"Oh? What's their strength? Breaking Heaven Stage!"

Jiang Che smiled.

"Breaking... Breaking Heaven Stage?"

Chen Ningshuang's little head was buzzing.

This touched on her blind spot. Although she had read all kinds of ancient books and knew all about the practice of ancient martial artists, her highest level of understanding was the Grandmaster, which was the so-called Heavenly Strength!

She also knew that the Grandmaster was not the end of ancient martial arts practice, but it had always been referred to as a legendary realm.

"That's right, above the Grandmaster is the Breaking Heaven Stage, which is a key step towards becoming a martial god."

Jiang Che smiled and looked at Chen Ningshuang. Where did Chen Ningshuang buy this nightgown?

Especially when looking at it from the side, the half-covered and half-exposed figure of the girl was simply enough to make one's nose bleed wildly, and it was life-threatening!

"Martial God?"

Every word aroused Chen Ningshuang's curiosity to a great extent.

Jiang Che took Chen Ningshuang into his arms and began to tell her what the Breaking Heaven Stage and the so-called God-communicating Realm were!

The more Chen Ningshuang talked, the more excited she became. She now had a new goal!

To reach the realm of martial arts god-communicating.

Of course, Chen Ningshuang is now very sensible. It is obviously difficult to accomplish it with her own talent.

Only with Jiang Che... can she glimpse the realm of the peak of martial arts!

"Jiang Che... help me, please? I want to become a Valkyrie. Then you will be a 'God Knight'!"

Jiang Che: "..."

Oh my god, who did this girl learn from? Did she awaken some kind of vixen attribute?

Who can bear this?

Anyway, Jiang Che can't bear it!


Ye Qing regained his confidence.

Although the parts no longer belong to him, and even the offspring born in the future will belong to others, Ye Qing is not afraid. Anyway, he doesn't care about his offspring. He just wants to become stronger!

"Hehe...Jiang family in Beijing, right? Sooner or later, I will get back at this place."

Ye Qing clenched his fists tightly.

Slowly raising his eyes, he was surrounded by large urban buildings.

"Time flies so fast? I was only 6 years old when I left home, and now 20 years have passed. Dragon Country has developed so rapidly!"

Ye Qing began to sigh.

As he thought about it, he felt hungry. "Hey, only when you are promoted to the Breaking Heaven Stage can you achieve the ability of fasting. There is still a long way to go on the road of cultivation."

As he said that, he walked into a small restaurant, ordered a few dishes, and soon began to feast.

But an embarrassing thing happened soon. When he was ready to pay the bill... he touched his pocket and found that he had no money!

How could Ye Qing, a little scoundrel who had just entered the secular world, have money on him?

What's more, scanning code payment is now popular in Dragon Country. All of this is too advanced for Ye Qing.

The owner of the restaurant narrowed his eyes when he saw Ye Qing's embarrassing situation.

"What? You don't want to eat for free, do you?"

Ye Qing was instantly angry, "Do I look like someone who eats for free?"

He just didn't have money!

The next second, a ghostly voice came into his ears.

"Little brother, do you have no money to eat?"

"Who!!!" Ye Qing suddenly jumped up, and the violent internal force in his body poured out.

As a result, he looked up and saw a middle-aged man in a blue turtleneck suit staring at him with a smile.

Ye Qing's heart was instantly alarmed!

How did this guy appear next to him? ? ?

You know, he is a powerful master of the Grand Master, although he was crippled... but now his strength is slowly recovering. Even a Grand Master of the Grand Master can't appear quietly next to him!

Could it be... this person is the Grand Master of the Jiang Family in Beijing?

[Damn Jiang Family in Beijing, it's been a day or two and you still don't let me go? 】

The man in the suit saw Ye Qing's nervous look and smiled warmly, then asked the restaurant owner next to him.

"Little brother, I'll pay for your meal!"

Arrogant, very arrogant!

Ye Qing was numb, but he still had a sense of vigilance in his heart.

"Give me your phone--"

"Mobile phone... What mobile phone?" Ye Qing was confused, but the next second... He felt as if he was touched all over his body, and the speed was so fast... that he, a former master, was shocked.

The man in the suit frowned, "No mobile phone?"

"What did you do to me?" Ye Qing was emotionally broken.

Is this... Is this the secular world?

When he was released from prison, his ninth master once said: Just break in.Well, the ceiling of the combat power in the secular world is the peak of the Grandmaster, and you will soon be invincible.

But now it seems...invincible is a hammer!

Any passerby is unfathomable.

"No mobile phone? But this can't stop me!" The man's smile is still warm.

"Sir, how about you cooperate with me and take a few photos of you? I need to scan the face for recognition..."

"What face scanning..."

"Scanned!" The man's smile became deeper and deeper, and another order was made!

But soon, the smile on his face solidified.

"Wanted criminal? I'm going to fucking!" This is the first time he has been so defensive!

Think of him as a loan man. The loans he has handled are at least 8,000 if not 10,000. This is the first time he has failed, and his mentality is very broken!

The original smile disappeared in an instant, and he took out his mobile phone and made a call directly.

"Hello, is this the police? I'm the wanted criminal 07214. I found out that a guy is wanted by you when I was applying for a loan for him. Please arrest him immediately. I'm at XXX Street, No. XXX Road."

After saying that, the man hung up the phone and disappeared like the wind.

Only Ye Qing was left with a confused look on his face.

"What the hell?"

Although he was confused, Ye Qing instinctively sensed the danger and it was very likely that they were here to arrest him.

So he slipped away.


A few hours later, on the side of a road in a suburb.

Ye Qing poked his head out of the sewer.

"This secular world is really ridiculous. I, a great master, would be wanted?"

"But I still need money. This secular world... is really vulgar. I can't even take a single step without money!"

"But do you really think I, Ye Qing, am a poor bastard?"

Ye Qing's mouth twisted. One of his 18 masters was rich enough to rival a country. He left him a large amount of gold, silver, and jewelry in the secular world, and there were countless antique collections!

There were hundreds of tons of gold alone!

As for the police's wanted list? Ye Qing laughed. One of his 18 masters was a master of body movements and was proficient in Qimen Dunjia. The police couldn't catch him at all!

ps: The photo of the kitten girl's soybean powder has been posted in Chapter 284

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