"It's okay!"

Huang Quan held the crystal clear peach in her mouth, thinking about many things in her heart, and the slight sweetness in her mouth was mixed with a hint of bitterness.

When she sent an email to Cheng Yu to request his response, she didn't expect that her email was directly blocked by Cheng Yu.

She didn't understand the purpose of Cheng Yu's doing this: "Cheng Yu, are you playing with fire?"

She restrained her temper, and she had already thought of a way to torture Cheng Yu.

Fifty years was a lonely torture for her.

Facing the destruction of her hometown, as the only living person in her hometown, she never wanted to die directly.

But thinking of the person she loved, she chose to live alone, and with the power of two world-destroying and world-saving fires, she was completely invincible.

Far exceeded any order, even exceeded the upper limit of Huang Quan in the plot.

With this obsession, she lived for fifty years, maintaining her original appearance, and sealed her memory in this sword of nothingness.

Only the last obsession is left forever hidden in the depths of her memory.

She will never forget the taste of being betrayed, and the pain of backstabbing will accompany her throughout her life.

She will not kill Cheng Yu, she wants Cheng Yu to taste the taste of loneliness and persistent love for the next fifty years.

"You don't look very well!"

The old man continued to burn firewood, and no matter how strong the fire was, he could not feel the slightest warmth.

He could feel Huang Quan's deep obsession: "Can you tell me the story?"

Huang Quan explained vaguely: "A person I like abandoned me and left, but I lived alone."

"This is really an interesting story, do you still love him now?" The old man asked tentatively.

"Love, I support myself to live until now because I like him." Huang Quan also asked affirmatively.

Then, the old man stopped talking too much, and his skinny and dry bloody hand was placed on his thigh.

"Let's go to the headquarters of Star Company!"

Huang Quan, who made a choice, chose the next one as his starting point.

Even if he was blocked, it was not difficult to find Cheng Yu. As long as the company located the address where Cheng Yu sent the email, Cheng Yu would have no chance to escape.

No matter where he was, she was determined to go all the way.

Even if it was the headquarters of the Legion of Destruction, or the stronghold of the Fengrao people, etc.

She acted indifferent, and any obstacles could not affect her ability to find Cheng Yu.

She chose negotiation at the beginning. If she failed, she would suppress them with absolute power.

Early morning——

Countless bloody sin spirits went to their end under the extradition of Huangquan.

The old man put on his bamboo hat again, and his empty eyes fell on the last bloody sin spirit that was successfully extradited by Huangquan.

"Thank you for helping them get relief. The will of the hunting ranger can finally be calmed."

"It's okay. I am just a victim of nothingness. The sea water gradually dissipates. I believe that the sky will clear up in the end."

"However, the rain has not stopped yet."

"Perhaps, it is because there are still people whose regrets have not been calmed."

"Then... who else has not been calmed?"

At this moment, Huang Quan's purple eyes stared at the lifeless old man on the bamboo hat.

His whole body was like a skinny mummy, and the black aura of nothingness enveloped his body, causing him to become a blood sin spirit.

"So... I'm dead!" The old man guessed something: "Are you taking me away?"

Yes, he can still survive without food or water for a year. He knows what his current situation is.

Now under Huang Quan's gaze, he knows that he is also a blood sin spirit with residual soul consciousness.


"Mikhail, can I still see them?"

"Yes, I will carry your story and wishes with me, and let this dead sea know a last wish."

"Is that so! Then take me away, can I ask a meaningless question?"


"This sentence may be meaningless, but I still want to remember you, and maybe I will forget this conversation in the next second."

"Then what is a meaningless question?"

"Before I leave, can you tell me your name?"

"Some things are hard for me to remember, and some things I will always remember, my name... Raiden Wangchuanshou Meiyi."


"Now, go meet Huang Quan!"

After a few days, Cheng Yu established Huang Quan's new departure point.

That is the headquarters of Star Company.

He probably guessed something, Huang Quan probably planned to use his own means to get his location IP from Star Company.

Although he could change it, he finally gave up, because it was right to meet sooner or later.In order to meet Huang Quan once, he made sufficient preparations.

Disguising his appearance and changing his voice were essential, and even the escape route was planned.

"Now, let's plan to set off!"

Before this, he had used Ruan Mei's blood to clone a body of Ruan Mei for emergency use.

Although the clone is different from the original body, it is also what he can treat in a short time.

He also set up the corresponding program. If he can't come back in half a year, this machine will carry out the brain consciousness plan according to the plan he set.

In this way, it is an insurance for Ruan Mei, which effectively avoids unnecessary changes.

"I may be away for a while!"

In addition to Ruan Mei, there is also Kakawa Qiu who he doesn't know how to face.

He promised that Huang Quan would not kill him, but he could not guarantee that he could come back smoothly.

However, he was willing to take a risk for Ruan Mei once, so as to completely solve the cause of her illness.

"How long will you be gone?"

Kakawa Qiu's heart twitched, and he grabbed Cheng Yu's arm vaguely uneasy.

"One year!"

Cheng Yu said calmly.


Kakawaqiu chose to resist for the first time.

Because she could see that Cheng Yu's eyes were uneasy, not as calm as before.

"I will come back! Is half a year okay?"

Cheng Yu tried to persuade Kakawaqiu.

"I won't agree to you." Kakawaqiu was firm.

Cheng Yu was a little convinced by her. He knew what Kakawaqiu was thinking better than anyone else.

"What are you going to do?"


Cheng Yu lifted Kakawaqiu's delicate body with a princess hug.

"What are you going to do, bastard Cheng Yu!"

Kakawaqiu struggled hard.

Cheng Yu was still unmoved until he threw Kakawaqiu onto the bed, and his shirt fell off.

"Chengyu, what are you going to do?"

Under the violent tearing, the pieces of clothing fell all over the floor.

This overturned Kakawaqiu's perception of Cheng Yu.

At this moment, Cheng Yu's majestic body gradually pressed down, and the two pairs of eyes looked at each other: "I will compensate you, just promise me once!"

He gave Kakawaqiu an answer, and she no longer had any regrets.

And Ruan Mei would wait until the time came to compensate.

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