"Not bad, the reaction is quite fast. Between knowing and not knowing, you choose these two."

Jackdaw and Xueyi praised Cheng Yu's emergency response.

"You are joking! In Luofu, everyone knows your real name!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

He has not had time to adapt to the environment of Luofu yet, how come he came to Luofu as soon as he slept?

This is just like coming to the Gramer Empire suddenly, there is no chance to react at all!

"Could it be that I am reborn again?"

While guessing, he can feel that the power of the wisdom in his body is still there.

This also indirectly proves that he is still in the simulation of the first life, instead of being tied to the prison by the Jackdaw sisters in reality.

The only thing he doesn't understand is how he came to Luofu? And personally delivered it to the Jackdaw sisters.

Where is Huangquan? Where did Liuying go?

A series of questions were not explained in time.

"Really? ʕ⊝⍛⊝ʔ**"

Xueyi questioned.

They had never met Cheng Yu before, but they spoke so fluently when they called their names.

"Brother Cheng Yu, is it really you?"

Jackdaw gently stroked his cheek.

Whether it was his facial features or his appearance, he was almost exactly the same as Cheng Yu in the past.

"Miss Judge, harassing men is against the law!"

Cheng Yu was slightly surprised and surprised by Jackdaw's sudden behavior, and tried to distance himself from him with a teasing look.

The same look was exactly the same when Jing Liu first saw him.

It's just that he is smarter now than ever.

Now that he sees the two of them, he can't recognize them again, his harem is on fire and can't be put out, and he can't cause trouble for himself anymore.

"Okay, what's your name?" Jackdaw, who was just warm, immediately switched to Judge's lifeless little face.

"Xiao Cheng!" Cheng Yu said coaxingly.

"Xiao Cheng?" Xue Yi calmly took out the Gramer Empire's ID card from his pocket and muttered: "Cheng Yu, the supreme ruler of the Gramer Empire, so which of the two names is it?"

The two judges looked back and forth at Cheng Yu, and it was not difficult to see that there was definitely something wrong with Cheng Yu.

Many doubts could not be explained, but they could distinguish the truth from every detail and find the truth.

"I have two names, Xiao Cheng is more intimate."

"You didn't ask me my real name, right?"

Cheng Yu, who was caught, could only explain his situation politely.

But the two didn't think so. From the time he was defined as Cheng Yu, he was already the target of their bite.

"Leniency for confession, severity for resistance!" Jackdaw then took out the Jade Zhao card of the Jade Que Immortal Boat: "This jade card is only owned by the Grand Diviner of the Jade Que Immortal Boat. According to our investigation, you are exactly the same as the missing Grand Diviner. What is your relationship with him?"

Xue Yi nodded: "Now you have three identities. Before you explain, we will not let go of anyone who threatens the Immortal Boat."

"Now you are allowed to think about it carefully, which is also an option for you to leave."

Cheng Yu: "............"

With a snap, the door of the prison was locked tightly, not allowing Cheng Yu to escape at all.

The iron chains that bound his limbs had been untied, but the shackles on his feet locked Cheng Yu's movements.

And they naturally exposed all of Cheng Yu's past before he left.

"Leave directly or?"

Cheng Yu was still thinking about whether to leave directly.

With his own strength, leaving is not a difficult task.

If he left, his vision would be discovered by Jingliu and Fu Xuan, and he would also be wanted by Xianzhou.

Liuying's figure was completely missing, and no one was there to pick him up.

He was imprisoned in the Prison of Ghostly Prison right after waking up, and this start made him a little confused.


At this moment, Fu Xuan had already visited the imprisoned Cheng Yu in the Prison of Ghostly Prison.

"Fu Xuan!"

Cheng Yu was dizzy again. It was fine if he was caught by the Jackdaw sisters, but how did Fu Xuan know of his existence?

"What did you go through during this period?"

Cheng Yu felt a headache, and the twists and turns of the matter were a little beyond his expectations.

The current Fu Xuan seemed to be no different from the previous Fu Xuan.

The cute and pleading appearance was very different from the sick Fu Xuan he imagined.

No, the Fu Xuan in front of him was not sickly, and he was still the little Fu Xuan who was an obedient disciple from beginning to end.

"Master, it's really you!"

Fu Xuan was so anxious that he almost cried, but the cage array prevented the close contact between the two, and they could only see each other through a wall.

"Assholes! I will fight those Ten Kings!"

Fu Xuan was throwing a tantrum and knocking on the cage array.door.

"It's okay, I didn't do anything wrong, I'll be released after a few days!"

At this point, Cheng Yu can only choose to go through the review process of the Ten Kings Division.

And this is not the first time he has come to Xianzhou, so he must naturally abide by this rule.

Besides, he didn't do anything wrong, he can come out after going through the process of the Ten Kings Division, and Jackdaw and Xueyi probably can't find anything.

After all, only a few people know about the theory of reincarnation.

They will never know that he is Cheng Yu in their life.

Except for some cheating heroines who deliberately leaked the secrets, basically no matter how they investigate, they can only use coincidence to explain this phenomenon.

"Fu Xuan, I was not here during this time, so nothing should have happened, right?"

Since you are here, make the best of it.

Cheng Yu conceded that he came to Luofu, which seemed to be in line with his plan.

After all, there is only this little time left. If he doesn't go to Xianzhou, Jingliu will really come to kill her husband in the next simulation.

Although the one-month relationship with Huang Quan came to an end, Huang Quan's so-called happiness was basically satisfied for a short time.

Liuying... He is very worried now.

He didn't know where he went. He was left on the Luofu Fairy Boat and there was no trace of his whereabouts.

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