"In that case, I don't have to force it!"

As she said that, Nia forcibly pulled Cheng Yu out of the insect net.

Before Cheng Yu could recover and adapt to all this, several guards came towards him holding the iron spears tightly.

"Here, catch him!" Several councillors shouted loudly.

"Take me away! Go outside the wall and see how the cavalry live!"

"As for how you want to live, I have stuffed an unlimited card and identity card into your clothes."

"You can deal with it when the time comes."

Nia seemed to have anticipated the development of the matter and took the initiative to plan a way out for Cheng Yu.

"Or I will take you away!" Cheng Yu said.

His strength is not inferior to the entire Gramer, if it weren't for the order envoy who appeared.

It is a bit difficult to single-handedly brush the entire foreign race, but if he really wants to, he can do it.

"I know your ability, but I hope you can see the world outside the wall with your own eyes before making a decision."

"You saved me, which will only make the Iron Cavalry's experience even more miserable."

Nia shook her head and took the initiative to put Cheng Yu's thick hand around her neck.

"Damn it!" Several councils were furious when they saw Cheng Yu holding the puppets they controlled.

"I understand!"

He held Nia hostage to the corner of the wall, found a position, and jumped down from the sky.

"Damn it, you damn native! You really have no shame for me, right!"

Several councils punched and kicked Nia, not taking her seriously at all.

Grabbing Nia's hair, who was about to faint, he cursed: "Do you think we don't know that you brought a man with your power? What kind of threat can he bring to this republic?"

"But don't worry, it won't be long before we don't need you anymore."

"Because we will personally create a clone of you who will not rebel to take your place, and control nearly 100 million cavalry to continue to serve the republic."

"We will not show mercy until all of them die in battle."


"Is this the world outside the wall?"

After constantly dodging, he finally came to the world outside the wall that Nia mentioned.

Unlike the gentle republic inside, the world outside is devastated, with unclear mechas wandering everywhere.

"Keep looking!"

Flashing to the cavalry camp outside the wall very quickly, Cheng Yu, wearing a windbreaker, quietly watched the various divisions in the area.

Among them, in order to distinguish the racial differences, the cavalry are generally not allowed to come out privately, and the white hair mark symbolizes the cavalry clan.

"Is an oak cake so expensive?" Cheng Yu was slightly shocked.

He remembered that an oak cake worth 500,000 yuan only sold for ten silver coins in the Republic.

But he still bought it, just because he liked it.

He couldn't eat other food at all.

"Please arrange an address!"

He found a black marketeer and let him successfully sneak into the Iron Cavalry camp.

As for how to arrange it, the black marketeer has the final say.

The black marketeer sneered: "Of course, I will arrange it for you."

Sitting on the small bed in the tent of the camp, he was the only one sitting on the dead Iron Cavalry bed and began to enjoy the oak cake.

"It seems that we can't go together next time!"

At this moment, AR26 covered the wound on his arm and looked at Cheng Yu, who was wearing a windbreaker and sitting on her bed: "It seems that this is my bedmate?"

"Firefly?" Cheng Yu was surprised.

The eyes, facial features, and color of the colorful pupils were exactly the same as those of Firefly.

"No, not really!" Cheng Yu denied himself.

The firefly in front of him might just be a clone, not necessarily the real firefly.

"Hello, my name is AR26710, what's your name?" She sat beside Cheng Yu, looking at the oak cake in his hand with envy: "Wow! This cake is so expensive, I have to earn three years to buy one, I can't bear to buy it."

"My name is AR100086, just call me AR10!" Cheng Yu said in a female voice.

He seemed to be cheated by the black marketeers and was actually arranged to the battle camp of the female iron cavalry.

"Do you want to eat?" Cheng Yu gave a piece of oak cake to AR26.

"No, no, no, this cake is so expensive, I can't accept your kindness!" AR26 seemed to be frightened and shook her head and refused.

"It's okay! You're welcome!" He gave a piece of oak cake to the firefly-like woman in front of him.

He opened his mouth wide and took a piece of it, his expression twisted: "It tastes a bit bad!"

It's not that he is picky, but he feels that this cake seems to have been left for several days.

"I won't be polite then! |•'-'•)و✧" Liuying couldn't control her greedy expression.

Holding half a piece of oak cake, she looked satisfied: "It's delicious!"

"Then I'll give you this one too! If you don't mind." Cheng Yu also handed the oak cake he had eaten a small piece of to Liuying in front of him.

"No, no, no, I really can't be greedy!"

"You should eat it yourself, this cake is really expensive!"

The greedy Liuying wiped her saliva, staring at the oak cake in Cheng Yu's palm with an unsatisfied look.

She swallowed her saliva and pretended to be reserved.

"Uh...you eat it! I'm not hungry! I was full just now, this is just the leftovers."

Cheng Yu was bluffing for a while, but he really didn't have much appetite.

With his own realm, it was not a big problem to be hungry for a month.

Eating is just a habit.

"Really? I won't be polite then! "Liu Ying opened her mouth and took in the small cake that Cheng Yu had left.

"It seems that you are really hungry!" Cheng Yu said with a cold sweat: "What do you usually eat?"

"Huh? Aren't you a member of the Iron Cavalry?" Liu Ying chewed the oak cake in surprise.

"I just came here, I'm not familiar with it!" Cheng Yu said awkwardly.

"So that's it, that's it!" She took out a few insect legs from the soft bed: "For us Iron Cavalry, we eat insects to fill our stomachs. Although it's a bit unpalatable, it doesn't matter if we are full."

Cheng Yu: ".........."

"Can this be eaten?" Cheng Yu bit a small insect leg given by Liu Ying: "How can you swallow this?"

After taking a bite, Cheng Yu's eyes flashed with disbelief.

"Just get used to it. Not only us, but the people of the empire should also eat this, right?"

"Since we are Iron Cavalry, we should protect the people of the empire, and we feel honored for it. "

Liu Ying said with emotion.

Cheng Yu fell silent. If he told Liu Ying the truth, wouldn't she completely collapse?

What they are protecting is not the empire, but the "invaders" who have been seized by foreign races.

And they are protecting their own Republic of Gramer with a hint of honor, which is ridiculous.

"Um, it seems that there is cream on all ten of your fingers! (' - ' *)" Liu Ying pointed at the oak cake cream on Cheng Yu's fingers.

Cheng Yu waved his hand: "It's okay, just wash it off later!"

"No, no, no, it's too wasteful. The military regulations of the empire do not allow you to waste like this."

"Let me do it. "

The moment she opened her lips, Cheng Yu was stunned: "Hey, hey, hey...◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞"

She sucked on each of Cheng Yu's fingers, and her tongue greedily licked the remaining cream on Cheng Yu's fingers.

Sese's feeling made him unable to recover: "You are so lustful!"

"Okay!" Liuying smiled sweetly like a girlfriend: "Eat cleanly in the future, don't waste food."

Cheng Yu: "This... (꒪⌓꒪)"

"Everyone, go to sleep tonight, there is another mission to be performed tomorrow."

Soon, countless female cavalrymen swarmed into the room where Liuying and he were.

Some took off their clothes and slept naked, and some hugged each other and fell asleep.

There were a total of fifty female cavalrymen sleeping together in the shared camp.

"We should go to bed!" Liuying said.

"No, no, no! I want to leave! =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)" Cheng Yu was so scared that his face turned pale. If he was caught by these girls, he would be.........

However, Liuying grabbed Cheng Yu's arm and dragged him to the bed: "It's okay, you are new here, just adapt slowly, and I will be your sleeping partner, so I will take care of you more in the future!"

"Although the last partner has left, I was sad for a whole night and finally recovered."

"Hey, wait!" Cheng Yu struggled hard: "I'm not............"

Liuying buried Cheng Yu in her arms and comforted him with a smile: "It's okay, I understand, take your time, and we will get to know each other slowly in the future."

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