Fu Xuan, who was full of confidence just now, instantly calmed down.

What if, as Jing Liu said, he killed her and found other fortune tellers, then wouldn't she have laid the groundwork for Jing Liu in vain?

No, it really can't.

Even if it's 90% to 90%, it's still a piece of meat.

"Since you said so, then, what countermeasures do you have to deal with Cheng Yu's deduction?"

Seeing Fu Xuan calm down, Jing Liu spoke coldly.


As she said, she drew a strange magic pattern on Jing Liu's forehead, and then disappeared secretly.

Explained: "This rune can allow you to enter your consciousness when you are being deduced. Do you know what to do next?"

Jing Liu: "I see!"

"But!" Fu Xuan said worriedly: "Master will use various means to deal with you in the deduction, you have to control your reason."

"After all, although deduction has a great sense of real experience, it is ultimately a fantasy, and reality is the starting point of your development!"

"Of course I understand!" Jing Liu also knew that this was the only chance to win.

To win Cheng Yu's favor and clear him of her suspicion of forced love.


At the same time.

"What a strange dream, how could Jing Liu become like that?"

No matter how he thought about it, Cheng Yu felt something was wrong.

If it was a dream, he had never felt so real, whether it was Huang Quan, Ruan Mei, or Jing Liu, everyone's eyes could almost meet.

"Or is it a precognitive dream?"

Cheng Yu fell into bold suspicion and still felt creepy.

This dream was too real.

"Let's find Jing Liu first to see the situation!"

"Is someone messed up my beautiful dream? Why did Fu Xuan and Jing Liu join in?"

He had a hunch that his dream was not a false one.

He got up and readjusted his state, ready to see the specific situation of Jing Liu.

He felt that his dream was definitely related to Jing Liu.

As for the reason, he didn't know what the situation was, but it was definitely not wrong to find Jing Liu.

"Master, where are you going?"

As soon as he went out, Fu Xuan stood at the door with breakfast and watched Cheng Yu dress up.

"It's Fu Xuan!"

Seeing such a well-behaved little Fu Xuan, Cheng Yu's sense of self-blame inexplicably increased a lot.

In that dream, he actually dreamed that Fu Xuan took the initiative to confess to him.

Obviously, he thought that there was a very clear boundary between their master-disciple relationship.

Seeing Fu Xuan now, was he really hungry and chose Fu Xuan, or.........

Is he in love with Fu Xuan in a taboo relationship? But Jingliu..........how could it be possible.

This suspicion is tantamount to disturbing his Tao heart. He can no longer tell whether the relationship between him and Fu Xuan Jingliu can cross that threshold.

If it really crosses, what will Huang Quan think? Ruan Mei alone is difficult to deal with.

When Jingliu faces Huang Quan, it is clear that it is a one-sided numerical crushing.

"No, I just plan to go out for a walk!" Cheng Yu calmed down and shook his head: "Fu Xuan, you stay here first, I'll be back soon."

After a few simple words, he left the camp without looking back to find Jing Liu.

Only Fu Xuan, after seeing Cheng Yu leave, used telepathy to communicate with Jing Liu: "Master is coming, you should pay attention."


At noon, the sun was shining brightly.

Cheng Yu's eyes fell on Jing Liu who was training the Cloud Cavalry: "You don't look like a yandere at all!"

Her eyes were particularly hot, and she shouted the first rule of the Cloud Cavalry: "Guard the Immortal Boat, hold the weapons in your hands tightly, and you cannot drop your weapons in battle, because what you hold tightly in your hands is the Immortal Boat behind you, and your own life."

He stood there and watched until the hard work was over.

"Miss Jingliu!" In the afternoon, Cheng Yu, who had been waiting for a long time, came to Jingliu with a half-large watermelon in his arms: "The weather is very hot, let's eat a watermelon!"

"Thank you!" Jingliu was surprisingly calm, took the watermelon and held it in his mouth: "It's sweet!"

"Hahaha, really? My watermelon-shooting skills are still top-notch."

After a simple awkward chat, Cheng Yu still didn't find anything wrong.

"What did you come to me for?" Jingliu's question stunned Cheng Yu.

After thinking about it, Cheng Yu slightly revealed his thoughts: "I had a strange dream yesterday, and I want to discuss it with you."


Jingliu's strange eyes made him a little confused: "Isn't it her?"

At this point, he really didn't understand what Jingliu was thinking.

Now she is very calm.

Completely different from yesterday,Has she given up on pursuing him, or has she already let it go?

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