape."

However, the confession has not been finished.

The body of Huang Quan who just fell, the power of nothingness on her body repaired her injuries little by little.

"So, are you going to declare war on us?"

The cut skull was wrapped in the power of nothingness and restored to its previous appearance.

Huang Quan has already touched the power of the concept of nothingness.

The so-called nothingness is to ignore life span, death, any disease, and the difference in vision.

Unlike the unilateral power of the envoy, touching the power of the concept is truly half invincible.

Unless there is also a power of the concept to fight against her, that is, the star god, or Huang Quan who is similar to touching the power of the core.

Without these two possibilities, she is basically immortal and remains eternally invincible.

The same is true for her in the dream.

Even if it was a dream, it was also the function of the concept, and it was as if the deity himself had descended into the dream.

This beautiful dream was no longer a dream dominated by Cheng Yu.

It was a Shura field for three people.

"It's so scary, Master, save me!"

Fu Xuan hugged Cheng Yu's thigh tightly.

She couldn't imagine how her fantasy had become a mess.

Where did Jing Liu come from? Wasn't he a fictional dream character created by Cheng Yu?

"Isn't it unkillable?"

"Yes, there is no real death in the dream."

Jing Liu looked at Huang Quan who was intact. The eyes of the two were like strong enemies, emitting waves of pressure on each other.

"It seems that my dear is in trouble?"

Ruan Mei also took off her disguise and wiped out her original smile: "It seems that I also need to insertOur happiness."

Raising his hand slightly and calling, nearly a million breeding orders surrounded the dreamland where he was.

It was pitch black, and there were stinging insects as far as the eye could see.

"What are you doing!"

"Hey, stop it, Huang Quan, listen to me."

Cheng Yu tried to control the rampaging Huang Quan.

But at this moment, Huang Quan ignored the dreamland led by Cheng Yu, and the power of nothingness began to penetrate here.

Even if it was a dream, in front of the concept, she in the dreamland was the real Huang Quan.

"Why, you all don't listen to me!"

Cheng Yu froze in place, and the so-called harem dream gradually collapsed.

Even dreams were already a luxury, and he returned to the fighting scene of the Shura Field.

"No, why did they fight!"

Fu Xuan buried himself in Cheng Yu's chest, not darling to hum a word.

"Don't be afraid, dear, don't worry, with us here, no one can destroy the happiness of the four of us. "

Ruan Mei did the same, calming Cheng Yu's restless little emotions.

The difference is that now Ruan Mei and Huang Quan are working together to fight against Jing Liu, who is about to reach T0.

Under one Star God, there is infinite creation.

But Jing Liu is not to be feared.

Because, even in a dream, she got help from Aha in the dream, and successfully contacted the core power of the Star God.

The core power, even if it is from the order to jump to the Star God, must contact the core conditions.

Obtaining the complete core power, you can be promoted to the Star God.

Huang Quan can steal 49% of the core power of the Void, reaching 50% and 51% of the power, then she can replace the Void IX and upgrade to the real Void Star God.

He will not care about Huang Quan's power demand, but she doesn't need it, Because to become this fateful star god, you have to abandon everything and become nothingness.

This is what happened to Lan. When he came into contact with the true hunting core power, he became a true hunting star god.

And Aha gave the joyful part of the core power to Jingliu just for fun.

[You received the gift of Aha's core conceptual power]

[You were temporarily promoted to the Joyful Order, and you gained conceptual power]

[Conceptual power: 50-50 {only valid in dreams}]

[Introduction: Except for the star god, it has 50-50 power for everyone. ]

With the help of Aha behind the scenes , even in a dream, the position of T0 is Jingliu.

Because this dream bubble is a scene constructed by Aha for Jingliu to play.

It's just that Ruan Mei is controllable, while Huangquan is not.

Because the power of nothingness also permeates the dream, ignoring the negative effects of Aha's dream bubble world.

Aha didn't expect that the power of nothingness could also affect the dream.

In Aha's dream bubble world, Jingliu's strength is slowly paving the way.

You can never guess where Aha is peeking at Shura Field.

He came when he smelled the smell.

"Hehe, it's so fun!"

Behind him, Kakawaqiu's smile became joyful.

"Are you going to be our enemy? "

Huang Quan looked at the crazy Jing Liu indifferently, and once again showed the murderous intention when hunting Ruan Mei.

The Jing Liu in front of him was extremely dangerous.

A dangerous woman who might harm his fourth life, then as Cheng Yu's woman, she had the obligation to eliminate the dangerous factors around him.

Ruan Mei was the same, she would not allow a third Jing Liu to torture her ideal desire.

"What if I say yes?"

"You don't understand what love is, you are just a woman who satisfies personal desires."

Jing Liu spoke with a cold expression.

They were on opposite sides of each other, and they thought that each other was a dangerous factor that harmed Cheng Yu.

Dreams were a beginning, but reality was no exception.

This time, three people joined forces, but in reality, it was impossible for them to live in harmony.

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