"Yes, I modified the genes of the Iron Cavalry, making the Iron Cavalry genes of their next generation completely recessive."

"In short, the children they give birth to in the future will be normal children of the Grammer Empire, and they will no longer have the genes of the Zerg."

"Also, my Zerg Network power has completely disappeared. This is the story of the new Grammer Empire, and they are the masters of their own house."

"As for what the Grammer Empire will become, I have almost taken care of it. As for what will happen in the future, who knows?"

"So, are you willing to come with me?"

And this is what Cheng Yu did his best to do.

His upper limit is just this.

Fireworks continued to bloom in the sky, and the colorful light reflected their faces.

Liuying's heart was like a bonfire, hot and bright. Her thoughts were flying, recalling every bit since she met Cheng Yu.

Those times spent together, whether laughter or tears, have become extremely precious and constantly intertwined at this moment.

"I do, Cheng Yu." Her eyes were filled with tears.

Cheng Yu hugged Liu Ying tightly, feeling her body temperature and heartbeat.

At this moment, it seemed that there were only the two of them in the world, and time seemed to have stopped flowing.

The fireworks continued to bloom, illuminating their embraced figures.

Liu Ying slowly raised her head and looked into Cheng Yu's eyes. At that moment, she seemed to see their future.

Liu Ying gently tiptoed, wrapped her arms around Cheng Yu's neck, and slowly brought her lips close to Cheng Yu's lips.

Cheng Yu was stunned at first, and then an indescribable joy and emotion surged in his heart.

He closed his eyes and welcomed Liu Ying's kiss.

"I love you, Cheng Yu!"

She continued to kiss passionately.


She seemed to taste something, and immediately pushed Cheng Yu down.

There was a lot of blood on the corner of her mouth.

No, this blood is Cheng Yu's.

"Cheng Yu, what's wrong with you? Why is there so much blood on your mouth? ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞"

She hurriedly checked Cheng Yu's injuries in panic.

Cheng Yu waved his hand, and still kept smiling despite the pain in his chest: "It's okay, don't worry."

At the moment of the onset of the disease, he no longer knew whether it was right or wrong to collect fireflies.

At the same time, outside the planet-

Ten Thousand Insects Conference.

There were hundreds of insects discussing something in a galaxy.

Although the species were different, they all had the power granted by the same star god, and they were also the races blessed by the breeding star god.

This was also the only race with the most orders. Because of the breeding destiny, the power of the orders was naturally much greater.

The so-called breeding is not just as simple as constantly creating insects. Inheriting and cultivating the next breeding star god is also a kind of breeding destiny.

This is also the responsibility of Tazyuros.

Compared with the seven-day hunting patrol of the immortal boat, there are hundreds of breeding orders.

Because too much power was allocated to his own emissaries, the power of the breeding star god was also the weakest among the star gods.

He was beaten to death by the Amber King for his own reasons.

This was also the plan of the breeding star god Tasyuros. Training an heir was also the duty of his destiny.

The fall of the breeding star god also led to the constant civil war among the insect emissaries.

In order to upgrade their power, the Zerg must be unified, and hundreds of emissaries must reach the consciousness of recognizing a king.

Start a conversation with a common language.

{Tyron King Worm: My race was slaughtered by these half-human, half-insect guys. }

{Central King Worm: Who isn't? And the puppet councillor I supported was also killed. He said that he had not sent us enough 10 million cavalry every year. }

{Central King Worm: I heard yesterday that they were exterminated. What a pity. They also like to kill each other like us. }

{Blood Thorn King Worm: Which Zerg are these? Are they considered insects using our genes? }

{Centipede King: I can feel that there is a Commander in that human, and he has the qualification to compete for the power of reproduction. }

{Ghost King: What? Commander? These lowly fake insects actually have Commanders? How could our God give the human race with half-insect genes the qualification of Commanders and power? }

{Ghost King: God gives us power in order to let us regain his power in the competition. }

{Centipede King: I didn’t say that our God gave it to us. It may be the ability given by other gods. }

{Soul Devouring King: So, do you think these can shake our trillions of insect swarms? We are not united, and in the end there is only one qualification to compete. }

{Tyron King: I understand it deeply. I hate those things. I think we must unite to deal with that inferior insect {Grammer Empire}. }

{Hundred Ghost KingBug: What? Union, you think too much! The Zerg race is not unified, they will only kill each other. Everyone wants to obtain the power of God and call on all the insects. }

{Hundred Ghost King: Why don’t you go and fight, I will just pick up the leaks by the way. }

{Tyron King: But they are despicable and use the power of technology instead of the rules of the insects fighting. Then we should have the existence of erasure. These half-human, half-insect guys are not worthy of competing for the power of God. }

{Star Devouring King: It is indeed worth it, so who will fight first? }

{Hundred Ghost King: That’s right, when the Orders fight, they will either die or be disabled. There are many old six among them. It will be bad if they steal the home. }

{Steel Armor King: It’s simple. We have hundreds of Orders together to kill the opponent, and we don’t have to worry about any problems. }

{Star Devouring King: Hundreds of Orders fight one Order, is this what the little insect brain is thinking? }

{Tyron King Worm: What else? If several emissaries fight and beat one, accidents may happen. Why don't hundreds of emissaries just surround and beat one emissary? We don't have to worry about any emissary getting skinned. }

{Centaur King Worm: This time, we naturally have to kill all the species that look like insects and are human. This has seriously violated the philosophy of the Zerg. }

{Centaur King Worm: Just as they said, inferior species must be eliminated. }

{Steel Armor King Worm: That makes sense. This time, all our emissaries will go out together to kill this kind of alternative. When we meet again in the future, we will be enemies. In this way, we can prevent other Zerg from backstabbing. }

Soon, the wings of the king-level stinging insects flapped, as if beating his desk, to decide Grammer's life or death.


One year later——

"Military parade, start!"

Cheng Yu stood at the highest point of the empire, accompanied by Liuying, and began to conquer the outside world.

Since it was a space battle, the Iron Cavalry was basically useless, and the fleet had to rely on its strength to fight against the Zerg tide.

And this was Grammer's last battle.

Either be devoured by the Zerg, or win the victory over the Zerg.

The fleet built by 50 million Iron Cavalry in a year was not a pushover.

All resources were sponsored and used by Boshizun.

In addition, time was tight, and there were only a million ships, so it was no problem to fight against a swarm of 10 billion Zerg.

But in fact, the real combat power was himself.

Because the number of Zerg can no longer be compared in units of 100 million, but in huge numbers such as trillions and kilometres.

Because of this, he needed to take advantage of the Zerg envoys' lack of defense and use the strongest blow to annihilate the Zerg's strongest main force together.

Of course, this was a stupid act.

He had to do it secretly, and he couldn't let them find out that he was also an envoy.

"Cheng Yu, is the war starting now?"

Liuying looked at the millions of imperial citizens standing on the fleet, and their mighty momentum was like a tiger army.

To be honest, she was shocked.

It took a year to build such a powerful elite, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he is a god or a savior.

"Well, we are fully prepared for the war now."

"Raise the army for a hundred days and use it for a moment!"

He looked at the 50 million people of the empire and felt quite emotional.

He raised his arm again and declared war in the name of the king: "Dear people of the empire, now is the time for us to fight back."

"The ancestors of all generations have failed to win the battle against the Zerg tide for hundreds of years, resulting in the Gramer Empire not seeing the blue sky."

"We have experienced a hundred years of destruction by the cruel people of the Republic. Now, the Zerg tide is constantly suppressing our living circle."

"Now, we have to fight back and disperse the Zerg on our planet. We have to attack. Now millions of lions are united."

"Behind you is your empire and your newborn children."

"Please remember, this battle can only be won, not lost!"

"Must win!"

Cheng Yu raised his hand and shouted.

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