Yu Wan'er and Ye Mengyao went out shopping.

Even Chen Ningshuang, Qin Qiaoqiao and Bai Jie were dragged along...

Although these girls are all Jiang Che's women, they get along quite well.

Of course, the one who contributed the most is Yu Wan'er!

This little Lolita has put a lot of effort into the stability of Jiang Che's harem, and as the group's favorite, she has played a mediating role in the middle.

Yu Wan'er is really cute, and has a very high EQ, and is also very good at acting coquettish~

No one can refuse a petite, cute and coquettish little Lolita, even girls can't refuse.

Jiang Che is quite relieved when these girls go out.

After all, Chen Ningshuang and Dong'er are both Grandmasters, one is a mid-stage Grandmaster and the other is a late-stage Grandmaster. This lineup is luxurious, and there will be no danger if the Grandmaster does not come out.


In front of Shen Yu's house.

There was no one at home. Shen Yu was only wearing a thin nightgown, her hair was scattered wantonly, and she was wearing a pair of sandals on her white jade feet.

She looked full of laziness.

The girl was sitting on the swing in front of the courtyard, worrying about dinner.

Should she order takeout or cook it herself?

The genius girl was not proficient in everything. For example, cooking was her worst thing. The last time she tried to cook, she almost blew up the kitchen.

On Shen Yu's thigh, there was an orange-yellow tabby cat lying, looking like an oversized soybean.

And at this moment, a voice came into her ears.

"Miss Shen Yu, have you eaten dinner?"

The ghost-like voice came into Shen Yu's ears.

But Shen Yu looked up and looked around for a long time, but still couldn't see the owner of the voice.

Just when she was confused, her legs were suddenly held by someone.

But when she lowered her head, she couldn't see anyone at all!

If it were an ordinary person, they would have been scared to death by this haunted scene, but Shen Yu looked quite calm.

"Jiang Che, I know it's you"

As soon as Shen Yu finished speaking, Jiang Che lifted his invisible state, sat down next to Shen Yu, and pulled the girl into his arms with his big hands.


The tabby cat was so scared that its fur stood up, as if it had seen a ghost.

[Invisible? How did he do this? Did he apply some optical material on his clothes? ]

[But it's impossible to be completely invisible, right? ]

After listening to Shen Yu's thoughts, Jiang Che was overjoyed.

He suddenly found a way to discipline Shen Yu.

Aren't you a staunch scientist?

If I use the ability of an ancient warrior, how will you explain it?

A person who says he respects science saw another person fly away with a sword with his own eyes. That kind of shock... Jiang Che felt excited just thinking about it.

Maybe in the end, I can teach Shen Yu to become a ancient warrior.

"How is it? Did I surprise you with this?"

Jiang Che's big hand was around Shen Yu's thin waist, and his hand was not honest.

He heard that Shen Yu rejected the invitation of Yan University two days ago and applied for Z University instead. This is intriguing.

What does this mean?

Xiao Yuer has taken the bait!

So Jiang Che should take the initiative?

"Are you... invisible?" Shen Yu frowned.

Jiang Che snapped his fingers and smiled, "Yes, it's invisible, baby, you are so smart"

After that, Jiang Che shamelessly kissed the girl on the cheek.

Shen Yu stared at Jiang Che seriously.

"How did you do it?"

Jiang Che laughed, "Of course it's my system, there are still many things you don't know"

Shen Yu was automatically immune to Jiang Che's teasing. She was an absolutely rational girl and it was impossible for her to be moved so easily.


Shen Yu nodded gently. If it was the system, it could be explained. The system should have used some advanced optical technology to deceive human visual senses and create the illusion of invisibility.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm sorry, classmate Shen Yu. I really didn't mean to get the first place. Your system task won't fail, right?"

Jiang Che was a green tea as soon as he opened his mouth. Even Shen Yu was angry.

Seeing Shen Yu didn't say anything, Jiang Che increased his intensity again.

"Xiao Yu'er, I heard that you gave up recruiting at Yan University? Instead, you came to Z University? I knew you had me in your heart~"

Since Shen Yu met Jiang Che, he realized how thick a person's face could be!

"Jiang Che, it's just an ordinary transaction between us. You provide me with information and I provide you with a body. I told you in advance... It's impossible for me to fall in love with anyone""Haha, the last person who said he wouldn't fall in love with me is already dead set on me"

Jiang Che didn't take Shen Yu's words to heart at all.

Think about Chen Ningshuang, wasn't she desperate back then?

But what about now? On average, she has to drag Jiang Che to practice every two or three days, she wants to improve so much!

Shen Yu didn't say anything, she was hungry~~~


Coincidentally, a sound of hunger rang out.

"You can go, I should eat"

Jiang Che smiled with a conspiracy when he heard it, he came just in time for dinner!

He was very confident in his cooking skills, no one could refuse his god-level cooking skills, Shen Yu was no exception.

"It just so happens that I am now your boyfriend, I will cook for a while, we will have a candlelight dinner... I won't leave tonight"

Shen Yu's mouth twitched, she was a little angry with Jiang Che.

"You can't stay here, I'm on my period today"

But Jiang Che laughed out loud, "Shen Yu, your excuse is too lame, isn't it? Didn't your period just end four days ago?"

"You——" Shen Yu was numb, how could this man know even her most private things?

"As for me, I know a little bit about medical skills"

Jiang Che is a man with god-level Chinese medicine skills, do you know the value of god-level skills?

Look, smell, ask, and feel, a mere menstrual period is naturally no problem.

"Man is iron, rice is steel, and you will be hungry if you don't eat. You will have the strength to work only when you are full."

Jiang Che shamelessly broke into Shen Yu's house and pulled Shen Yu to the kitchen.

He started to tinker with it.

Soon, bursts of fragrance floated in the kitchen.

If you want to capture a woman's heart, you must first capture her stomach, and figuring out her needs is the most important thing!

Shen Yu just stood at the door of the kitchen, watching Jiang Che busying around, and a small crack appeared in her calm heart again.

Shen Yu is indeed absolutely rational, and it is almost impossible for her to fall in love with someone. This character may be innate!

Her heart is like being sealed by thick cement.

And Jiang Che is hammering her heart again and again.

Although rational, she is still just a person after all, and it is impossible for her to be truly ruthless.

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